Thread Number: 44206  /  Tag: Recipes, Cooking Accessories
Super Bowl Brownies in “pank”
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Post# 460263   2/13/2023 at 08:44 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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When the Kansas City Chiefs are in the Super Bowl, we have a party. I made a very special treat for my friends who came over to watch the big game with us. One of my favorite treats to make My husband is chocolate Chip brownies. No brownie mix for me. That’s for beginners.

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Post# 460264 , Reply# 1   2/13/2023 at 08:47 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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First, I had to choose an appropriate mixer from my collection of Sunbeam Mixmasters. On such a macho day, I thought the pink one would be appropriate. Because that is just my sense of humor. First to break the eggs and cream the butter, Crisco, and sugar. The secret to moist brownies is to use more than one type of fat.

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Post# 460265 , Reply# 2   2/13/2023 at 08:48 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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Next, we had that good vanilla from Mexico. And a little salt. You must have salt in baking. The Mixmaster just creams away.

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Post# 460266 , Reply# 3   2/13/2023 at 08:49 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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Now to add the cocoa, flour, and leavening in the big bowl. Fold in the mixture from the small bowl.

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Post# 460267 , Reply# 4   2/13/2023 at 08:50 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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After we stir in the chocolate chips, we are ready.

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Post# 460268 , Reply# 5   2/13/2023 at 08:51 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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All turned out in our springform pan

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Post# 460269 , Reply# 6   2/13/2023 at 08:52 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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Bake at 325°, cut into squares, and serve under glass. They were devoured before Rihanna opened her mouth for the first time.

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Post# 460270 , Reply# 7   2/13/2023 at 08:53 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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My Super Bowl party could not have gone better.

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Post# 460271 , Reply# 8   2/13/2023 at 08:54 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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We made coffee in the vintage electric Corning Ware percolator.

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Post# 460272 , Reply# 9   2/13/2023 at 08:55 (616 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

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We even broke out the vintage Nuwave oven for the pizza rolls. Everything was great, and the Kansas City Chiefs won.

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