Thread Number: 43838  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Westinghouse hose
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Post# 457272   10/6/2022 at 10:04 (659 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        

Does anyone have a hose end/hose that looks like this? If so, please contact me.


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Post# 457283 , Reply# 1   10/6/2022 at 18:40 (659 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
That looks like somebody put a strip of rubber on a hose end and crimped or riveted the metal piece on.

Post# 457288 , Reply# 2   10/6/2022 at 21:27 (659 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
I know it looks odd, but Westinghouse tank/canister vacs use a weird and obtuse locking pin system to connect the hose. That actually is correct. It kind of seems like it might be magnetic. I am not 100% sure.

Post# 457292 , Reply# 3   10/7/2022 at 08:28 (658 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
It's correct. I provided the picture and I'm sure it's original. The hose goes to the Westinghouse I have currently.

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Post# 457294 , Reply# 4   10/7/2022 at 08:39 (658 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
My Public apology,

to member Kloveland, aka, Kenny, for using his picture to write this thread without his permission. Kenny, please accept my apology.

Post# 457295 , Reply# 5   10/7/2022 at 09:39 (658 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Thanks huskyvacs,

for your response. I thought about what you said, and since kloveland confirmed it, I am going to attempt to make the part.

The vacuum pictured belongs to a good friend of mine. I am going to make one for him so he can use his vacuum in meantime and/or instead of searching for one.

I will share with the members, what happens.

Post# 457297 , Reply# 6   10/7/2022 at 10:03 (658 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture

You're fine I was responding to Lesinutah's comment. Sounded like he thought the connector was homemade. I was confirming that yes this is the correct hose.

Post# 457298 , Reply# 7   10/7/2022 at 10:23 (658 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Thank you,

I want to add I found a picture of another Westinghouse that used the exact same hose end. I think it is okay to post it because the original member appears to be no longer active. Also, the picture the member posted was from Eastbay. ;}

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Post# 457301 , Reply# 8   10/7/2022 at 16:14 (658 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Hoses and vacuums are different. I had a pink GE but I don't remember what the hose looked like.
Best of luck finding one.

Post# 457303 , Reply# 9   10/7/2022 at 17:57 (658 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
For the attachment end of the hose, a Rainbow wand might work (the one that's molded onto the hose)? It looks really close. These vacuums are rare enough already, trying to find a specific part is gonna be pretty difficult.

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Post# 457304 , Reply# 10   10/7/2022 at 18:40 (658 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        

Magnetic tape, 2 layers would have worked, except of the magnets repelling the metal scrap wand end. The tape is supposed to create an attraction to the inside of the inlet and allow it to spin (swivel). Metal won't work, so I think it needs to be plastic to solve that problem. Adhering the tape to the plastic needs to be solid.

Post# 457624 , Reply# 11   10/26/2022 at 18:28 (639 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Okay, here we go.....

Old post#78492 from Crevicetool,

"An unusual hose coupling. When you pull that slip ring, it retracts a lock. Sorta like an incline within the ring. Works very well."


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Post# 457650 , Reply# 12   10/27/2022 at 17:48 (638 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Oh you have to pull on the ring? I thought you turned it or something. I'll have to try mine again. Maybe mine is jammed, but I was turning it around thinking it was some kind of twist-on or a screw-on or something.

Post# 457654 , Reply# 13   10/27/2022 at 20:49 (638 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Prototype abandoned

A hidden lock when you pull the ring back, baffles me. Even so, I will have to wait, however long, for one to appear.

I remember eons ago, there was a Westinghouse available in a city nearby. I missed the opportunity to drive there and get it. Like to one here, but beige.

For now, my interest in fabricating a hose end, has come to an end.

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Post# 457705 , Reply# 14   10/31/2022 at 14:00 (634 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
It's a tension/pressure fitting

I used to have that canister. There are no magnets involved, but the chrome band on the fitting is a tension band that expands when you press the ring forward. when the band expands, it holds the hose tight onto the machine. Then you pull the ring to release it. I recall that the moving parts would get stiff and become hard to lock or release.

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