Thread Number: 43951  /  Tag: Recipes, Cooking Accessories
Thanksgiving dinner disaster close call
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Post# 458148   11/23/2022 at 18:07 (698 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture

We had a Thanksgiving dinner disaster close call today. I got a fresh 12.25-lb. turkey earlier in the week. Thank Goodness I planned to brine it so I opened it today instead of tomorrow! It was spoiled rotten!!

I had to go back to the grocery store to replace it. It stunk to high heaven so I just cut off the label and took that to the store, throwing the stinky mess into the garbage.

The replacement went smoothly except, of course, for the clueless cashier who rang me up after I had gotten an approval from the Meat Department for the exchange. She looked at the label and said, "Where's the turkey?" I replied, "I didn't bring it because it would have stunk up the entire store." "Well, next time, bring it back." I said, "There had better not BE a next time."

The upshot was that I wasted over an hour out of my preparation day, and the replacement turkey is much larger -- 14.5 lbs., which will mean longer roasting time tomorrow.

The good part was that we took LoLo with us. He loves to "go bye-bye!" ❤

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Post# 458215 , Reply# 1   11/27/2022 at 18:05 (694 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
why would you have it in a cooler full of ice cubes? Of course it would rot.

Post# 458223 , Reply# 2   11/27/2022 at 19:20 (694 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture

It was in the cooler to keep it cold. It did not rot.

Post# 458372 , Reply# 3   12/2/2022 at 09:32 (689 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
wow I wonder how the spoilage happened? Glad you got it sorted :)

Clueless cashier? Try this one. I watched a video where they were asking American teens what language they speak in Idaho... and none of them knew.

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