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Kirby Company sold to Right Lane Industries
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Post# 443048   6/17/2021 at 23:07 (1,050 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Apparently Warren Buffet wasn’t interested in keeping Kirby any longer. It appears as The Kirby Company was purchased by Right Lane Industries in Chicago. They focus on distressed and trouble US manufacturing businesses.

Post# 443053 , Reply# 1   6/18/2021 at 09:02 (1,049 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
A quick google search does not show any hit for kirby being sold to right lane industries. Where did you get your information?

Post# 443054 , Reply# 2   6/18/2021 at 10:42 (1,049 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Got info from a former Kirby dealer who still stays in contact with current dealers. If you know a Kirby dealer give them a call or better yet call Kirby HQ.

Post# 443055 , Reply# 3   6/18/2021 at 11:08 (1,049 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

They probably sold it because they knew they couldn't come up with noting new in terms of design and any stuff associated with the system, meaning accessories and parts. The sentria design has been out for 15 years, reguardless if its a sentria or avalir, time to change something up on it. But the overall platform has been out for over 30 years. I mean i get the saying "if it aint broke don't fix it" but there are numerous ways kirby can improve its design. Idk about y'all but I'm tired of avalir 2 being the "new" model. I mean if they came out with avalir 3, which wouldn't suprise me if they would it needs to be a completely different color with a completely different pattern scheme. Thats just my opinion.

Post# 443056 , Reply# 4   6/18/2021 at 11:45 (1,049 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
This is very Interesting I hope this means there’s a new group of designers and engineers that can get the Kirby right up to date and stop messing around with the g series

Post# 443057 , Reply# 5   6/18/2021 at 11:53 (1,049 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
I doubt there is any new Kirby coming. Kirby had access to one of the wealthiest men in recent history and he was not willing to invest in new products for Kirby. This looks like a typical scenario where the mother corporation milked an old company for every penny it was worth and after it had multiple bad years they decided it was better to dump it than keep it. New owners appear to focus on manufacturing only so its likely the same old kirby product will be moved into one of their other facilities. New owners don't seem to have any sales and marketing expertise and are rather new and have no long history of being successful at reviving old companies that are in bad shape. Time will tell, but these types of things are more often symbolic of the end than a new beginning.

Post# 443058 , Reply# 6   6/18/2021 at 12:11 (1,049 days old) by vacuumman (California)        

The Kirby brand is present on Right Lane Industries' website.


Post# 443059 , Reply# 7   6/18/2021 at 12:25 (1,049 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
In these types of corporate sales the building/HQ are not part of the deal. Often the old owners will lease the building back for a set period of time so the new owners have time to relocate. The old Kirby building could have been sold with it but that is not usually the case.

Post# 443060 , Reply# 8   6/18/2021 at 13:06 (1,049 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
I still hope the Kirby will be made in America so, wishing the best of luck to these guys! And I am certain that if RLI wants to shut Kirby down instead, a group of dedicated Kirby employees and fans will try to do whatever it takes to bring the company back to its former glory.

I too agree with the debate of whether Kirby should do something totally new or continue with what it was best known for (the tried-and-true) and that is why I am not fond of whatever new design is in the pipeline, especially if it strays too far from their tried-and-true design architecture going back to 1928's Scott & Fetzer Sanitation System.


Post# 443061 , Reply# 9   6/18/2021 at 13:20 (1,049 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
RLI will need to recoup their investment. Possibly they have plans to combine operations with another one of their industrial businesses. They also have no loyalty toward direct sales and could eventually decide to sell directly on Amazon & their own website. I would not expect to see these changes immediately but the new owners will do what’s best for themselves and their investors and that might be going a different direction in the retailing of the Kirby brand.

Post# 443062 , Reply# 10   6/18/2021 at 13:57 (1,049 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
So what’s going to happen to Kirby world headquarters in Ohio

Post# 443063 , Reply# 11   6/18/2021 at 14:27 (1,049 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

The main thing I want kirby to address, besides its weight, is it loud unbareble sound. Using a kirby growing up I felt like I had to warn the whole neighborhood because of how loud and unbareable it was. If kirby addresses those two concerns along with a few others, I will give kirby another chance. Don't get me wrong, they're well built and do a fantasic job at cleaning, but for some people like me, the weight and sound outweigh the benefits, at lease now and days when most people have hardly any carpet and mostly bare floors. I don't think a loud kirby is reasonble to use on hard floors. Granted I hope someone in that company reads these post and takes notes and past it to the design and research department.

Post# 443064 , Reply# 12   6/18/2021 at 14:33 (1,049 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
But then again, the Kirbys I have always had that loud, overbearing atmosphere you speak of (especially models Tradition 3CB and earlier with the metal fan), plus the weight issue. It did wear down on me as a child, but I came out of that after 20 years, and as to its weight I was able to handle them more comfortably by picking them up from the bottom of their handle forks.


Post# 443065 , Reply# 13   6/18/2021 at 15:17 (1,049 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
According to their website;


Right Lane Capital LLC is a Chicago-based private investment firm focused on leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations of profitable middle and lower middle market businesses. Because Right Lane is not structured as a typical private equity firm, we have unusual flexibility in our investment structuring, holding period, and target industries. Our affiliate Right Lane Industries LLC is an industrial holding company offering a permanent home to lower middle market industrial businesses that have been orphaned inside larger companies, or whose retiring shareholders want to ensure that the businesses they spent their careers building end up in the hands of investors who share their values. Our transactions provide liquidity for owners, capital for growth and acquisitions, and attractive equity upside for continuing management teams – all while navigating the cultural, family, and business issues faced by small company owners and managers.


What it looks like is Kirby is in the hole and they put the business up as leverage on a equity loan. Doesn't look like they sold it, but it's being managed by a broker now.

I predict that.....

#1 - they will likely start cutting out franchisees and under-performing service centers to recoup some collateral cost.

#2 - They might make the refurbishment program stricter, or restrict it to only newer models.

#3 - Redo their sales methods, cut out door to door sales, and possibly start selling them on online markets.

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Post# 443066 , Reply# 14   6/18/2021 at 15:19 (1,049 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Whichever way it pans out, I would prefer to remember Kirby for the way it was in its first century (from 1914 to 2014), for all the good things they ever built. I have never been interested in their rebuild program after they stopped selling the original black, gray and red trim pieces for their alphanumeric and 500 series machines in the mid-'70s.

I would guess I'd better stock up on all the belts and brush rolls for their older machines (models Legend II and earlier) while I can--just a thought.


Post# 443067 , Reply# 15   6/18/2021 at 15:27 (1,049 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        
31 years is LONG ENOUGH!!!

oreck_xl's profile picture
I will be tarred and feathered by the Kirby purists who say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," and maybe I would feel different had I not seen those prototype designs of what the new 2014 Avalir was supposed to look like, but for all intents and purposes, the current Avalir 2 is nothing more than a warmed-over Generation 3. Now granted, there have been tweaks to the design throughout the years, like a lighter base pan, LED headlights and improved mini-emtors, but the basic platform is still a Generation series machine. The Classic platform ran for 20 years, the 500 series for 25 years, it's time for an ALL-NEW more modern design. Otherwise, the demise of Kirby, well they did it to themselves resting too long on their laurels. Just my 2 cents.

Post# 443069 , Reply# 16   6/18/2021 at 15:45 (1,049 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
The fact is that Kirby Co. was so broken that even Warren Buffets money couldn’t fix it.

Post# 443070 , Reply# 17   6/18/2021 at 15:57 (1,049 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
The fact that Warren Buffet didn't want to put any more money into it is very telling.

