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Post# 459242   1/7/2023 at 16:22 (644 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

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Does anyone know anything about clocks. This was my great, great grandmothers or great aunt. Not sure which one is which she had two. It’s probably nothing. It seems to be running now I just do not want to wind it too tight.

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Post# 459269 , Reply# 1   1/9/2023 at 10:57 (643 days old) by Vinvac (Dubuque IA)        

vinvac's profile picture

I love old wind-up clocks. In most cases you can wind them till they stop.

Depending on the clock, most of them need to be serviced every 15 to 20 years. A good clock repair shop will clean, lubricate and replace any weak or worn bearings.
Adjust the hammers on the chimes and replace the mallets so the chime is clear and strong.

I have a Seth Thomas self-adjusting mantel clock that I absolutely love. It was a gift from a friend. It was her husband's retirement gift from Illinios Bell Telephone company.

She had not used it in many years so before giving it to me she took it to a local Clock repair company here in Dubuque. Morgan's Clock Repair - yes that is the name. Dad Morgan has since passed away, but his son now has taken over the business. I believe the cost to repair the clock 18 years ago was around 450.00.


Post# 459273 , Reply# 2   1/9/2023 at 12:51 (643 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
Morgan, Thank you for the advice. I never thought about taking it to a clock repair shop.

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