Thread Number: 41527  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
The Rainbow SRX, thank you ElectroluxxxMike!
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Post# 439989   3/19/2021 at 08:34 (1,225 days old) by luxmanmatt (Lincoln, Ne)        

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Hey, guys! It’s been too long since I have posted in here. And, I thought I would show off my new SRX! Overall, it’s an impressive machine, especially the durability of the power nozzle. We all know Rexair has deep pockets when it comes to R&D, and the SRX is a wonderful step in their product evolution. I have owned 3 brand new rainbows (now including the SRX and each unit I have purchased not only has superb cleaning quality, but delivers a superior cleaning experience).

To me, watching a demo and purchasing a new Rainbow is exactly like the thrill of unboxing a new Apple product. The packaging and presentation of the product “is” am experience in and of itself. It’s why I also keep the boxes and the packaging, which I still have from my first e2 Gold and my e2Black purchases.

I wasn’t planning on purchasing the SRX so soon, but I was out in New York several weeks ago and was able to catch up to Mike and he demo’d the SRX for me. Thank you, Mike for your experience and knowledge on Rainbow’s as well as the excellent customer service. I have always taken great comfort in the superior company Rexair is, the evolution of the Rainbow product, but also the customer support is top-notch!

If you are a Rainbow enthusiast and have Rainbow questions, need advice, or you’re headed to New York. Stop in and see Mike! He knows Rainbow’s!

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Post# 439991 , Reply# 1   3/19/2021 at 09:45 (1,225 days old) by electro (Indiana)        
nice looking Rainbow

I have a question about the new SRX. I was watching a Video a vacuum dealer was doing on you tube and was disappointed in the amount of air flow that registered on his meter. What reason would the Rainbow show a low reading on the air flow meter? I have had a Rainbow for over 10 years and although it has pretty good suction, I have noticed the air flow seemed lack luster when using for example the floor brush.. .

I also believe it was on this same video that the guy shows how the new Rainbow power nozzle would not pick up loose material on a hardwood floor.
I do like the new manner the water basin fits in the machine. Seems to work a lot easier. I was hoping Rainbow would introduce a nice straight suction rug tool as my E2 came with NO straight suction rug tool so I am forced to use the floor brush or the sofa brush on rugs that cannot have a power brush.

My Rainbow as given good service but now the rug shampoo unit stopped working with a broken belt. It needs to go in to the Rainbow dealer for repair.
Thanks for sharing your picture of the new machine.

Post# 439995 , Reply# 2   3/19/2021 at 11:46 (1,225 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Mike is an awesome guy and a good friend. I tip my hat to him on his ability to repair Rainbows.

Post# 440001 , Reply# 3   3/19/2021 at 13:52 (1,225 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Vacuum. I really like the new styling.
If you don't mind what is the motor amp rating and the power nozzle amp rating?

Post# 440004 , Reply# 4   3/19/2021 at 14:11 (1,225 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        
Simply the best, better than all the rest

Let me start off by saying that this is the best model that rexair has come out with. I also do like the slide in and slide out water basin. This model has a lot of really cool and unique features. I don't know how they will eventually beat this model. Its like they perfected the system. I like how now they come in smaller boxes with just the system in it while the hose, wand and attachments come in its own separate box. Wish mines came like that. Speaking of the boxes, I really like the blue/ navy and white color scheme for the packaging. In terms of optional accessories, i love each and every one of them for the ease of use and for the functionality. Now since 2021 is there 85th anniversary I do hope they come out with something new in terms of an accessory or two. Me personally, and Ive said this in other threads, would like to see them come out with a soft roller cleaner head, kind of similar to what dyson has, as well as an additional brush attachment, with a rotating brush, similar to what hoover has, for the minijet accessory. Or even better, come out with a dog bathing system, similar to what bissell has for the pet bark bath. I do see potential for new optional accessories, I just hope soneone from rexair reads these threads and take note and pass these ideas on to the enguineering department.

Post# 440065 , Reply# 5   3/20/2021 at 11:26 (1,224 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        
I still

mark40511's profile picture
have my original gold 2 speed boxes as well. That's saying something for me, because I'm definitely not a hoarder. I throw everything away usually. But I kept those (LOL)

Post# 440096 , Reply# 6   3/21/2021 at 00:19 (1,224 days old) by electroluxxxx (……)        

to answer your question regarding airflow... these machines actually have quite a bit of airflow but what restricts it quite a bit to my findings is the HEPA filter, it is made of a different material than the E-series machines. The other thing is that these machines only use one fan, The fan is thicker and the blades are actually spaced farther apart when compared to the E2 models. The E-Series single speed and the SRX actually have comparable airflow and water lift. The machine to me is an OK machine, definitely not the best and I don't own one for a few different reasons one being I have a central vac, however the Warranty cannot be beat if the dealer actually honors it properly like ours.

Matt- I am so glad that you like the machine and it was great to actually meet and catch up with you. I would like to know how the SRX performs with your Aquamate!