I started to really think about some things that should have been red flags recently. In my area, we are very rural but my small town of 19,000 has an engineering college. We recently have had an influx of Kirby dealers from another state come to town, and target mostly older people. Because my vac shop is the only one for 100 miles, I get to see the new Kirby customers fairly soon after the purchase. There are only 2 bags that come with the machine.

I guess the fact that the salesmen have to come from Iowa to a small rural town in the Missouri Ozarks should be telling enough about how few they are selling. Every one of the customers who have bought a new Kirby during and after the pandemic have stated that the sprayer was used to spray disinfectant spray as part of the demonstration - implying that the machine could be used to disinfect.

Then again, how many people are willing to let a door to door high pressure salesman (a stranger) into their home during the pandemic?

Post# 443071 , Reply# 18   6/18/2021 at 16:33 (1,049 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Sorry I keep asking questions but I’m a Kirby fan and I’m finding this very interesting. Does this mean they are no longer apart of the Scott & fetzer company

Post# 443072 , Reply# 19   6/18/2021 at 16:40 (1,049 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Its doesn’t look as if Kirby is still associated with Scott & Fetzer. The next week or so things will become more clear regarding how things are arranged.

Post# 443073 , Reply# 20   6/18/2021 at 17:24 (1,049 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Looks like Kirby has already been purged from the Scott & Fetzer consumer brand list:

Post# 443075 , Reply# 21   6/18/2021 at 17:36 (1,049 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
That, again, is a reminder that while I hope Kirby will continue to thrive one way or another from this point forward, I much prefer to remember Kirby for the way it was in its first century (from 1914 to 2014).

It is kind of hard not to associate Kirby with Scott Fetzer, considering that company's two namesake founders (George H. Scott first opened the factory in 1914, and was joined by Carl S. Fetzer in 1915) helped get Jim Kirby's various machines off the ground from his first day of work as a designer under them in 1916 (the year he designed the "Vital Rand," which evolved into the Wireless Vac-U-Ette in 1919) until his death in 1971; his legacy under them included, of course, his first eponymous machine, the Kirby Model C, in 1934.


This post was last edited 06/18/2021 at 20:41
Post# 443078 , Reply# 22   6/18/2021 at 17:52 (1,049 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
In addition, if the Right Lane deal goes horribly wrong, and Kirby is suddenly shuttered after this, it will be a big loss for Cleveland, considering Kirby's iconic status under Scott Fetzer, and I hope both Ohio and Texas will do whatever is necessary for the out-of-work employees. In addition there could be lawsuits from Scott Fetzer and Berkshire Hathaway, and of course those from the numerous employees both in Cleveland, Ohio and Andrews, Texas demanding payments found due.

At this time, I am hoping Right Lane will assess the two factories in Cleveland and Andrews to make sure they remain profitable.


This post was last edited 06/18/2021 at 19:16
Post# 443080 , Reply# 23   6/18/2021 at 18:27 (1,049 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

Another question I have is, what will happen to existing owners of kirbys, reguardless of what model it is, if the company shuts down and you have all these kirby owners that need their machines serviced and or needs parts and accessories? By the way I'm glad someone posted something kirby related, I feel like kirby's haven't been mentioned on here in a lil bit.

Post# 443082 , Reply# 24   6/18/2021 at 19:58 (1,049 days old) by Mieles5380leo (Virginia)        

mieles5380leo's profile picture
Kirby distributors themselves don’t tend to repair and service Kirbys. You would go to local vacuum shops such as the one I work at to have it serviced and repaired. The only thing that may happen if they close is parts availability would become scarce.

Post# 443083 , Reply# 25   6/18/2021 at 20:02 (1,049 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Hence why I might consider stocking up on belts, brush rolls and bags and other goodies for models Legend II and earlier to last me decades.


Post# 443085 , Reply# 26   6/19/2021 at 01:01 (1,049 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
I don't see any cause of concern as far as permanent closure in this situation. The company has just been put out as collateral as an investment to be bought or traded against. It's in purgatory if you will. The investor that owns Kirby - this Warren Buffet dude - also owns stakes in Apple, Coca-Cola, Heinz, and a bunch of other big name companies. As far as that is concerned, all he is doing with this move is dumping off his less profitable investments and focusing on stronger selling brands and letting someone else take over and potentially buy the company or pay off the equity and take ownership. Investment trading is a complex rabbit hole and things get muddy quickly, so anything can happen, but I seriously doubt it closing for good.

Bissell and Hoover are still here - more or less - and they have been around nearly 150 years for Bissell and 120 for Hoover. Also don't forget Shop Vac actually made it to death row and then was saved by a China pride tool company (who owns many other tool brands) who gave them the money, got everyone back to work, and kept them from going out of business entirely. So it's not all bad. Just have to wait and see how it pans out.

If Kirby would just shift their vacuums to Amazon and retail sales and at least drop the price to compete with Dyson, they would sell the damn things a lot faster than they have. It also wouldn't hurt to make them out of harder and lighter components - something similar to hard hat materials. Maybe put a bunch of touch screen stuff on them to appeal to millenials even.

Post# 443087 , Reply# 27   6/19/2021 at 01:47 (1,049 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

New Kirby-Touchscreen?Why?How USELESS and ridiculous!LEAVE THE KIRBY AS IS-----IT WORKS!!!!Don't try to fix it!!!!!!!!!If new Kirbys turn to PLASTIVACS and have stupid touchscreens-WON'T BUY!!!!!!The Kirby salesmen would look ridiculous selling those things!NOT going to buy from Amazon-just my salesman!He KNOWS me and I get good deals from him-and------Nice condition older Kirbys!

Post# 443088 , Reply# 28   6/19/2021 at 02:05 (1,049 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Wow, calm down man. I was just throwing suggestions and ideas out there that they can do to keep relevant and making a profit through the 2020's. I mean if you want them to flounder around and die, okay then. lol

Just FYI I have a good chunk of Kirby's timeline from WW2 to today with both the main models and submodel variations - I also like the Avalir I and II's styling but do not own those yet. I'm not shutting myself out to any new ideas. A lighter Kirby thats more sleek and maneuverable has been a long time coming if you ask me.

Post# 443089 , Reply# 29   6/19/2021 at 06:25 (1,049 days old) by Madaboutsebo (Midlands, UK)        

madaboutsebo's profile picture
You have some good points huskyvacs and agree where your coming from. A lighter move manoeuvrable machine would be the perfect fit for today’s market of lighter and more convenient machines the public are wanting to have and use! I lighter Kirby doesn’t mean compromising on materials used or robustness if the right investment and R&D are done.

Across the globe the way the general public clean their homes these days has changed! Gone for most are weekly full cleans as people prefer to spot clean or clean in small regular cleans around the home. Plus want to clean in a faster more convenient way. I know some don’t like this change and prefer the weekly full house clean but times have changed and maybe the cordless vacuum has contributed to this change! A technology some of us may not like but I’m sure is here to stay and only grow over the next decade as battery technology improves and changed!

In a competitive market vacuum cleaner manufacturers need to adapt to the changing needs of the general public or adapt the way they sell their machines! People are wanting lighter, compact machines that are convenient and quick to use around the home. Even Vorwerk has started to open its open Retail stores selling their products on the high street and even a few years ago started to sell their products on their websites in different countries as they realised I’m sure that in home demonstrations are not the only way to sell their products.

Just my thoughts.

Post# 443090 , Reply# 30   6/19/2021 at 08:01 (1,049 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
As great as the Kirby vacuums truly are, I see mainly two problems with them.

1) unfortunate high pressure and sometimes shady sales practices of distributors, especially targeting the elderly (this has often gotten them negative media attention).

