Thread Number: 44147  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Kitchen Aid Mixer Attachments Contain Lead.
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Post# 459746   1/25/2023 at 16:03 (635 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture

While people are running around all worried about their gas stoves, here's another real threat. See link.

Anyone who has a Kitchenaid Mixer with white or dull aluminum paddle and hook attachments should stop using them. They contain lead. The Stainless Steel set is ok.

You can call the Kitchen Aid number and demand that they replace the white or dull aluminum attachments with stainless steel.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux137's LINK

This post was last edited 01/25/2023 at 21:30
Post# 459810 , Reply# 1   1/28/2023 at 01:21 (633 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Would this apply to the commercial Hobart mixer blades that are the burnished aluminum?These are used in resturant kitchens and bakeries.I have a Viking Mixer that has SS mixing blades.

Post# 459833 , Reply# 2   1/29/2023 at 00:41 (632 days old) by beagledad (Florida)        

As far as I know, the only retailer that sells actual stainless steel Kitchenaid attachments is Williams Sonoma. I've never seen them offered on Kitchenaid's website. What Kitchenaid will probably send you is the burnished aluminum attachment.

Post# 459846 , Reply# 3   1/29/2023 at 13:40 (631 days old) by bikerray (Middle Earth)        

bikerray's profile picture
They don't offer parts for my KitchenAid 4C mixer

Post# 459847 , Reply# 4   1/29/2023 at 13:56 (631 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Oh, it's that blogger again.

Don't listen to their crap. They have no scientific knowledge or any understanding of how materials and chemicals function. All they are doing is running around making scaremongering paranoia with a lead swipe kit from the hardware store and contributing to more waste being sent to the landfill with their baseless levels of Facebook knowledge. That blog needs to be pulled off the internet and that person "Lead Safe Mama" should be sued. There is a reason why it takes decades of scientific education to have any idea on how to research chemicals and materials.

This same person has posts urging people to throw away every single piece of Tupperware they have and stop using it, in favor of using modern day plastics from China that contain 30 times more chemicals.

I will keep using my 1920's Hamilton Beach Model D with the peeling paint and rust.

Post# 459850 , Reply# 5   1/29/2023 at 18:10 (631 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
I tried to read the whole thing, but wow!

This lady reminds me of Sheila Broflovski, Kyle’s mom on South Park.

Post# 459906 , Reply# 6   1/31/2023 at 10:35 (629 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

With a name like 'lead safe mama' it has to be pure sientific (sic) research!

While there ~could~ be tiny traces in cast aluminum, this is not 'potmetal' which would be a concern. Potmetal is a slag of all sorts of melted down crap.

I would not worry about your mixer much unless you like sucking on the parts constantly.
I really question the 'grey swirls' coming off in the batter.....

I have exposed myself to lots of lead over the years, esp in my younger days.

As an electronics guru, I remember countless times holding lead-tin solder in my mouth while holding the part and iron in my hands.
My teeth were wire strippers.
I have handled without gloves lots of cadmium plated parts and chassis that had turned powder-coated due to deterioration.
I remember molding lead pipe flashings in my hands and even taking a bite out of the corner of one to say that I could 'take a bite out of metal'.
Young and dumb, yes - I do not do that any more. Do not try it either.

In response to some recent medical issues, I did have a full heavy metals blood test done and to my surprise, lead was under detectable limits, as well as everything else they tested for. What I had was totally unrelated to what was in my blood.
So I was a living Guinea pig. It will take quite a bit of constant exposure or some mass ingestion to raise levels in the blood to unsafe levels.

Enjoy your KitchenAid mixers.

Post# 459920 , Reply# 7   2/1/2023 at 00:18 (629 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

When I was a kid-hung out at the shooting ranges with my Dad-even got to shoot,too!One of the jobs was cleaning out the spent bullets in the splash plate indoor range-handguns and 22 rifles.Most of the time the bullets clumpted together in large peices.Surprizingly not much lead dust.Also dug various bullets out of the outdoor range sand bullets traps.No lead in me!The outdoor range was longer-and used for rifles.Also military and police shot there.

Post# 459923 , Reply# 8   2/1/2023 at 09:07 (628 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I don't believe one thing that comes from the mouth (or fingers) of that crazy woman.

My Hobart N-50 has sand cast paddle and dough hook and pastry knife attachments. Even if they contained lead I wouldn't stop using them.

I also have a 1946 KitchenAid with tinned bowl and beater. Gift from a late friend. Will never stop using it either.

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Post# 459961 , Reply# 9   2/2/2023 at 00:32 (628 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        
There is no safe level of lead exposure

electrolux137's profile picture

For those who like to live dangerously and ignore scientific facts, have at it.

Meanwhile, the rest of us who cherish (what's left of) our health may want to take things more carefully and cautiously.

In either case, please read the article linked below.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux137's LINK

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