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Post# 452823   5/20/2022 at 06:59 (906 days old) by luxz80 (England)        

i have one day left on my upgraded . I dont feel welcome here. not my fault immigration made me come back here. please delete my account as I have lost interest in collecting anyway. I guess i was just not cut out to make any friends. anyway with my health I wont have much longer anyway. thank god.

Post# 452827 , Reply# 1   5/20/2022 at 10:15 (906 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I'm sorry you feel this way.

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
So many people in here are great individuals. Yes, there are some.........who might not be the nicest people,. But, one simply ignores them.
Best of luck to you. And, I hope things improve for you.

Post# 452846 , Reply# 2   5/21/2022 at 03:11 (905 days old) by luxz80 (England)        

Many thanks gottahaveahoove,

I was really glad when an old hoover came back to me. Not many people get a chance to be reunited with a cleaner that they foolishly gave away.

Hard to believe my thread had loads of views and no replies. I think most collectors don't have much to do with overseas members. Maybe it is the distance and knowing there is not much chance of ever meeting them.

Thinking about it collectors here don't meet up anyway.

I sure wish I could have stayed there and worked in Jimmy's shop. I could have attended conventions and probably made a few friends who share my interests.

We seem to have a dyson forum over here. I sent a message to a member over a year ago and have never heard anything. Sad really as this has always been an interest of mine since I can remember.

Post# 452856 , Reply# 3   5/21/2022 at 11:42 (905 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
I wish--

--you were here at the old shop also(you could do all Dysons that I no longer want to see).I wish collectors had more than a very slight interest in what I have before most hits the dumpster.I wish many things that matter less with the passage of time.

Post# 452858 , Reply# 4   5/21/2022 at 12:13 (905 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I wish it wasn't so far to TN from here!! I would be there in a heartbeat.

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