2) the machines, although certainly versatile and different than anything else on the market, I think are just too fussy and complex for the average user. Having to take the head off to put the hose on for the normal person that just wants to do a quick vacuum is very inconvenient. Also all of the accessories, while novel, just never get used, and sometimes lost.

How many times do we see Kirby vacuums for sale or at the thrift stores, and the attachments and accessories are all just in a jumble and clearly never used? Or the seller has no idea what any of it does, nor do they care. The owner likely never bothered to figure out what is what or how to use any of it.

I just think Kirby really doesn't fit in today's market. The older generation saw the beauty in, and cherished things like Sunbeam Mixmasters and all that they could do.

Today's generation is too busy with electronics, work, and other sort of things to have any interest in all that the Kirby can do.

The older generation has largely passed away. Tools on board uprights, and bagless vacs have been on the market for nearly 30 years now, and that's what people are used to. The market for Kirby vacuums is fading away and I don't see younger people as a whole being interested in them. The only ones I could see would be people like stay at home homesteading moms that have time to figure it out and lots of cleaning to do.

I'm not even sure the Kirby vacuums of the past were even bought because people actually WANTED them. I think it was high pressure sales tactics as well as claims of all that the vacuum could do, and maybe a person who just happened to be in need of a new vac when the salesman happened to knock on the door.

But quickly, the owner found out it was too heavy and too confusing for what they wanted, so the vacuum never got used, or if so only in floor mode.

Post# 443091 , Reply# 31   6/19/2021 at 09:07 (1,048 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
It's the sales model that's killing Kirby. No one that I know wakes up in the morning and says "I'm going to buy a two thousand dollar vacuum today". It's the end of an era for the direct salesperson. After covid, good luck getting into houses. That's probably what Warren Buffet and crew were thinking. It will only get harder, not easier, to enter people's homes for a high pressure sale.

Post# 443095 , Reply# 32   6/19/2021 at 10:18 (1,048 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

oreck_xl's profile picture
It's odd how at one time (pre-World War II) Kirby offered an "R" series to be sold in stores, and a "C" series to be sold through in-home demonstration. If they were to adopt that practice again, they MIGHT be able survive for awhile. But a new platform (still all-aluminum of course), lighter weight, more user friendly is a MUST at this point. The Tech-drive makes the whole thing too bulky to carry around. Even Hoover has finally gotten away from Self-Propelled uprights. I think Kirby is the last of the Mohicans.

Post# 443097 , Reply# 33   6/19/2021 at 14:37 (1,048 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
With Scott & Fetzer selling Kirby it will be interesting how United Finance treats Kirby dealers now that they’re no longer required to be used as a method to help prop up one of the former sister corps under the Scott & Fetzer umbrella. Also Kirby was one of Northland biggest motor customers and now that they no longer part of the same corporate family the new Kirby owners might source motors from someone else.

Post# 443099 , Reply# 34   6/19/2021 at 15:50 (1,048 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

Another thing thats bulky with kirby is its shampoo system setup. Granted the new MS3 allows you to mop and scrub your floors but its to big and bulky to fit into tight hard to reach areas like behind the bathroom toilets or under the bed, assuming your bedroom has flooring instead of carpets, thus still needing a mop to clean floors. If kirby does still keep the G-series platform, which I hope they change it, make the machine less noisy and less bulky, especially with the MS3.

Post# 443100 , Reply# 35   6/19/2021 at 16:01 (1,048 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
What I would like to see is a scrubbing brush attachment for when using the portable shampooer they could make a separate brush for the zip brush to do something like that that’s just one of my ideas

Post# 443101 , Reply# 36   6/19/2021 at 16:28 (1,048 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

This is going to sound random but kirby is going to have to remove the scott Fetzer name off the side of the shampoo box and turbo accessory box and off the bottom of the big kirby box. Hopefully this new company will listen to consumers wants and needs for this brand.

Post# 443103 , Reply# 37   6/19/2021 at 16:38 (1,048 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Yeah I think they will have to since they are not apart of it anymore

Post# 443108 , Reply# 38   6/19/2021 at 20:52 (1,048 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

More depressing news.

Little by little, year after year, the quality vacuums companies grow more distressed and closer to the Endangered Company List.

Those of us who like quality vacuums that perform well are facing as seemingly bleak future.

Post# 443109 , Reply# 39   6/19/2021 at 21:19 (1,048 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

oreck_xl's profile picture
It happens when vacuum manufacturers no longer want to fit in with the times. It happened to Air Way 20 years ago, and frankly I can't figure out how Filter Queen is still holding on. They're DATED designs and as Tom already pointed out the customers who appreciate the tried and true are passing away.

Post# 443111 , Reply# 40   6/19/2021 at 22:00 (1,048 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        
@y Kirbyg6

I can't see kirby doing a scrubbing brush type attachment for the portable shampooer, especially since its in the blower mode type format. I do hope rexair does a scrubbing spinbrush for its portable shampooer. At lease with rexair thats a good possibility and a potential one too.

If kirby doesn't change something within the next few years or within the next few models, I can see them sadly going out of buisness. I say that simply because they don't wanna address consumers and current owners concerns and issues with the system. I mean if they wanna keep the G-series then change something on it, besides the handle and pattern design. The belt lifter design is long overdue to be changed and the same can be said about the headlight area, hence it not looking like a sentria/avalir anymore. Now Ive addressed my concerns and wants in various threads and I'm sure yall have see them so yeah, those concerns I think a lot of us can agree on and I think someone in Kirby should read these threads and take notes and pass it on.

Post# 443112 , Reply# 41   6/19/2021 at 22:14 (1,048 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

Absolutely the modern customers are fueling all this. Everything is about convenience and fast results now. There could still be hope for these vacuums if they do what is necessary to make themselves known and relevant to the modern consumer. Kirby needs to make some design changes. Like others have pointed out, it needs to be lighter and easier to use. They don't have to give up the direct air system, but some engineering muscle could give it modern features too.

For example, they could re-imagine the Kirby with a flatter head design while keeping the direct air design, similar to the Tandem Air head of the Tacony models, only much stronger of course since it would be the main suction fan. Reconfigure the belt so that it operates with independent gears. Include an ability to turn off the brushroll with a foot pedal. Perhaps do away with the cloth bag entirely (but keeping a mini-emptor). Attach a built-in hose that is sealed with rubber gaskets and operates by rotating the hose to the ABOVE FLOOR setting (shutting off the suction to the floor).

I don't think these things are impossible, but they might be if Kirby doesn't have the R&D money to do it with.

If these companies don't get busy our only choices will be Shark and Bissell...

Bluuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeggggggkkkkkkkk :(

Post# 443113 , Reply# 42   6/19/2021 at 22:42 (1,048 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
The problem is if Warren Buffets money wasn’t enough how is RLI going to do it when they are seriously under capitalized in comparison to Berkshire Hathaway’s big bucks. I just don’t think RLI is going to pump money and resources into a new Kirby as much as they are likely to just remove items, cut cost, remove complexity, remove dealers, and sell directly to their huge Kirby data base of customers directly and target new customers on amazon with a much lower MSRP. Just an opinion and time will tell.

Post# 443114 , Reply# 43   6/20/2021 at 00:24 (1,048 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Kirby design change---Change to WHAT?Wonder if RLI wanted a home cleaning products in their fleet of companies.Looked at the websites of the other companies RLI has and they cater to industrial-commercial customers.When some on here say Kirby is "outdated" what about 'Lux,Rainbow,TriStar,Vortech Force,and other premium DTD vacuums?With things opening up now DTD sales are resuming.The Kirby man I know is going DTD again.-and doing well!

