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Thrift store sightings
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Post# 393330   6/16/2018 at 14:23 (2,153 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Hi all,

I had to run some errands today, and hit a Goodwill and a Savers stores while I was out.

At the Savers, I saw my first Tri Star.
I don't know them at all, but based on similar ones listed on eBay, I'm thinking it was a CXL.
It was a silver or grey hammertone finish, with a white bumper.
I believe it had the hose, wands, and a non-powered floor tool for attachments.
It was priced at $29.99.
The same store also had an Oreck XL, but I didn't notice the price.

The Goodwill store had an Aerus Lux upright. It's called a Lite, or Air something.
It has a cloth bag, somewhat resembling an Oreck bag.
That one was $21.99. Next to it was a Kenmore upright that I didn't see the price.
They also had a blue Hoover stick vac for $10.99.
It needed a good cleaning, but I believe it would clean up really nice.
I thought about it, but it was missing the dirt/dust cup. I'm not sure if that's what it's called.
It's the little removable cup on the front of the machine that you empty.
That, and the Tri Star tempted me, but I have no room for anything.
I must exercise self control...unless it's something that really knocks my socks off!

I didn't end up bringing anything home.


Post# 393331 , Reply# 1   6/16/2018 at 14:33 (2,153 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        
Forgot to mention

justjunque's profile picture
At the Goodwill, there was also a little Dirt Devil hand vac for $5.99.
Cute little guy.
But, again, I have to learn to control myself.


Post# 393336 , Reply# 2   6/16/2018 at 15:35 (2,153 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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You just have to trust your intuition. When I go to thrift stores and look at the vacuums, instinct tells me what to pass and what to avoid, other than my wallet. haha

I have a feeling what ones might be rare or not, and it has to speak to me. There is a couple I regret not getting but usually I find good ones that I enjoy owning.

My Goodwill has hand vac Dirt Devils all the time but I can never get one because the employees are morons and put $20 price tags on them. It's been that way for about 3 months now. I do take photos of them at least and their model tags so I know what to look for in case one is a rare model with a certain motor amperage. For some reason virtually all of them are in the hose configuration with hose attached and have no plug.

I did score a late model DD Ultra (the old one, not the new one with the built in hose) for $5 there back in winter. It's virtually brand new, looked like it only had the hose on it since it came out of the box. The belt took all my strength to put it on the shaft and it was still glossy, so that's how I knew it was never used with the brushroll.

Post# 393342 , Reply# 3   6/16/2018 at 17:05 (2,152 days old) by Paul (USA)        


Good practice in self control.

Fyi, here's some background info. on the TriStar & Aerus vacs; years are approximate.

TriStar Models Since 1990 (source

1990-92: CXL
1993-98: DXL

1999-01: EXL, A101 (w/supposedly the most powerful motor)
2003-05: MG1, A101G
2006-09: MG2, A101N
2010-? : MG3, A101R
: CS, A101S

Aerus "Lite" label rebrands:

2005-08: U162A Lux Lite (TTI); white nozzle, gray bag
2016- : U163A Lite by Aerus (Tacony); black
2017- : U163C Lite Cordless by Aerus (Tacony); black

Post# 393344 , Reply# 4   6/16/2018 at 17:06 (2,152 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Wow. Yeah...$20 seems a bit high for the hand vac, provided we're talking about the same thing.
I probably could have picked up the one I saw.
There's always little messes that I could use it for.
Plus, $5.99 seems reasonable.

I was tempted by the Aerus light upright. I'm an Aerus/Electrolux fan.
But even for that, $20.99 discouraged me a bit.
I think I just got spoiled by last week's $10 Hoover Portable.
Plus, I'm really not a vacuum collector, and we have mostly hardwood floors with just a couple of braided rugs.
So, for all practical purposes, I don't need an upright.
As it is, we still have our Oreck XL that we bought new when we lived in our apartment with a few rooms of wall to wall.