Post# 440098 , Reply# 7   3/21/2021 at 00:33 (1,224 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
With the brushless motor extra capabilities and everything it provides pulling similar to e2 machines is impressive.
I'd take it over a kirby,airstorm and pretty much every other vacuum on the market.
Let's be honest no corded vacuum will touch a central vac except maybe nss pig.

If you trade in are we talking $300 or ,$700 .
I'm not even asking price range. I'd want everything with it and if demoed it wouldn't leave the house. My wife loves her rainbow.
Maybe after I get my newly used car in the next month I'll look into it rainbow.

Post# 440142 , Reply# 8   3/21/2021 at 20:56 (1,223 days old) by vaclab (Pickerington, Ohio)        
Amazing Just How Fast We've Forgotten

vaclab's profile picture
This SRX thread.

Historical Canister Measurements

D3 = 92 CFM / 60"
D4C SE = 87 CFM / 60"
E2 One Speed = 107 CFM / 58"
E2 Two Speed Gold = 97 CFM / 84"
E2 Two Speed Platinum = 97 CFM / 84"
E2 Two Speed Black = 97 CFM / 84"

Other People's Tests
SRX = 101 CFM / 58"

So the highest canister suction is the previous generation E2 2-Speed series @ 84" and the highest canister CFM is the E2 One Speed @ 107 CFM.

Other testers had issues measuring the SRX CFM and it may indeed be nearer to 107, matching the old E2 One Speed.

The new SRX literally has ZERO nozzle suction and very poor airflow due to a leaky PN design.

I just re-tested a fully refurbished 1993 D4C SE and both the airflow and suction at the nozzle beat the new SRX. Disappointing.


Post# 440145 , Reply# 9   3/21/2021 at 21:00 (1,223 days old) by Electroluxxxx (……)        
no offense Bill

but there is a reason we don't go back on certain threads... I do believe it is to prevent anymore arguing.

Post# 440162 , Reply# 10   3/22/2021 at 01:21 (1,222 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I've seen a couple of videos of users that I trust. To test airflow of the new SRX PN, the turned the machine on HIGH speed, brush roll OFF, went over colored sand on a hard floor and the SRX PN moved no sand. They grabbed a couple of other PN's from other vacuums (neither was designed for hard floor cleaning) and ran it over the sand and it picked the sand straight up. Obvious the SRX is able to pick up dirt on carpet using the PN, because I've seen videos of people using it and the basin was gross as you would expect after vacuuming dirty it IS doing something. It's just weird why it would have such LOW airflow at the PN head. I guess the agitation is doing most of the work.

I've done this very thing with my gold 2 speed PN2 and it does pick up sand on a hard floor with no problem, though I never use the PN on hard floors. So my Gold 2 speed's PN can pick up sand from a hard floor but the SRX PN's can't?

I love rainbow vacuums. I would never give mine up...My favorite models are the Gold/Silver/Black

Post# 440174 , Reply# 11   3/22/2021 at 13:27 (1,222 days old) by joshp83 (Minneapolis)        

@luxmanmatt - Congratulations on your purchase! Most of us that own the SRX seem to like it, so don't let all the negative replies to your announcement spoil your purchase. The Power Nozzle isn't well sealed, so use the dedicated floor tool on hard floors. Not every innovation on the SRX is a "win", but at least Rainbow continues to evolve their product and the SRX is a pleasure to use. :)

Rainbow apparently makes a "Shag Rug Brush" - which looks similar to the standard hard floor tool minus the bristles, with little fins on the bottom for raking the rug. It does look suited specifically for shag rugs, but I can DM you a pic of a sell sheet with it if you're interested. (My sister did their referral program for her SRX and it's listed as an available accessory.)

Post# 440209 , Reply# 12   3/23/2021 at 08:39 (1,221 days old) by electro (Indiana)        

Thanks josh83!
What I need is a regular rug tool for wool braided rugs and wool loop rugs that cannot be cleaned with a revolving brush.
There are several things on the new model that do not appeal to me. First would be the poor pick up on a hard surface and then I do not like the fact that you cannot "lock" the power nozzle on (which I can do on mine). The new power nozzle looks big and clunky to handle too.

I HAD noticed when I was using the tools for my old Kirby that they snatched the dirt and grit even before I got to the dirt. I never thought my Rainbow was very strong in that area where it was from lower suction or less air flow. Mine has always been sort of lack luster. It did seem to do a good job on the carpets but then so MANY vacuums make the rug LOOK good but fail on the deep cleaning.

Just kind of disappointed all around with the new model. Will keep my old one as it has given me good service.

Post# 458458 , Reply# 13   12/7/2022 at 19:34 (597 days old) by ajr2993 (Bakersfield, CA)        

What crack was Rexair smoking when they designed this machine? Its cleaning ability is WORSE than that of an Oreck XL Classic for $3,200! And it's also been recalled for having a HORRIBLE circuit board that can catch fire. What a terrible machine, especially since it was sold for $3,200. The only good parts are the filtration and the nozzle agitation.

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