Post# 443124 , Reply# 44   6/20/2021 at 16:59 (1,047 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
I wonder if the new owners have the right to terminate existing contracts with their current dealers. I assume their was likely a clause hidden in there just in case something like this occurred.

Post# 443130 , Reply# 45   6/21/2021 at 08:17 (1,047 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
That’s right! Look at how long the basic style of the lux classic has been around and people jump on Kirby for not changing their design. The basic 2100 tank has had around a 34 year run.

Post# 443155 , Reply# 46   6/21/2021 at 23:14 (1,046 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        
Yes the Kirby is outdated

All of those vacuums mentioned above are easier to use, quieter, and less clunky than a Kirby will ever be. While the Rainbow is somewhat cumbersome to use, it's still far ahead of a Kirby in the modernity arena.

And yes, some of those are outdated also. The Lux vacuums are regularly criticized on this forum for using outdated designs. They are not sealed, they look "old", and they lack some features. The Platinum is the only modern machine (some might would say TOO modern with all the electronics).

The world moves on. We don't use outhouses and we don't drive Model T's. Change requires working out bugs from time to time but we don't just cease.

Post# 443159 , Reply# 47   6/22/2021 at 00:19 (1,046 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Filter Queen now offers two different colors of choice on their vacuums. Either the Worldwide Edition or the Limited Edition Bronze.

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Post# 443161 , Reply# 48   6/22/2021 at 01:07 (1,046 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Lux,Rainbow,Filter Queen,ANY of the premium DTD vacuums all have their same basic design they started with.And of course-Kirby.Sticking with designs that WORK is not "outdated"Your newer car works in the same basic way as a model T-think about it!

Post# 443182 , Reply# 49   6/22/2021 at 17:13 (1,045 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Filterqueens always remind of a cheap plastic trashcan with a motor attached on top.

Post# 443187 , Reply# 50   6/22/2021 at 18:33 (1,045 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

Also rainbow's have changed through the years. If we look over the past 30 years we had the D series and then when they updated that to the E series we got a lot of improvements, primarily a new shape and new connection parts and hepa filtration. Then while in the E series we got the direct connect functions where we didn't have to connect the electrical cord through anything, and we also got several different updates to the aquamate during the E series. Then recently with the SRX series, which is what I have, we no longer have to latch the basin onto the machine as well as a larger hepa filter. Idk about yall but that was a huge key point in me getting the SRX over the E2 Black. Also going back to the D series we had 1 speed, and then the same with the E series and then we got two speed and now 4 with the SRX. So rexair had made drastic improvments over the past 30 years. Also rexair has improve the sound quality through the years, whereas kirby can't and hasn't address the loudness of its machines, which Im sure its something we all want addressed at some point. What has Kirby done in 30+ besides, name, color, belt lifter shape and headlight shape? Not much if you ask me.

Post# 443188 , Reply# 51   6/22/2021 at 18:49 (1,045 days old) by Scvacuumguy (SC)        

scvacuumguy's profile picture
I’ll tell you exactly what they will do (if they are smart)

They will ride the wave of the “Kirby” name for the next 15-25 years. They will begin private labeling various models and create a retail big box line. They will consolidate dealers into protected territories for the “flagship” model (it won’t change). They will probably have Tacony label the lightweight corded and cordless and retail those as a non-protected line. The Kirby name on a Chinese piece in Best Buy or WM will appeal to those who have grandparents with the machines, and the $299 price will make it an unbelievable steal, because they never remember how well the Kirby cleans, they just remember the price.

This can work, but only for a little bit. Just ask Joe Urso ;-)

Post# 443196 , Reply# 52   6/22/2021 at 19:54 (1,045 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        
@ Scvacuumguy

I really hope that aint the case with Kirby. If they start appearing in retail stores in retail like packaging with different models out at the same time then it wouldn't even feel like a kirby anymore. What kirby really needs to do is keep one model out at a time and not appear in retail store in retail packaging with all types of graphics and stuff on it. What I can say about the packing of kirby is that its clean and simple. It gives enough information to grab the customers attention. It typically got the name of the company, the model type,the color and pattern scheme and depending on the model the MSRP for the machine and accessories on the side of the box. Kirby doesn't need to do all that graphics and information like what you see in the big box stores. This also doesn't take into how they will sell the optional accessories like the MS3, turbo accessory or the floor kits.

Post# 443199 , Reply# 53   6/22/2021 at 21:24 (1,045 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Bissell would have a heyday. They would make a green Avalor call it a big green clean machine. The could do a upright with hose built in and tools on board. The shampooer could be a cross between a crosswave and Kirby in shampoo mode.
They could just stop selling them a together and dominate the market oh wait can you dominate something that an industry as a whole fell off a cliff and is abysmal.
I'm sure changes are coming. Changes camo for Hoover America's top selling vacuum for along time. Electrolux made amazing canister vacuums that never die. Royal was a poor man's Kirby but a great vacuum. Eureka/sanitaire made quality machines and was a top commercial vacuum company. They all have a common theme.
Bought sold bought sold bought liquidated and disbanded.
If there is a future for Kirby it's not good.

Post# 443205 , Reply# 54   6/22/2021 at 21:34 (1,045 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        
Hey Les

dysonman1's profile picture
Wait until the bagless Kirby with the onboard hose comes to QVC. That day will come. Mark my words. “Kirby“ is now just a word. Like “Hoover“.

Post# 443211 , Reply# 55   6/22/2021 at 21:50 (1,045 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
That would be funny. Sharks Dyson's have no bag. It will probably sale for $89.99 but you can't trade your old Kirby in for a new bag less.
Your probably right. The Kirby ninja duo clean with power find.

Post# 443229 , Reply# 56   6/23/2021 at 12:21 (1,044 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Berkshire Hathaway stock reached an all time high this year (2021) so the sale of Kirby was not done in some desperate need to raise cash, but rather a method to purge an outdated company that no longer fits in with the corporate family.

Berkshire had all the money in the world to invest into Kirby and the decided not to.

Post# 443244 , Reply# 57   6/23/2021 at 21:21 (1,044 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Hathaway basically made a blueprint to retire using the stock market with vanguard accounts. They innovated the entire investment game and basically how america will prosper. They are pioneers in changing hundreds of millions life.
Kirby innovated the vacuum market with a good design. They added a transmission and made a $2200 vacuum that's $400 value.
Kirby will change sadly there not a big enough apple for buffets company to bother with.

Post# 443247 , Reply# 58   6/23/2021 at 21:35 (1,044 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        
Heres a hypothetical idea

What if Kirby fiinally comes out with that design that was suppose to be the real avalir? Remember several years ago that there were design pattens for what was suppose to be a newly design kirby? Well what if this new company that bought kirby decides to invest in that design and then launch it as the new kirby whenever that maybe.

Post# 443252 , Reply# 59   6/23/2021 at 22:17 (1,044 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
But if they patten the idea in 2015 7 years would be 2022. This means it's expired.
It would be cool but if it was submitted it's free to copy in 2022.

Post# 443259 , Reply# 60   6/24/2021 at 06:42 (1,044 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
I think really do need to move on from the G series because in my opinion. let’s just say they do come out with an Avalir 3 they will come knocking on some doors say this is our new machine but people won’t buy it because they all ready own a avalir 2 and won’t bother buying just because of a colour change that’s my opinion

Post# 443261 , Reply# 61   6/24/2021 at 07:43 (1,044 days old) by Tseg (World Traveller)        

Plastic bagless Kirby made in China coming to a Walmart near you.

