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Old clock lamp
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Post# 457915   11/13/2022 at 13:55 (708 days old) by Hornet (Canada)        

hornet's profile picture
Picked up this old lamp that was in dire need of a restoration , I’m not sure on make for there are no markings on it that I have found but do believe it’s a 1930’s piece, if anyone can help me out to identify this lamp, it would me much appreciated.
Restoration went well , enjoy the pic’s.

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Post# 457949 , Reply# 1   11/14/2022 at 11:54 (707 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        
Interesting piece...

human's profile picture
That's really cool. Is the clock electric or mechanical? Either way, it's in wonderful condition for its age.

Post# 457962 , Reply# 2   11/15/2022 at 03:11 (707 days old) by Hornet (Canada)        

hornet's profile picture
Thanks human, the clock is a wind up and it’s all metal clock and not ceramic , you don’t see clock lamp like this to often.
Took me awhile to restore this one , the lamp socket was missing , the clock wasn’t working and the old original paint was in terrible condition, still trying to find out more info on it but lots of dead ends with no answers. Have to keep digging.

Post# 457963 , Reply# 3   11/15/2022 at 06:33 (707 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Could the clock be set to turn on the light?

Post# 457990 , Reply# 4   11/16/2022 at 00:10 (706 days old) by Hornet (Canada)        

hornet's profile picture
No the clock is separate from the lamp itself, but it would be a neat feature if the clock could turn on the light.

Post# 457991 , Reply# 5   11/16/2022 at 00:30 (706 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Pretty neat,though, two appliances in one-a light and a clock!

Post# 458076 , Reply# 6   11/19/2022 at 18:21 (702 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Tolivac wrote: Could the clock be set to turn on the light?

I reply: When I was a kid, I had an old AM clock radio (I don't remember the brand. Admiral, maybe?) that had a socket in back that I plugged a lamp into. It was a tube radio, not transistor, so the light would come on and then it would be a minute or so before the radio would come on. For whatever reason, I found that slightly annoying, but I woke up to it for several years when I was in elementary school.

Post# 458084 , Reply# 7   11/19/2022 at 23:54 (702 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

My Mom gave me her old Silvertone clock radio that had the socket on the back controlled by the clock.The radio in the Silvertone died so I used the timed outlet to turn on another radio!Worked great.Than the clock died in that old Silvertone.Wished I had another most durable clcok radio I had-and it was 30 years old when Mom gave it to me.I used it another 20 yrs.Yes-built good back then!

Post# 458122 , Reply# 8   11/21/2022 at 20:27 (700 days old) by Hornet (Canada)        

hornet's profile picture
Sound like a cool clock lamp, would you happen to have a pic?
I fully agree things were built better in the past, that’s why I no longer buy any of this plastic garbage they sell today for big $ just for it to break, I have trashed the newer stuff out of my house and now I restore vintage for myself and use it.
What year was your silvertone?

Post# 458126 , Reply# 9   11/22/2022 at 01:30 (700 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

No-no pictures of that Silvertone clock radio.Indeed,was a high quality set-back when you could get really neat things from Sears-It was in a Turquoise case and it was a 6 tube-not 5 tube radio.The extra tube was an RF amp before the convertor stage.Probably was purchased in the late fifties or early 60's.

Post# 458153 , Reply# 10   11/23/2022 at 21:34 (698 days old) by Hornet (Canada)        

hornet's profile picture
I looked online at some old silver tones and they are quit neat with the different styles and colour’s , I wasn’t able to find the 6 tube one.
I am just in the process of restoring a 1952 Northern midge (Made in Canada).
I picked it up at a second hand store for $6.00 , the paint job that is on it someone used a course paint brush to paint it which made it look awful , it also needed a tube, I’m hoping to have it finished before Xmas so I can post it.

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Post# 458154 , Reply# 11   11/23/2022 at 21:55 (698 days old) by Hornet (Canada)        

hornet's profile picture
This is what the old clock/lamp looked like before I restored it, dirty, stained, chipped and the clock wasn’t working also all of the electrical was all torn out years ago.

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