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Dishware and utensils.
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Post# 454658   7/10/2022 at 16:25 (747 days old) by Gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

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A lot of people are curious as to what we use daily or to entertain. Here are some of the things I use here at my house. Depending on the crowd and the event dictate what gets used here, Everyday it's usually Fiesta in fun colors. Some more formal events, small crowds might be any of the Lenox that's used here. Holidays are fun, as there are lots of Christmas dishes used especially when my family brings their children here. I've also used a lot of Halloween things for fun Monster Mash bashes etc. But sometimes it's just paper plates and plastic ware. I really don't mind washing things it's not a problem it's fun to use things ,not to show off, but to use them and enjoy them with people who appreciate . So, here is a little array of the things used here.

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Post# 454659 , Reply# 1   7/10/2022 at 16:28 (747 days old) by Gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
My late mother loved using all these things as we used to

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Entertain large groups of family and friends. Now, it's my turn. Family friends vacuum meets you never know what kind of dishware is going to be used. The nice thing is with washing dishes in the dishwasher, you don't have bags of smelly dishes to put out on the curb not a problem here. I hope you enjoyed some of the things here used at the palace... again a name I never gave the place, but others have.

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Post# 454660 , Reply# 2   7/10/2022 at 16:39 (747 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I have a lot of melamine plates

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that LOOK like paper plates. right into the dishwasher they go! It really cuts down on waste............. helping the planet, a little bit at a time

Once, a 'friend' thought the whole place was "over the top". So, to not make him feel uncomfortable, his lunch was a hoagie, with a bag of chips, on a (very nice) paper towel. His response was, "Touche".
Michael Turner, you were so right.
If you were here at my house , (you were always welcome), you'd be rolling on the floor...... in the good way.

Post# 454695 , Reply# 3   7/11/2022 at 09:33 (746 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
So, see? I can and do

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adapt for any situation/gathering.

  As they said in" Hello Dolly",   "Let the food smile".

  The ambiance doesn't make the food taste any better.  But,  sometimes it helps set the mood...casual, whimsical, formal, elegant.  It also depends on  the people.

Post# 454734 , Reply# 4   7/12/2022 at 09:43 (745 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Of course, some china can be put in the dishwasher.

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But, I opt not to. As my mom would say about handwashing, "It won't hurt you".

 So,  yes, mini meets usually are everyday dishware.  I entertained large groups of teachers, fellow dancers, musicians, etc.

  They love to sit a a nicely set table.  One retired dancer said, "I love coming here.  The food is great, and, it's nice

  to be waited on,  buy a man."  For those who would never appreciate it,  why would I bother?

 I remember Bill Wood's 1st time here.  I cooked on the grill, including bacon.  It was all summer-casual. He loved it. I even made malts in old-fashioned malt shop glasses..... right into the Kitchenaid afterwards.

It took a long time to acquire these things.  I enjoy using them. And, my guests enjoy them, too.

 Critics will never be here, so, it really doesn't matter.

  The point of entertaining friends and family is to make everyone feel good, share a nice meal, etc.


This post was last edited 07/12/2022 at 10:57
Post# 454806 , Reply# 5   7/14/2022 at 00:15 (744 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
My proper and dignified aunt

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asked me if I planned to use the good china for the "garden party".
I replied, "Gosh, no". Too many people, too much work, etc.
No, it was casual, whimsical and a tad elegant.
Just right.

Post# 454841 , Reply# 6   7/14/2022 at 08:04 (743 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

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My mother collects Fiesta. I recently found a good buy on some at an estate sale here in Tulsa. Also, antique malls are a good place to look as well. I didn't notice the dishes when I was at your house with all the appliances and vacuums sitting out.

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Post# 454848 , Reply# 7   7/14/2022 at 10:50 (743 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
All of this stuff is in cabinets and closets

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I like Fiesta, a lot. It's fun, micro and dishwasher safe.  Some of the really old stuff is valuable.  Yrs ago, they broke/destroyed a lot of the red items. fearing they were radioactive.

Post# 454849 , Reply# 8   7/14/2022 at 10:51 (743 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Some 'fine china'

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would get lost on some people. They wouldn't know what it was, etc.

  Plus, one must think of the crowd and entertain accordingly.

Post# 454958 , Reply# 9   7/18/2022 at 00:33 (740 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
Someone once told me that

one way to tell if a piece of china is of good quality do this. Place your open hand on the back of a plate and hold it up to a fairly bright light. You should be able to see the shape of your hand and fingers through the plate. Not as though the plate were clear glass.

The more contrast there is between your hand and the rest of the plate and the more defined the shape of your hand is the better or finer is the china. Probably not the definitive method of checking, but I've tried it many times over the years and there is a wide variance between the different china I've tested.

Post# 454964 , Reply# 10   7/18/2022 at 10:23 (739 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
That is one way to tell, yes.

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Noritake, for instance,  might be 'thicker', less opaque. You can hold Lenox up to the light and see your hand, etc.  It also depends on the design on the dishware.   It's just like the'ping' test on crystal.

Post# 455132 , Reply# 11   7/23/2022 at 09:52 (734 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Although enjoying an elegant meal using beautiful things,

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There is nothing like enjoying a fun, casual gathering w/ friends.
I had a very elegant Christmas party.. 10 people.
An art teacher looked at the salad fork AND the dinner fork, confused. I quietly told her to "work toward the plate". The soup spoon and the coffee spoon nearly sent her into orbit.
Lesson: know your audience.

Post# 455437 , Reply# 12   8/3/2022 at 11:32 (723 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

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ignore adversity.

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