Thread Number: 44391  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Gaia 8800
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Post# 462056   4/4/2023 at 22:39 (566 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        

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Hey guys just getting an update on my Gaia 8800, the good news is the motor is the issue not the vacuum itself so that means that the controls probably still work, I went down to the vacuum cleaner store yesterday and they said they might be able to get a motor today but I haven’t heard back from them It’s supposedly a 1000 to 1200 W motor with tangential discharge

I’m going to be putting a connector onto the wires where the vacuum motor used to go so that way in case the motor stops working again I don’t have to cut any wires and I can just unscrew them

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