Thread Number: 38508  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Air-Way Sanitizor 88 Mark II
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Post# 409574   5/19/2019 at 06:46 (1,983 days old) by Luxkid1980 (Richmond, Virginia)        

Hi all.

I came across an Air-Way vacuum yesterday at a local thrift store. I hadn't seen one of these in person before so I wasn't sure at first what it was. It seems like a very well made machine and has great suction. The power cord appears to have been replaced at some point. However, the metal poles were missing. Are aftermarket ones available or does anyone have a spare set they would be willing to part with?

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Post# 409597 , Reply# 1   5/20/2019 at 07:22 (1,982 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

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I just ran mine yesterday. Congratulations on a great machine.

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Post# 409598 , Reply# 2   5/20/2019 at 08:57 (1,982 days old) by luxkid1980 (Richmond, Virginia)        

Thanks Tom.

Was your Mark II a later version since it has the port for plugging in the Rugmaster? Mine doesn't have the port. Also, which side of the machine is the attachment caddy supposed to hang? I've seen different configurations online. The previous owner used a nylon strap to keep the caddy in place on the front and I guess the pressure over time caused a line on the back of the casing of the vacuum.

Post# 409605 , Reply# 3   5/20/2019 at 16:32 (1,981 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
AirWay 88

Great vac.Yours looks good with replaced hose & cord and missing crevice tool.
Tom will know as much as anyone when he has time.
To begin answering your questions-
It would use 2 aluminum curved wands.The rug nozzle would probably have a brass pin that would fit notch in lower wand that would push brush strip lower when wand was turned to either side.
Attach-a-Caddy could have 3 positions-
-Hang from carry handle with hinge fitting in opening.
-Open bag door and hang at either side,close door.
-When pulled on wheels as a tank type hang on lower cord wrap.
AirWay was 1st with paper bag and along with Electrolux has what I feel are the 2 best bag systems ever.

Post# 409608 , Reply# 4   5/20/2019 at 20:31 (1,981 days old) by Luxkid1980 (Richmond, Virginia)        

Thanks Jimmy. I do hope I can find the curved aluminum wands as the attachments have a special clip where they appear to attach. I've read in the forums that the aftermarket bags should not be used. Is that true? It doesn't appear that new airway bags are available any longer. There is also what seems to be a pre-motor filter in the bottom of the bag compartment. I hope I can just cut some foam filter material to fit.

Post# 409703 , Reply# 5   5/23/2019 at 16:13 (1,978 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I can help you with the two extension poles, a much better attachment carrier, the correct crevice tool, as well as some genuine disposable bags. I love airway. There is no way to get the bag in wrong.

Post# 409749 , Reply# 6   5/24/2019 at 19:04 (1,977 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
That airway sanitizer 88 is a beautiful vacuum. I love the color scheme on it. I have not had an opportunity to own an airway but hopefully when I do it's similar in color and condition to the ones in this thread.

Post# 460562 , Reply# 7   2/22/2023 at 23:44 (607 days old) by Critifur (Palm Beach, FL)        
AirWay 88 MK II with Rugmaster Head

Can someone post an image of the port for the Rugmaster power head? I just want to see what I am looking for. I really want one of these someday, one with a power head hopefully.

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