Thread Number: 42825  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Rare house phone?
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Post# 448800   12/24/2021 at 16:29 (1,032 days old) by stephaniekoro (Kyiv Ukraine )        

Hi I was wondering if anyone j ows the brand of this vintage house phone I have looked everywhere to find it it's from a 2000s tv show but I cannot find the brand of the phone let me know if you know what it is x

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Post# 448804 , Reply# 1   12/24/2021 at 19:32 (1,032 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Ummm….are you sure it’s a phone???

It doesn’t look like a phone. LOL

Post# 448811 , Reply# 2   12/25/2021 at 10:41 (1,031 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
Is it a TV show from the Ukraine? It might help if we knew the country of origin. I've seen somewhat similar cordless phones in the US but not exactly.

I would expect the brands in Ukraine are different than here as well.

Post# 448816 , Reply# 3   12/25/2021 at 14:28 (1,031 days old) by stephaniekoro (Kyiv Ukraine )        

It's actually a british show I watched so it will probably be British

Post# 448938 , Reply# 4   12/30/2021 at 22:21 (1,026 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
It does look like a British phone, maybe one of the UK members could say as it's not something I recognize.

Post# 453013 , Reply# 5   5/25/2022 at 19:45 (880 days old) by Rowdy141 (United Kingdom)        

rowdy141's profile picture
I'm a UK member.

We had tight restrictions on telephones, lines, and other phone equipment here in the UK. All equipment had to be rented from the Post Office and all work had to be undertaken by an authorised Post Office Engineer. British Telecom (BT) later took over the telephone arm of the Post Office, and subscribers were allowed to buy some equipment direct from BT Phone Shops. All work still had to be undertaken by a BT Engineer, and all equipment had to be 'BT Approved'.

In the 1970's, there were a lot of unapproved black-market imports, mainly from Japan and China. Such as the novelty Hamburger phone, Mickey Mouse phone, Flying-saucer phone...

I've never seen a phone like this though. It could be one of the novelty items from the 1970's, or perhaps a one-off, or a film prop? It could even be a simple custom-made telephone, with the components removed from a standard handset and fitted into this 'replica' 😀

Post# 453014 , Reply# 6   5/25/2022 at 20:17 (880 days old) by Rowdy141 (United Kingdom)        

rowdy141's profile picture
Is this what they mean by 'an Internal phone'?

Post# 453056 , Reply# 7   5/26/2022 at 20:22 (879 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
There was a phallic phone similar to that one in the TV show "Sabrina The Teenage Witch". It was specially made for the show as a prop.

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Post# 453059 , Reply# 8   5/26/2022 at 22:03 (879 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
Sounds similar to here in the US, where Bell Systems had a monopoly on the telephone service market. Prior to 1984, any telephones or accessories had to be rented from Bell Systems, and wiring had to be installed by them.

There were ways for the telephone company to know if unauthorized additional telephones had been connected to the line within a home. Many telephones were wired directly into the wiring, although you do still see some old telephone having the four prong style telephone jacks. The modern modular telephone jacks replaced them during the 1970s.

In 1984, everything changed, the Bell System was split up, and at this point customers were free to do their own wiring and purchase their own telephones as well as wall jacks and accessories at AT&T retailers. The modular jacks of course, were a popular part of that.

Prior to 1984, unauthorized imported telephones and jacks, etc were imported via other countries such as Japan. But these were technically illegal by phone company standards.

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