Thread Number: 44239  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Looking to buy Fantom Lightning and Cyclone XT attachments/parts
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Post# 460537   2/22/2023 at 14:40 (607 days old) by WilliamNilliam (Michigan)        

williamnilliam's profile picture
Hello everyone, I'm in search of an attachment set for a Fantom Lightning (dusting brush, crevice tool, upholstery tool).

Also looking for the dusting brush and hard floor nozzle for a Cyclone XT. In addition to that an upright lock pedal assembly also for an XT.

Post# 460992 , Reply# 1   3/6/2023 at 01:28 (596 days old) by Gregg33 (Port Colborne)        

I will keep my eyes open for you. I live only about 3 miles from the old factory, so on occasion various Fantom's do pop up on Kijiji and the like, although I still am in search of a crevice tool for my Cyclone XT and all the tools other than the brush for my Fury.

Post# 461880 , Reply# 2   3/30/2023 at 10:32 (571 days old) by WilliamNilliam (Michigan)        

williamnilliam's profile picture
I appreciate you looking. Still nothing at this point. Oddly I've been able to find the Lightning Hard Floor Tool and Mini Powerhead, the two incredibly rare optional attachments, but not the standard attachment set that came with the machine.

As far as the Cyclone XT I'm mainly just keeping my eye out for an entire machine since while mine does work its a bit rough and would like to have a better example if one pops up, but am still interested in the parts I need if they come up.

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