Thread Number: 43743  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
ebay Hoover convertible
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Post# 456573   9/7/2022 at 14:44 (602 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

did anyone else notice that Hoover Commercial cleaner that was listed last week?  The price was up to over $800.00

Now, it's a 'new listing'.  I wonder what happened? Who backed out?  I like that model, have one, but personally, I thought the price was going crazy.


  Don't you hate games?

Post# 456574 , Reply# 1   9/7/2022 at 15:58 (602 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
I saw that too. I didn't notice that it's relisted.
Have you seen the new-in-box, possibly Slimline with a Buy-it-now of something like $25,000?
To their credit, they are offering "economy" shipping. That's only an additional $5,000 or so.
Sure. It's nearly impossible to find a vintage vacuum like that, sealed in its original box.
But, do they seriously think someone is going to pay that kind of money for it?
If it's a member here who's selling offense. But your price might be just a tad high.
And, is anyone believing that they searched out the lowest price to ship it, and it's $5,000?


Post# 456581 , Reply# 2   9/8/2022 at 00:51 (601 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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I seen it and I can tell you exactly what happened.


eBay is full of bots.

Nobody backed out. eBay refuses to do anything about the bots because it gives their site more traffic and makes them more money. The higher things sell for the more eBay gets on their final vale fee, so of course they love bots.

When selling on eBay in the form of an auction and an item gets bid on you are automatically entering yourself into a little game. A game of 3 people. Both you bidding on the item and the seller selling the item are the victims in this scenario.

1 - Bots. Their goal is to keep outbidding any bid. It is a computer on a fake account so it will never pay. It's programmed to bid. It reacts with a counter-bid within seconds of you bidding.

2 - Revenge bidders. Their goal is to keep countering your bids and make the auction cost as much to you as it possibly can. They do not want the item at all. They do not care about the value. They want you to hurt and cry for your item because it makes them feel good that you are losing so much money. If you stop bidding, so do they. If they win it, they refuse to pay for it. They will also be on burner accounts so they can make a new account if they get banned off eBay. If the item gets relisted, the game starts again until the seller blocks them or gives up selling it. Then the revenge bidders win.

3 - Real bidders. Just your average run of the mill human bidders that may or may not want the item but they will bid honestly. You are at the mercy of their perceived value of something.

The seller did not restrict bidding to only allow people over 50 feedback or whatever limit it is, so the bots went wild on his listing. At the time I seen it the username winning was just all 0000's and it had 0 feedback and it was bidding in $100 increments.

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Post# 456582 , Reply# 3   9/8/2022 at 00:56 (601 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Forgot to mention the seller can be guilty of using bots as well to inflate the item value to make it seem more valuable so the next time it is relisted, people can see that "oh so and so sold for this much money last time, it must be super valuable let me bid on it now". Like a raffle game.

A seller using bots or alternate accounts to inflate item value usually will happen within a day or so of the auction's end because they will be desperate to get a final push out there if there is no interest. Sometimes they might hit midway through the week if they see that maybe 1 bidder has bid on it but nobody else is bidding on it. If you let the bot win then the item can sometimes be immediately cancelled - "there was an error in the listing" excuse is a common one - or end and then be relisted.

Post# 456586 , Reply# 4   9/8/2022 at 06:06 (601 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Hard to believe people have this much time on their hands….

Do you know this for a fact?

It’s been years since eBay showed the winning user’s name, or am I missing something? It seems like it would be much easier to do shill bidding instead of using a bot because if the auction is canceled it’s mostly a private matter and eBay would only ask for one of those preselected reasons why the sale was canceled. No matter because all of these things create bad feelings all the way around. I’ve made it personal a point not cross-communicate my eBay listings in this forum because if I’m able to be charitable with an item, I’ll mention it in the VL Supermarket forum. There’s nothing charitable about using eBay and I don’t list anything there with the intention of losing money.

Post# 456603 , Reply# 5   9/8/2022 at 15:25 (601 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
I've been an eBay user both buying and selling since 2006. I'm on it every day, so I've seen a lot of things happening.

eBay hid bidder names I think in 2013? 2012? I know it's been longer than a decade. Then they removed the time stamp of the exact date feedback was left and just switched it to generic crap "more than 1 month ago".

People use the bots because they can react faster and can run while they sleep. Set it and forget it.

Post# 456611 , Reply# 6   9/8/2022 at 18:36 (600 days old) by Maytagman1982 (Savannah)        
EBay Hoover Convertible

That's vac is gonna be my birthday gift after I win and pay for it.

The bidder that won it didn't pay so it had gotten relisted and I made the first then someone outbidded me.

Post# 456626 , Reply# 7   9/8/2022 at 23:09 (600 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
I feel sorry for the seller! One of the reasons I’ve stopped selling on eBay for the time being!

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