Post# 443264 , Reply# 62   6/24/2021 at 09:12 (1,043 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Let's face it - the door to door sales model is DEAD. Europe was locked down far longer than the US - can't see them setting sales records in Europe (that's where the Kirbys made in Texas go). They probably didn't sell anything in Europe for the past year and a half.

In the US, there will HAVE to be a different sales model post-covid. The water vacs might be able to continue since they claim to clean the air (run air through water/disinfectant) and customers call on their friends to have a demo in order to get a 'freebe' like the shampooer. With Kirby there's nothing.

The property the Kirby Company is on will be sold. Why make a QVC and Amazon (or Wal-Mart) vacuum in the US? I believe they'll paint some chrome on the plastic of some Chinese vacuum that they will try to convince people is a 'real Kirby' the way the Eureka/Lux tried to convince people it was still their grandmother's Electrolux. Light weight with on-board hose. It will make a great demo on TV. I have a feeling the Avalir 2 is the last "real" Kirby we will ever see.

Post# 443265 , Reply# 63   6/24/2021 at 09:40 (1,043 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I really like Kirbys and I love the fact that they're built to old world standards--durable, uncomplicated, repairable and no freakin' circuit boards! At this point, I'm doubly glad I've got enough of them around here to last me the rest of my lifetime.

It would greatly sadden me to see Kirby become another American ghost brand--a once proud name that the Chinese will slap on anything they think it will help sell. And you can rest assured that any of those products that run on electricity will be loaded with fragile and rapidly deprecated circuit boards, disguised as innovative features that actually just serve as self-destruct devices, ensuring a rapid replacement schedule and more plastic in our landfills.

Of course, this may happen as a slow decline with a gradual and systematic cheapening of product quality, beginning with replacing metal structural components with plastic, then eliminating the Tech Drive because it isn't needed as much on a lighter weight machine, then adding a cheaper DC motor with the requisite circuit boards and maybe some superfluous LED's to make consumers think it's an innovation and keep them from noticing their new machine cannot be serviced or repaired. Eventually, it's just another Wally World plasticrap vac with a 90-day warranty.

Post# 443267 , Reply# 64   6/24/2021 at 10:31 (1,043 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        
@y Kirbyg6

I totally agree with you on them needing to move away from the G-series. I feel people who currently own G-series kirby's just update to the newer model just for the minor tweaks here and there not realizing its the exact same machine. I feel people who own sentria onwards should really say something when a kirby person is trying to sell them a avalir 2. I mean really anything from sentria onwards is literally a color change and a cut out handle and a different name. Techniqually avalir 2 shouldn't even be considered a color change because its the same color as the original avalir but instead of red its now blue, which is a lovely shade of blue if i may say. They all function the same, even the older G-series. I remember many years ago when my mom had the diamond edition and the sentria had just got release and the door to door sales person tried to get us to update ours to the sentria, eventhough there wasn't much difference between the two and we stated that out. I think the only major difference was that the sentria, at the time of its release, had the Handi-Butler tool, which wasn't with the diamond model, which we also didn't care to have. I think kirby is also now trying to make more sales by doing a "disenfectent" service, where they advertise this new solution to kills germs and odors, kind of like the fresh air solution for the Rainbow. I feel like that disenfectent solution, used with the sprayer, is probably the only real way kirby is getting by during this pandemic.

Post# 443270 , Reply# 65   6/24/2021 at 12:03 (1,043 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Check this out. Putting disinfectant in the water and running the machine to 'wash the air' has always been the water-vac's "trick". All Kirby can do is spray it on everything with the sprayer. Ritello now Advertises with a yard sign that "this house is clean" (to quote the movie Poltergeist). The "tricks" of the trade.

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Post# 443273 , Reply# 66   6/24/2021 at 14:49 (1,043 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
No hospitals or any institution that requires real sanitization of airborne viruses will use a water vac to filter and contain them. Water has been shown to be a horrible filter and is the reason why Rainbow had to hide a Hepa filter inside their machines so it would actually catch tiny particulates.

Post# 443278 , Reply# 67   6/24/2021 at 16:52 (1,043 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Yeah that is all just a marketing gimmick and a placebo and frankly an outright lie. It's all just snake oil. The same with those UV disinfecting lamps, they do not do a damn thing but run up your power bill. It fools people that don't know anything about science into thinking their home is "clean". As soon as you open that door or windows or turn the A/C on your home is no longer "clean". You cannot sanitize a home, that's an impossible task. And people that live overly clean always are 100% more victim to simple common pathogens because they have no immune system to germs. Also I don;t know about you but I would be concerned about long term lung and throat damage breathing in vaporized Lysol. That is 100% against its usage directions. Also I fail to see what any of that has to do with Kirby.

Post# 443279 , Reply# 68   6/24/2021 at 17:51 (1,043 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

It has to due with kirby because they are advertising a disenfectant to kill germs and stuff. Just look up kirby opportunity on youtube or follow the link ill attach below

I feel like this is a gemmick to get people to buy the system, which it really is. Kirby is usuing that to build its value in the sales value.

As a rainbow user the fresh air solution doesn't even do anything. Granted I have my system on speed 2 of 4 majority of the time when using it to sanitize my air. And when I do use the fresh aiir I have to have the machine facing the back and when a close proximity of me for me to even smell it.

I'm really curious to how kirby is going to stay in buisness and how they're going to improve from the G-series. The real question is when? IDK about anybody else but I'm ready to retire the avalir2 as the current model kirby. All in favor?

Post# 443281 , Reply# 69   6/24/2021 at 19:09 (1,043 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Kirby won't release a new model UNLESS they new one can be as good or even better than it's current model. Honestly, I don't mind with Kirby of still using the same basic design since the release of the G3, it can still out clean alot of vacuums on the market today. What I'm really hoping for Kirby is to release another model that's for a limited production run just like with Filter Queen that I shared earlier. I like having two or more options to choose out of, I mean one option isn't going to please everyone. Personally, I wouldn't buy a brand new Kirby. The price just isn't worth to me for what they're asking. But IF they came out with a pink "Breast Cancer" edition model, I probably would buy one. Oreck did it before, Dyson did it, etc. I have a family member who fought through that illness.

Post# 443282 , Reply# 70   6/24/2021 at 19:26 (1,043 days old) by Juju93 (South Georgia)        

Then why has Kirby release avalir 2 over avalir 1. Because there basically the same machine and same color. So for Kirby to call avalir 2 a “new model” is very hypocritical of them. Then again that’s how I feel about Kirby in general, especially within the past 10-15 years. Every time they release a “new model” it really ain’t new at all. I feel like Kirby should keep the one model at a time thing, because knowing Kirby distributors, they’re not gonna wanna show two different models in peoples homes together at the same time. And a lot of people aren’t going to sit through two different machine demos.

Post# 443285 , Reply# 71   6/24/2021 at 20:15 (1,043 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Im not even sure Kirby even had a real ‘modern’ engineering department over the last decade. Likely fired all those old dudes years ago and just farmed out minor engineering and design stuff. An all new machine was never going to happen, and likely still wont happen. I’m just expecting them to cut cost, cut complexity, cut out executives, cut out dealers, and etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if a pre-G3 model is resurrected for the sake of its simplicity and the current G3-variant ceases for good.

Post# 443286 , Reply# 72   6/24/2021 at 22:51 (1,043 days old) by ralph123 (Little Rock, AR)        

Not that it matters, but Rexair was sold off back in 2019 to Rhone Capital. It hasn't seemed to effect Rexair in a negative manner. Perhaps new ownership of Kirby will spur some innovation.

