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What happened to the UK members?
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Post# 368743   3/20/2017 at 03:02 (2,685 days old) by Mixman (Central NJ)        

I have read many of the old archived posts and noticed there used to be many UK members posting here. I noticed as of late very few are still posting. Coincidence? I happen to think they give a different perspective on vacuums relating to the UK and Europe.

Post# 368749 , Reply# 1   3/20/2017 at 06:32 (2,685 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
Yes it's a shame they very rarely post on here anymore 😞

Post# 368750 , Reply# 2   3/20/2017 at 06:47 (2,685 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture
A combination of factors really. I guess the biggest thing is that there's a UK specific Facebook group up and running which gets a lot of posters.

Also bear in mind the UK is very small in comparison to the US, most of the UK collectors now know eachother in person and tend to keep in touch as we would with other friends and meet up fairly regularly.

Another factor is that peoples lives have changed. For example Jack (DysonAnimal, previously VintageHoover) was a regular poster for many years and kept the UK posts up, but since he now works in the industry, he's unfortunately not in a position to post here anymore. A brilliant thing for Jack, but not so great for us lol. Personally, I've been here 10 years now and my life is very different to what it used to be. I just don't have the time to post here as much as I'd like to, but with the Facebook group, it's on my phone so very quick to post to.

And lets not forget, Nar (SeboFan) who was a regular UK poster passed away last year very suddenly and unexpectedly.

I think the combination of all those factors has resulted in a decrease in UK posters.

Post# 368751 , Reply# 3   3/20/2017 at 07:15 (2,685 days old) by dyson89 (Norfolk, UK)        
Im still here.....


Turbo500 has hit the nail on the head.
When I first discovered Vacuumland I lived at home and worked part time.
I now have my own house and work upto 7 days a week.
I frequently check the site but rarely post.

The uk Facebook group makes posting really easy, just point and shoot with the camera and the post is made. To post here I have to forward the pics off my phone onto the PC and then upload in spare time.

I enjoy learning about US machines (I have 2 myself I use with a transformer)I hope you guys across the pond enjoy our UK machine as they do differ slightly.

Post# 368754 , Reply# 4   3/20/2017 at 07:50 (2,685 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture
Hey Matt - I'm the same! When I joined here, I was still a student and had way more free time. I now have a house, partner and career to think about. Hobbies often take a sideline and the convenience of Facebook being on my phone makes things easier.

Plus, I don't know about you, but I find the Facebook group a little more personable. There's a person associated with it, not just words on a screen and a username.


Post# 368755 , Reply# 5   3/20/2017 at 07:57 (2,685 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture
Prime example...Matt just had to message me and ask if it was me who posted on this thread! Lack of identity, I guess. Although maybe some people will like the anonymity, it doesn't really happen with the UK collectors as we all socialise outside of the internet now. Both the joy and the drawback of social media.

Post# 368756 , Reply# 6   3/20/2017 at 08:06 (2,685 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
Personally I think this site is dying a slow death 🤔

Post# 368757 , Reply# 7   3/20/2017 at 08:09 (2,685 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
If you have time to socialise with all the UK collectors you can't be as busy as you make out 😀

Post# 368760 , Reply# 8   3/20/2017 at 08:57 (2,685 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture
You're damn rude Marcus, you know that? No wonder the UK guys don't post so much anymore with comments like that.

The UK meet up's tend to happen a couple of times a year and then smaller, more local meet up's happen at various times. There's no set schedule, just whenever people are free. Not that it's any of your business but between work, family, friends and then collector friends, my time gets pretty full up. I'm also studying part time as well as working full time at the moment, so I haven't had as much time for friends lately as I'd like.

Think about it, what would you rather do? Meet up with people in person or just chat with people over a forum? Even at the meet up's now, the chat is never focused on appliances as the majority of us are friends and involved in eachothers lives, so it's more now like meeting up with friends that just getting together for vac-talk.

As for it dying a death, it still seems as popular as ever, just with less UK/EU postings that there used to be.

Post# 368761 , Reply# 9   3/20/2017 at 09:25 (2,685 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
Rude me? I have impeccable manners 😁

There's not as many posts on here as there used to be. But I still enjoy reading the people that still do post.

Post# 368786 , Reply# 10   3/20/2017 at 13:50 (2,685 days old) by Mixman (Central NJ)        
Nar's passing

I did not know about Nar's passing. I missed that in reading the archives. Wondered why he suddenly stopped posting. That explains why he never answered when I took a couple of jabs at Sebo's high prices here in the US.

I am not sure I would say the site is dying, I do however notice a decline in posts and responses even from last year with the most obvious difference being the decline in the U.K. members posting.

Post# 368787 , Reply# 11   3/20/2017 at 13:53 (2,685 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
Mars passing came as a big shock to me. I miss his posts on here.
You cud have a good argument with him. Haha

Post# 368788 , Reply# 12   3/20/2017 at 13:54 (2,685 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
Nars. Predictive text 😫

Post# 368792 , Reply# 13   3/20/2017 at 14:32 (2,685 days old) by Mixman (Central NJ)        

That's actually what made me notice, when Nar failed to respond to my jabs at Sebo, I then saw that not only he, but a lot of UK members were not posting anymore.

It was actually videos by he and Roger(sensotronic)that convinced me to get a Felix.

Post# 368794 , Reply# 14   3/20/2017 at 14:53 (2,685 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
Haha yes I got a Felix after seeing Rogers video. I'm slightly going off Sebo uprights now though.

I do like the new E series cylinder. I will be getting one soon.

Post# 368795 , Reply# 15   3/20/2017 at 15:04 (2,685 days old) by jmurray01 (Scotland)        

jmurray01's profile picture
I'm still here! Although I class myself as being in Scotland rather than the UK (but that's a whole other political story we probably shouldn't get into!), I am of that region nonetheless.