Post# 393350 , Reply# 5   6/16/2018 at 17:25 (2,152 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Hey Paul,

I think the Aerus was probably the Lux Lite. White nozzle, grey bag.
So they were actually built by another company? Interesting.
That must be when my mom bought her current Aerus.
They had a promotion going where you got a free Lux Lite when you bought a new Aerus canister vac.
After completing the transaction, I noticed the sign next to the display and said, "Hey. She gets a free upright!"
Nope. The salesman said that was only for customers who paid full price for the canister.
Since he had given her a trade-in allowance for her previous model, she didn't qualify for the free upright.
In hindsight, I wish we had just told him to forget the whole deal and took her "old" vacuum back home.
There was nothing at all wrong with it, she just wanted to get the latest version.


Post# 393354 , Reply# 6   6/16/2018 at 17:53 (2,152 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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When I first got interested in vacuums, I figured I would like to have one of everything, a Kirby, Electrolux, Rainbow, Hoover Convertible etc. Then I realized I didn't have room for all of that, and didn't really need all of those around. Back then it was hard to say no because good machines like metal Convertibles and all sorts came into Habitat regularly.

I don't actively collect anymore unless something shows up that is one of the machines I want. My favorites tend to be old metal Hoovers, Kenmores of any age, and vacuums that are just unusual even if they're plastic.

It probably helps that older vacuums don't turn up that often here anymore, but like you it helps to be able to leave vacuums that you don't really want, even if they're a good deal. I already have an Electrolux so I pass on any I see, I know I don't have room for big machines like Kirbys, etc. After so many vacuums accumulate it's more of a vexation than anything because it's hard to clean around them and they collect dust and just get in the way. Plus you have them for a while and it's not as exciting when you first find them.

But if a favorite machine comes up it's hard to pass, esp when it's a rare one to see. For me that was a Hoover Constellation. I'd wanted one since I started collecting, and I'd never even seen one in person. Suddenly I went to a sale and one was there. Had to have it. On the other hand I've passed up many Kirbys and Luxs. They're nice machines, but I just don't want one badly enough and they come up frequently enough that I know if I did really want one it wouldn't be long before I found it.

My mother doesn't understand my vacuum collecting, especially old used ones, and even though I've told her I clean them all out she still sees no use in having machines around that aren't regularly used. She isn't bothered by the rest of my collecting, so I can certainly compromise and vacuums take up a lot more space than other things I collect, so I do understand.

Oh, and those Dirt Devil handvacs are cute. They turn up pretty frequently here, sometimes with the attachments. I've been meaning to get one someday, but just haven't bought any yet. I do have a toy one though. lol The smaller vacuums are easier to collect because they can be stowed out of sight in a cabinet or drawer much easier.

Post# 393399 , Reply# 7   6/17/2018 at 17:39 (2,151 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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Here's what I found at my local Salvation Army Thrift Store!

The Kirby Heritage "Super Renovation Group" for my 1984 Heritage 84, which one of the pictures shows the "Carpet Fluffer" attached to. It's nearly complete, missing just the spray/suds gun!

The card that this came in has a serial number for a Heritage dated January 1983.


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Post# 393403 , Reply# 8   6/17/2018 at 19:20 (2,151 days old) by Paul (USA)        

Hey Barry,

I agree that it would have been better for your mom to keep her old Aerus or Electrolux instead of getting the latest. As for that Aerus dealership's sales tactics, they're at beat questionable and at least unethical. The free vacuum promotion should have been explained to your mom, and she should have been given the option of the trade-in or free Lux Lite.

As for Aerus's production, it is no more. It gave up most of its manufacturing to AB Electrolux's Eureka Commpany when it bought back the Electrolux brand. Motor production since 2002 has been outsourced to JEI of Hong Kong. The rest of the manufacturing that had been retained, including the Lux Floor Pro and attachments, was discontinued in May 2016. Its former factory is now an aseembly and distribution center. I'm thinking its R & D was shut down around 2000; about the same time it started rebranding other companies' products. Aerus is a subsidiary of Lux International of Sweden, which designed the Lux Guardian Ultra C170A and Lux Guardian Platinum C177A.

Oh, and btw, a friend reminded me that there was a black nozzle version of the Lux Lite. It was the model U162E.

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