Thread Number: 44423  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Converting a $10 central vacuum into something else
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Post# 462275   4/12/2023 at 23:36 (558 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        

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Hey guys, so I have a old Hills Central vacuum, the motor and the electrics all still work, but I知 actually wanting to turn this vacuum into something similar how one of them Aqua air central vacuums work, It痴 a pretty similar design, with a cyclone style inlet, shield that set about 1 inch from where the old filter cartridge used to sit, and yes I have tested it sucking up water and it does a fantastic job, I知 potentially gonna get me a float switch so when the water fills up the bottom of the container a pump turned on to suck the water out, and I知 gonna be re-using a sink pump that I brought from home Depot As I can unscrew the old pressure switch and even put a vacuum gauge there, the other reason why I have taken the motor and the electrics out is because I want to put a 2.2 kW side channel blower instead of the small three stage motor that痴 installed, Plus I知 potentially thinking about even building a coin operated automotive carpet shampooer and using that vacuum as the water separator

Post# 462276 , Reply# 1   4/13/2023 at 00:53 (558 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

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You have a proper staged motor. You can just thread on a hose adaptor putting it on the bottom and run it down the floor drain. Gravity never turns off sub pumps do.
The pump would be good for an overflow pump.

Post# 462277 , Reply# 2   4/13/2023 at 02:38 (558 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        
I guess part of the reason why that I want to use a pump

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Is because that way it could have an almost unlimited capacity, and you are right, I did think about using gravity, and so I might actually decided instead of using a pump I could just put in allIs because that way it could have an almost unlimited capacity, and you are right, I did think about using gravity, and so I might actually decided instead of using a pump I could Put in a float switch that way when the water level is high enough it値l shut off the vacuum and dump

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