From the wikipedia "On 26 February 2019 Newell Brands announced it would be selling its Rexair business, the maker of Rainbow vacuum products, to private-equity firm Rhone Capital. The Rexair business had about $123 million in net sales in 2018, Newell said. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed."


Post# 443290 , Reply# 73   6/25/2021 at 01:12 (1,043 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Rexair has been sold 4 times in the last 15 years or so and last time it was sold was for around half the amount it was sold over a decade and half ago. I think most people believe Rainbow quality has been declining in the process..

Post# 443296 , Reply# 74   6/25/2021 at 09:47 (1,042 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

How ironic that in 2019, the same year that rexair was sold, we also got the launch of the SRX.

Post# 443297 , Reply# 75   6/25/2021 at 10:19 (1,042 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
SRX is still basically the 20+ year old e-series with a sliding water basin right? I heard the SRX is more problematic than previous Rainbows.

The company that bought Rainbow recently was a company that previously owned them years back and was able to rebuy Rexair at a considerable discount.

Post# 443299 , Reply# 76   6/25/2021 at 12:42 (1,042 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

The SRX is its own platform. Its nothing like the E-series. Yes the SRX model has had its issues but what product hasn't. Nothing is perfect and that includes the SRX design. For some like myself, it cleans and works great with no issues. For others thats a different story.

Post# 443300 , Reply# 77   6/25/2021 at 12:45 (1,042 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

So does anybody know when this new take over of kirby will start kicking in, in terms of selling the machines and or futrure models? And has anyone heard anything from kirby themselves or someone who works for them?

Post# 443301 , Reply# 78   6/25/2021 at 14:37 (1,042 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
Somebody should just call Kirby HQ and see what they say.

Post# 443322 , Reply# 79   6/26/2021 at 03:41 (1,042 days old) by oliveoiltinfoil (England, UK)        

oliveoiltinfoil's profile picture
I mean, I’ve said the same about Sebo but somehow that’s wrong of me 🤪😂

Kind of goes to show that reputation and oldy worldy nostalgic design isn’t enough to survive in the current market. No is suggesting Kirby makes cordless vacuums in China for £150, but it Vorwerk can sell vacuums at Kirby prices and still remain profitable and relevant then something is clearly wrong with customer relations, or lack there of.

Post# 443325 , Reply# 80   6/26/2021 at 08:30 (1,041 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Thinking about this

blackheart's profile picture
It's hard to say at this point what this sale means for the future of the company.
We can speculate but we'll all have to wait and see what happens.

Even if, worst case scenario, this does result in the end of Kirby as we know them I'd think parts should be around for a good number of years to come so we can at least keep our machines running.

Post# 443347 , Reply# 81   6/26/2021 at 16:03 (1,041 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Kirby i just don’t want them to go bust

Post# 443352 , Reply# 82   6/26/2021 at 17:19 (1,041 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
From the horses mouth.

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Post# 443381 , Reply# 83   6/27/2021 at 02:14 (1,041 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
Although I'm not a "Kirby' owner, I was through the factory in Cleveland a few yrs ago. They were very nice to us. (The VCCC). I hope that they do not go through what Hoover went through. selling the buildings, firing, etc.
It would be awful.
It's a wonder TTi didn't 'scoop it up'. Then, we might have seen the Kirby name slapped on Royals, Orecks, etc.
2000+ employees were gotten rid of.
Time will tell. Still, nobody really knows what might happen.

Post# 443382 , Reply# 84   6/27/2021 at 02:33 (1,041 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Yeah that's what I figured, same scenario as Dirt Devil. They got bought by a moneyman who will supply them the cash as long as they continue putting out the product to pay back the equity.

"re-establish a pattern of continued growth" is just legalese for they're gonna be trying a bunch of wacky things and seeing what sales model sticks to run with. In any case, hopefully we get a new Kirby out of this. I suspect with this much money they would likely try and develop a rechargeable Kirby at some point. It would fit right into the handle cutout of the Avalir 2.

Post# 443383 , Reply# 85   6/27/2021 at 03:27 (1,041 days old) by vacuumman (California)        

If what this letter says is true, the main takeaway is that Right Lane currently intends to keep Kirby production in the United States.

Post# 443385 , Reply# 86   6/27/2021 at 06:02 (1,041 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
That sounds exciting let’s hope they can do something different and interesting

Post# 443394 , Reply# 87   6/27/2021 at 10:36 (1,040 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
RLI previously seemed focused on behind the scenes industrial companies. Kirby looks to be their first step into consumer products. As they try to ‘re-establish’ things they will likely find it to be more complicated than they thought. Its the same reason Rexair/Rainbow was sold 4 times within a 15 year period, and each time for less money. Making and selling products to consumers is no easy task.

Post# 443410 , Reply# 88   6/27/2021 at 20:57 (1,040 days old) by Rowdy141 (United Kingdom)        

rowdy141's profile picture
The market still appears to be distracted by day-glow green, fluorescent yellow, V9, V10, V11, Bagless, Stick, and Cordless... Function, efficiency, and durability don't appeal anymore.

Perhaps Kirby can attract consumers wanting the latest fashion by offering plastic clip-on panels and interchangeable trim, with bags in a variety of colours?

I wonder if they'll change their outdated 1930's Sales Model now, to allow customers to simply buy a new Kirby vacuum - without the three hour intensive home-demonstration pitch?

Post# 443412 , Reply# 89   6/27/2021 at 21:15 (1,040 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

As a dyson v11 outsize owner and the owner of the Rainbow SRX, kirby is gonna have to do a major overhall to when me back in there interest. They can simply do so by addressing the issues and concerns with its current design and change it from there. That also goes for the attachments and accessories too. Thats just my point of view.

Post# 443432 , Reply# 90   6/28/2021 at 14:02 (1,039 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
People can speculate all they want. Time will tell. The letter from Kirby is positive! I can't see Kirby having the same fate as Hoover or Dirt Devil. Since Kirby is a multipurpose cleaning system and sold differently than an average department store vac.

Post# 443464 , Reply# 91   6/29/2021 at 11:39 (1,038 days old) by vacuumkid47 (Sibley, IA)        
My take

vacuumkid47's profile picture
All of my life I have grown up with the Kirby sytem (with my grandparents owning the Gsix 2000 LE and the Avalir, my mother owning the Gsix, UG DE, and Sentria II). I have grown to love the Kirby brand and it is a very unique system and the fact that it is a QUALITY USA made machine is what is appealing to Kirby owners, and the fact that it still uses the same basic design from over 100 years ago! Kirby being sold to RLI was definitely a surprise to me, as I knew Scott and Fetzer wasn't actively planning on selling the company outright as far as I know. The sales tactics especially by dealers and door to door salesman is something I do not agree with, and it is a dying market altogether. The only worrying thing about Kirby being sold is what is inevitable with many vacuum brands today: quality assurance. Many brands I feel just crap out a new model within a few months with little to no improvement in design and performance, just with a new color and a few new parts here and there. Kirby is different. Kirby is METICULUSLY tested with many stress tests and it is a durable machine. I cannot count how many vacuums I have seen just thrown away because of a simple little thing like a broken belt and/or clog. But I digress....

Post# 443465 , Reply# 92   6/29/2021 at 15:16 (1,038 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I personally agree with the last two comments. Kirby is nothing like alot of the vacuums out there. They're complete home care systems. While it's not my most my most favorite vacuum out there, it is however a vacuum that I would take almost any vacuum that is sold in department stores today. The only real change that I would suggest to Kirby is to bring back the Vacuette hand vacs, that's my biggest criticism with Kirby overall is using it as a handheld. But as long as there are review videos like these that would recommend people to get a Kirby, I think they will still continue to be successful.

