Thread Number: 44364  /  Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Kenmore Model #116.2396182 Canister Vacuum For Sale
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Post# 461770   3/26/2023 at 21:00 (575 days old) by dave21793md (Middletown, MD)        

Recently cleaned out my Father's house and found his old Kenmore Canister Vacuum (model# 116.2396182), and would like to find it a good home for someone that can either restore it or use it for parts.

In terms of canister condition, the casing could use a good cleaning, and one of the hinge tabs on the attachment cover is broken. The dusting attachment also is missing. The end of the cord going into the plug is also a bit frayed.

The hose and the sweeper head are a different story -- The hose has completely disintegrated, and the power cord to the head had been cut off at some point. The metal wand is in good condition though.

But it fired right up for me, sounds really good, and has good suction, which is why I hoping someone on this board can make good use of it.

Given its current state, and from other pricing I have seen online, I'd like to get $60 for it, but am open to offers.

I am located in Middletown, MD and would be willing to deliver in the DC/Baltimore Metro Area. Would also be willing to ship provided buyer covers the costs.

Pictures are included here, and if you go to the link below, you can see a video of the vacuum running on Google Photos.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO dave21793md's LINK

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Post# 461818 , Reply# 1   3/28/2023 at 10:44 (573 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
$60 for that Kenmore - you ARE joking, right?! Look, no offence, but you basically just said that everything but the canister and the wands are junk. The powerhead cord was likely cut off because it was dead. And even the canister itself needs work!

Do yourself a favor - if you REALLY want that old Kenmore gone, cut your price down to $20 and not only list it here, but on Craigslist. $60 is totally unrealistic for a vacuum in that condition - you can walk into WalMart and buy a new Bissell Powerforce bagless upright for what you want for that old Kenmore, so why would anyone buy it? Good luck.

Post# 461835 , Reply# 2   3/28/2023 at 21:31 (573 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Although in a less demeaning tone, I do agree $60 is far too much. You won't even get that much for one new in box. This was a low-end model and is of little interest to a collector. The condition is pretty vile and I bet it smells like mouse urine and dirt as well based on how it looks. The powered hose alone for a model this old would be at least $80 or more for a GENERIC hose.

I'd either ask $10 for it or give it away for free. There is no money to be made on this.

Post# 461848 , Reply# 3   3/29/2023 at 08:35 (573 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
"--but am open to offers."

First I agree that $60 is to much.But before we criticize and imagine that we can smell odors from a picture(bag compartment actually looks cleaner than most)we might want to consider--
-Here is someone making an effort to find "good home" for an 80s vac by contacting a vac collector group.
-He includes honest description and good pics.
-He may have seen very high prices elsewhere.
-He plainly states"open to offers".
-I have seen many Sears vacs and my guess would be that this could be low mileage as it could have been used until hose started to break and then replaced with new vac without replacing hose.Just a guess.
-The 3 small attachments could have value to someone here.Or the rest of the vac.If so the seller could be contacted an an offer made.If not why criticize someone offering a collectors item to a collector group?!?

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