Thread Number: 44155  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
The Eureka Mega Boss and Ultra Boss
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Post# 459824   1/28/2023 at 13:56 (632 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
At first I wasn't sure if I ever saw these but I'm like 99% sure now it was one of these two I saw in a Home Depot back in like 2000. I've seen videos of the Mega Boss, but does anyone have the Ultra Boss? I absolutely love the gold and black coloring.

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Post# 459840 , Reply# 1   1/29/2023 at 08:46 (631 days old) by Centralvacs1928 (Chicagoland)        

I once saw the 15" Ultra Boss being used to vacuum the entry mats outside a Marriott in Lexington, KY. This was 25 years ago, so the vacuum wouldn't have been very old (and I can't imagine it lasted very long in commercial use).

Have not seen one since then, either in use or brought in for service.

Post# 459844 , Reply# 2   1/29/2023 at 13:26 (631 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I have that same Boss Plus in the picture. Still in like almost new condition.

Post# 459868 , Reply# 3   1/30/2023 at 12:43 (630 days old) by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

Even though Eureka wasn't known to make the best machines, they do have a bit of a following amongst collectors and people who have fond memories of one. It's comparable to the Maytag-era Hoovers in a way, even though TTi has gone out of their way to MAKE HOOVER GREAT AGAIN!

Post# 459876 , Reply# 4   1/30/2023 at 15:43 (630 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Eureka did made good machines, under the Sanitaire brand.

Post# 459895 , Reply# 5   1/31/2023 at 07:50 (630 days old) by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

Sanitaire also had their own share of crap machines too. Reality is, no company is perfect. In fact, the company Perfect doesn't have any perfect machines. Hope y'all get the joke.

Post# 459912 , Reply# 6   1/31/2023 at 14:45 (629 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
The only ones that are junk in my opinion are the ones that Bissell brought in after they had acquired Sanitaire. I don't think there was ever such a thing as a bad Sanitaire back in the Eureka days.

Post# 461503 , Reply# 7   3/20/2023 at 08:48 (582 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        
On YouTube

eureka1998's profile picture
There's a video of one of these cool looking uprights. If I ever got lucky enough to find something like this at my thrift store id get it as fast as I can. There's also a Eureka the Boss (Bravo II model) Power Plus dirt alert that's really hard to come by.

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