Post# 443468 , Reply# 93   6/29/2021 at 17:00 (1,038 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        
Good video...

human's profile picture
I think that video pretty well sums things up. The most important point the reviewer makes is that Kirbys do have a small learning curve but once you get past that, they really are great machines. That said, I have never been able to change the machine from upright to canister mode anywhere near as fast as the salesman did during an in-home demo of a Classic Omega I watched back in the early '70s. I was about nine years old at the time and was mightily impressed. We didn't buy one but from that point on, I had in the back of my head that some day, I'd like to have a Kirby until I finally found my first Gsix beside a dumpster some 40 years later. Best dumpster find ever.

Post# 443473 , Reply# 94   6/30/2021 at 00:42 (1,038 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I liked a Kirby STORE demo of a Kirby Classic where the salesman used the jigsaw and its table attachment to cut parts for a birdhouse and then used the Kirby with its hose adn bag to clean up the remaining mess-With the scrollsaw attachment you left the bag on and most of the sawdust was collected while the parts being sawn.The Salesman says-"Iam going to present to you the ONLY vacuum cleaner that can be a TOTAL homecare system and also help out in your shop!"He gave a VERY impressive and interesting demo-At the time Kirbys were shown in a Kirby store and not DTD.Also Electrolux did this,too-just down the street from Kirby was an Electrolux store.And there was a HUGE Electrolux store in NW downtown DC-near Embassy Row.

Post# 443484 , Reply# 95   6/30/2021 at 16:49 (1,037 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
My guess is if Kirby continues with the same sales tactics they will have to raise both their wholesale and retail price significantly ASAP! They lost a significant amount of cost savings when they were detached from Berkshire’s money and the direct connection to Scott & Fetzer’s Northland and United Finance. That previous corporate family relationship was likely utilized to the max.

Post# 443485 , Reply# 96   6/30/2021 at 17:47 (1,037 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

The way I see them raising the price for a kirby system is if they come out with a complete new design. I say that because no one in their right mind is going to pay over 2k for a G-series kirby especially when you can get them dirt cheap on ebay and more specifically a pawn shop. Now if they come out with a new design platform. then maybe people can justify paying over 2k for a kirby. If your paying over 2k and even 3k for a G-series kirby, then you are sadly gettting robbed my friends. I think when my mother bought her diamond model in '03 it cost like a little over 1300 for the machine and attachments and then maybe 200 for the shampooer and maybe 50 for the zipbrush. Then add taxes so it was probably like close to 1800. Granted that was from a kirby service center, which isn't around here anymore, and not from a door to door sales person. I feel like you can get a guenine kirby deal from a service center rather than a door to door and not have to pay the crazy price that their selling them for.

Post# 443488 , Reply# 97   6/30/2021 at 20:58 (1,037 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        
Kirby's biggest competitor...

human's profile picture
I know I've run this point into the ground in other threads but it bears repeating. Kirby's biggest competition these days is itself in the form of a glutted second hand market. As Juju93 correctly pointed out, it's not at all hard to find a used Kirby in decent shape for a relative pittance. Back in the spring, I picked up two Kirbys at different thrift stores within a couple of weeks of one another—an Ultimate G Diamond Edition and a first generation Sentria—for $50 each with full accessory kits including shampooers. In all fairness, the Diamond G did need a couple of minor parts, about $12 worth, but the Sentria just needs some polishing, which I haven't done yet. Still, you can't even buy a plastic craptastic disposable bagless vac at Wally World for $50. This creates an interesting dynamic where used Kirbys represent as much of an incredible value for the money as much as brand new ones are ridiculously expensive. That's a tough conundrum for Kirby to overcome, regardless who owns the company.

Post# 443489 , Reply# 98   6/30/2021 at 21:19 (1,037 days old) by iRONMAN (Avengers HQ)        

ironman's profile picture
There must be a missing factor we are all missing here on why Warren Buffet and all his billions of dollars did not feel Kirby was worthy of an infusion of money to truly modernize their product line in all the right ways. Instead he milked it for all it was worth and sold it after it had multiple years of significant underperformance.

Post# 443498 , Reply# 99   7/1/2021 at 09:49 (1,036 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
Warren Buffet may not have anything to do with Kirby being sold. He has so many companies and financial analysts working for him. All of this is speculation.

Kirby is a successful company and probably will continue to be. Remember not all of their revenue comes from a Kirby sale. They also sell supplies such as shampoo.

I visited Filter Queen in 2014 and they had a small operation compared to Kirby. I don't even think Rainbow is as big as Kirby. As far as I know Kirby is the largest seller of home care systems in door to door sales. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Post# 443501 , Reply# 100   7/1/2021 at 10:39 (1,036 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
The Kirby is sold on emotion. The emotion of seeing all this dirt you didn't know you had. With all the dire warnings about Covid, are you really going to let some unmasked person whom you do not know, into your home? Most people are cleaning and sanitizing far more than they ever did. Who would want a stranger spreading germs, bacteria, and viruses all over their house? You have to be in a certain frame of mind to even listen to a vacuum cleaner demonstration even before Covid. Their business model is so outdated - Covid just slammed the door on the Kirby Company's coffin. The way they sell them HAS to change. But without the emotion of seeing dirt come from your 'clean' rugs - who would buy one?

Post# 443506 , Reply# 101   7/1/2021 at 11:00 (1,036 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
Wouldn't Rainbow be sold on emotion as well? It's almost the same thing seeing dirt in the water. It seems like all door to door vac salesmen do similar things. Showing the customer the dirt.

It seems like Kirby gets picked on the most on here than any other D2D sales. I'm guessing because Kirby is the largest. I'm not trying to start anything or be rude to anyone. It seems to me lots of sales are made on emotion and all D2D vac salesmen do similar things. When I think of emotional sales I think of buying a new or used car LOL

This post was last edited 07/01/2021 at 11:21
Post# 443510 , Reply# 102   7/1/2021 at 11:33 (1,036 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I agree, Kenny, on all of that.

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
D to D sales all strike emotional chords. When we (VCCC) went to Texas, we saw The Rainbow Company do their demo (remember the tank)? The only thing that bothered me was when they'd 'rupture' the other brand's bag, to ensure dust everywhere. but..............
I'm very careful with whom I allow in my home, more now than ever..... and COVID 19 has very little to do with it. I've had former friends do their demos in my home, practice for them, entertainment for the rest of us.
I truly hope Kirby continues. I'm sure there will be changes, but, all of these buyouts realize there is SOMETHING appealing/valuable to them in the first place.

Post# 443511 , Reply# 103   7/1/2021 at 12:01 (1,036 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

Me personally wouldn't let D2D type people in my home regardless of what they're selling and no matter at what price point. Me personally would like to keep my home life and private life, well private, and inviting outsiders in just to sell me something is well uncalled for and also an invasion of privacy, espescially when they wanna go through the house just to clean something. When I got my Rainbow SRX a year and half ago I went to the distributor themselves instead of having people come to my home, which is small and have dogs, that way these type of people don't know anything about my personal and home life. The point I'm trying to make is this, if you want a high end cleaning product like a kirby or rainbow then reach out to a sales distributors office and have them show it to you in a office setting that way they can't really pressure you into getting it. Its up to you to want it if you go to them, instead of them pressuring you to get it if they come to you.

