Thread Number: 44229  /  Tag: Other Home Products or Autos
Electrolux Clean Sweep Chips
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Post# 460476   2/20/2023 at 14:10 (600 days old) by churchjanitor2 (GREAT FALLS)        

Since Aerus Electrolux is no longer making the original scented Clean Sweep chips, what is the modern equivalent that smells similar?

The new lemon scent by Aerus is not pleasant.

Post# 460484 , Reply# 1   2/20/2023 at 16:49 (600 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Thank you!
I could have sworn they had a different scent, back when my parents bought their first Electrolux.
I even contacted Aerus once, and they told me the scent has always been, and continues to be lemon.
I don't know what the original scent was, but I did like it better.
That being said, I still use the current ones. I don't dislike the scent.
One thing I'm OCD about, is that I'll only use them in my Electrolux/Aerus machines.
I still haven't found anything that I like to use in all the others.


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