Thread Number: 43742  /  Tag: Other Home Products or Autos
2002 Pontiac Trans-Am WS6
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Post# 456561   9/7/2022 at 07:24 (766 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

This is my 2002 Pontiac Trans-Am WS6 I purchased last month! It has 52,000 on the odometer and is in overall in great condition, it is equipped with the LS1 5.7L V8 and is a automatic. This car is a blast to drive has been my daily driver for the last month as I had sold my 2019 Fusion to my sister-in-law. My commute is only seven miles from my house to the Borger Complex so fuel economy hasn’t been a super big priority but I’ve been averaging 17-18 MPG in my small commute. This is a car that I remember being fascinated by at six years old as our next door neighbor had a 1999 Firebird Formula in Victory Red and I’ve wanted another fourth gen F body after getting rid of my 2001 Camaro.

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Post# 456566 , Reply# 1   9/7/2022 at 10:24 (766 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Let's take a momnet to say

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

"Wow".  Gotta love those Pontiacs.

Post# 456578 , Reply# 2   9/7/2022 at 18:37 (765 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        
Sweet ride...

human's profile picture
I've always preferred the comparatively understated look of the Formula to the gaudiness of the Trans Am. You're lucky to have found one that wasn't all beat to hell. People who had those cars new seldom babied them. I didn't even realize they were still making that generation F-body in '02.

Aesthetically, I've always been more partial to Firebirds over Camaros, It made me sad that Pontiac got the axe before the current Camaro came out, so there was never a Firebird variant. There are companies that produce cosmetic conversion kits, and some look nice, but a lot of them are borderline hideous. My favorite was inspired by the '69 GTO (see below). Visually, it hangs together better than just about any of the others. I'm sure the price tag is beyond ridiculous but, it's kind of the epitome of a badass ride for someone with way too much money to burn.

Personally, I'd be just as happy with the Jim Rockford model. Of course, the ones they used in the TV show were classic sleepers—Firebird Formulas cosmetically refitted to look like the base model Esprit.

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