Post# 443515 , Reply# 104   7/1/2021 at 15:24 (1,036 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        
Home invasion sales tactics...

human's profile picture
I totally agree. I love Kirbys but I hate the thought of a D2D salesperson invading my home and refusing to leave until I've signed a sales contract and thus would never allow one to cross my threshold. I seem to remember reading on here several years ago about someone who had to finally usher the salesman out the door with a .38 in his hand. A little extreme to be sure, but I understand the sentiment. Kirby may claim not to tolerate such tactics, but despite creating a certain degree of plausible deniability, they do tacitly condone it by not putting an absolute stop to it with a complete cessation of D2D sales.

Now, in all fairness, the salesman who did the in-home demo I witnessed as a child in our living room in about 1973 could not have been more polite and did take 'no' for an answer when my mom declined to purchase. But that was a different era and society was much more polite as a whole back then, at least it was where I grew up.

Post# 443517 , Reply# 105   7/1/2021 at 15:48 (1,036 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
With water vacuums (and to this extent, the Filter Queen) are sold because a friend who buys a machine calls another friend to ask if they will allow a demo with a salesman who is usually a family member new to selling water vacs. The water vacs have a shampooer attachment that is used to secure these demos because it isn't sold with the machine. The new owner 'earns' this desirable attachment from setting up demos.

Also, water vacs are sold as 'air cleaners or air washers' with disinfectant in the water. The F.Q. has the Defender air purifier in addition to the vacuum. So unlike the Kirby, they are presented as being able to do more than vacuum. With the water vacs, the ability to put them away as clean as your dishes comes into play.

The poor old Kirby has the bag of dirt in it when you put it away and really can't be sold to 'clean the air and disinfect it'. No matter if the water vacs can or cannot do this is immaterial. They are perceived to do this. While water vacs are sold 'in the home' it's a completely different experience from answering the door to find one (or more) salesmen standing on your porch who want in your house right now.

Post# 443518 , Reply# 106   7/1/2021 at 16:34 (1,036 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
I might be wrong here but I think Kirby should start selling them in stores because a lot more people would be able to experience them I actually had a dream that I went to the factory I was very excited to go into the testing laboratory because I thought they must be testing something new but knowing Kirby they won’t just the same old avalir 2 I was very disappointed

Post# 443519 , Reply# 107   7/1/2021 at 17:15 (1,036 days old) by Air-WayCharlie (USA)        

air-waycharlie's profile picture
Kirby is a very old name---beloved by some and loathed by others. Since their inception, they have served their purpose of getting dirt off your floor(s) and other surfaces into some kind of bag.

Their whole business/sales model may be outdated but people are still going to buy them. As a collector, I have 8 but never bought one new in the box. I work in an arena of mostly women aged 23 and up to in their late 70's. Nearly all have heard of Kirby for one reason or another. The more mature ladies have either owned one, currently own one or their mothers did. The younger ones are aware because their mothers owned one or currently own one.

To attract younger buyers Kirby has seriously got to rethink the vacuum and their approach to the vacuum. I was in a friend's vac shop today and he was showing me with great pride the Miele Triflex hx-1 as compared to the same type made by Hoover and Dyson. That is the kind of vacuum the young folk.........the current and future buyers of vacuums are going to get if they want to spend $400+ for a foreign-made vacuum, IMHO.

Tania, (of Tania fame via the VCCC newsletter), and I were discussing the cleaning methods of younger folks last month when I was visiting with her. We as the older crowd and vac people love our different models of vacs and utilizing them for the different things they can do when cleaning. No one I talk to below probably below the age of 40, ever uses a dusting brush or crevice tool let alone an upholstery tool! We learned from our mothers and grandmothers how to clean ie: be it an upright or canister we knew how to dust using a dusting brush, how to clean woodwork, ceiling fans, crown molding, baseboards, bookcases, credenzas, etc. using the various attachments available.

Those days are gone as are the door-to-door salesman. Say adios to Willy Loman, ("Death Of A Salesman"), hello Amazon, and online buying with battery-operated plastic vacs.

I'm just grateful that I came from the era that I described! I enjoy using all my vacs and Kirbys. I do hope that Kirby remains for the long run. I'm glad we are a group that appreciates vacs from the past. It is nice to see the passion for Kirby. I have to admit I was so concerned that they might be dumbed down that I did buy a NIB Avalir II. (My first Kirby NIB and a great deal!)

Let's hope for all good things for the future of Kirby.

Post# 443546 , Reply# 108   7/2/2021 at 18:00 (1,035 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture
Maybe Kirby making a canister vac with a powerhead? A-la the Tristar and similar tat. Make it have the same styling cues as the uprights and metal build quality but as a small canister. Powerhead having the Kirby nozzle shape. That's an idea too.

Post# 443554 , Reply# 109   7/2/2021 at 22:18 (1,035 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Power head would need to be different. Having that big of power nozzle would be way to big.
If they laid the nozzle flat and suction from the bottom with other things contoured it would be nice.

Post# 443564 , Reply# 110   7/3/2021 at 09:40 (1,034 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
I think

blackheart's profile picture
Kirby should add an independent brush motor. Where? If they were to increase the gap between the nozzle and the housing a brushroll motor could be part of the nozzle attached to the back of it I figured since the nozzle attaches via hinge adding an electrical port to the machine probably integrating it into the switch shouldn't be too big a deal. Using this configuration it should be possible to have an electrified hose attach to that same point to power a mini electric tool perhaps a low profile power nozzle for hard to reach areas or other various tools.

With this they could also move to a grooved (serpentine like) belt for more user convenience.

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Post# 443567 , Reply# 111   7/3/2021 at 11:39 (1,034 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

Other than the machine itself, what else would everyone like to see changed with the kirby system rather it be the machine or attachments/accessories. Heres some I would like to see changed

-Reduce the weight
-Reduce the noise level (Mostly wanted)
-Reduce the footprint size
-Keep the long cord or even make it longer
-Keep the multi function powerplant.... and by that I mean keep it where you can take the nozzle, hose and accessories off. The same can be said about the exhaust port and also keep it where you can take the upright handle off and add a portable one.

-Make the hose be electrical
-Redo the portable shampooer,cause the foam method is eh not all that effective
-Make the zippbrush motor driven and also be able to actually suck up the dirt, that way consumers aren't having to clean the brush itself.
-Make a electrical nozzle and wand for those who want to use the system as a true canister to deep clean carpets and under hard to reach areas.
-Redo the MS3 and by that I mean its to wide and bulky to get into hard to reach areas. Its a gimmick as a mop because of its large size and not being able to get into hard to reach areas.
-Add more features to the turbo accessory or dich it completely
-Add some new accessories
-Keep the attachment bag method to store attachments. It actually makes it easier for consumers to take attachments along when usuing the system as a canister.

Also please bring back the videos owners manual for those who rather watch the videos instead of reading the printed manuals. Yes they have to basic short how to videos but those are usless when consumers want to see how the system and accessories performs and functions in a home setting, kind of like what they did in the older videos owners manuals. So those are some if not all the things I'd like to see kirby address in future models or design changes.

Post# 443574 , Reply# 112   7/3/2021 at 16:45 (1,034 days old) by Kirbyg6 (York)        

kirbyg6's profile picture
Yeah the video owners manuals are just so cool and interesting to watch I would just love it if they just totally modernize it

Post# 443594 , Reply# 113   7/4/2021 at 23:39 (1,033 days old) by ralph123 (Little Rock, AR)        

My understanding is that Warren Buffett buys companies so that they can make him money. Warren Buffett doesn't generally buy companies that require cash infusions. He looks to maximize his income and minimize his risk. It's nothing personal, if he can make more money with a different investment he will. It doesn't even mean that Kirby is no longer profitable. I would assume that with COVID, Kirby has likely been experiencing declining sales.

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