I first joined this forum in 2011 when I was 16 years old and didn't have a job, so I had every minute of every day to myself and spent hours browsing and posting here and fully appreciating my collection (albeit then rather small). The "good old days".

Fast forward 6 years and I have a full-time job which is currently pushing me to the limits of my depression and anxiety, insurmountable money problems and other issues I'm not prepared to discuss. Basically, my life is not in a good place.

Sometimes I come back on here and it helps to distract me, but more often than not I can't even look at the vacuums let alone check the forum.

Mostly I just log on to see the "miscellanea" and "household" areas for any personal news from the members whom I converse with, but nothing about vacuums per se.

Post# 368901 , Reply# 16   3/22/2017 at 04:41 (2,683 days old) by matt8808 (Teesside - North East - UK)        

I'm still kicking about... just LOL

I browse this site most days if I've got time to kill, I just rarely post.

Not a member of the elitist private Facebook group as I no longer use Facebook... So if I find the desire to post anything vac related it will be on here :)

Post# 369990 , Reply# 17   4/4/2017 at 10:14 (2,670 days old) by beko1987 (Stokenchurch, United Kingdom)        

I rarely post here anymore, it's just too american. Which isn't a dig at anyone per se, but it means that any UK content gets pushed off the first page quite quickly.

I'm only on here today as I was reading turbopowerpaul's turbopower 2 thread (jmurrays actually, but TPP added lots of content), so posted up my latest haul, and am having a click around. But in a few minutes I'll have to stop procrastinating and get back to work, then go home and put children to bed. Then have dinner, do some washing and other boring stuff, then go to bed myself, although I really must get a dyson apart to refurbish and sell!

It's a shame really, as Hooverland was always very active over both sides of the pond. I scraped all the messages and photo's/files from it a few months ago to save incase yahoo binned the group off, keep meaning to pop them in the cloud somewhere, but I doubt people would be interested.

Post# 370005 , Reply# 18   4/4/2017 at 11:56 (2,670 days old) by thekirbylover (Warrington, cheshire )        
Not a member of the elitist private Facebook group

thekirbylover's profile picture
this made my day hahaha. I think UK members dont post as much as quite frankly no one comments or replies on threads. I have to agree this site isn't what it used to be. lets hope it picks up :)

Post# 370019 , Reply# 19   4/4/2017 at 14:11 (2,670 days old) by AlexHoovers94 (Manchester UK)        

alexhoovers94's profile picture

I still post here now and again...Since many members seem not to take much interest in the UK machines/threads I and others post about, I tend not to bother as much anymore.

Regarding the "UK facebook group" I have no idea what that is, I am pretty sure I am not in it, I don't think anyone wants me there, given what i have been lead to believe...I have one "vac friend" I talk to very regularly, who happens to be one of my best friends, I tend to just keep to myself these days.

I think this site is still a great archive for information but I do agree it is on its last legs really, it just needs some time spent on it, I think, to make it more user friendly and better formatted, however, it is still a good place for photos, information etc, plus all the collectors know about Vacuumland, it is what kicked it all off and put a lot of is at ease, knowing we are not alone in this wierd fascination.


Post# 370022 , Reply# 20   4/4/2017 at 14:19 (2,670 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
No-one wants me in it either but to be honest the feeling is mutual 😁

Post# 370024 , Reply# 21   4/4/2017 at 14:28 (2,670 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
Is it called the broom cupboard? A broom cupboard is the last place I'd want to be with some of them! 😯

Post# 370027 , Reply# 22   4/4/2017 at 14:39 (2,670 days old) by AlexHoovers94 (Manchester UK)        

alexhoovers94's profile picture

It is all bollocks really, if you have a differing opinion from someone, or they just don't like you, they fall out with you! I am not being specific to anyone.

To be honest, I keep what I think to myself and igrnore any sign of conflict because as I grew up and discovered different things in my life, I realised I have more important things to worry about than if Sebo is better or why Hoover went out of business, or if someone thinks a certain vacuum doesn't deep clean...I like what I like, buy what I like and I have my opinions that won't change.

You just have to realise that some people enjoy making you look like the bad guy, by keep subtly driving you to a reaction, sometimes publicly...That is the same in daily life too.

Long gone are my days of being involved in long winded debates on here, because, frankly, I just couldn't give a sh*t anymore. 🙉🙈😂 I like vacuums, here, that is the important thing.

Lol, anyway, that is my peace said...I don't know who put 50p in me! 😂😂


Post# 370028 , Reply# 23   4/4/2017 at 14:46 (2,670 days old) by sebo4me (Cardiff)        

sebo4me's profile picture
It's just a bit of fun Alex. I don't care what people I've never met (and very likely never will meet) think of me. I don't come on here to be loved I just come on here to give my voews. People are free to like or hate them 😁

It's just a bit of harmless banter

Post# 370030 , Reply# 24   4/4/2017 at 15:00 (2,670 days old) by AlexHoovers94 (Manchester UK)        

alexhoovers94's profile picture
Haha fair enough, but if you upset everyone then you won't have anyone to share your interest with, that wouldn't be fun...I am not really a sensitive person so can usually differentiate between what is banter and what isn't, even when someone is trying to be hurtful with their comments on my opinions or views etc.

I tend to be a tough cookie these days, men have hurt me so much as it is lol, I am ised to the abuse! 😝

Anyway, regarding the thread...I am here, long serving Vacuumland member. ☺️

Post# 370031 , Reply# 25   4/4/2017 at 15:11 (2,670 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I, personally, alsways enjoyed the non-American posts.

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
It's always fun to hear English terms used so differently. Also, it's great to see the 'other' machines, etc. I've met a lot of people in here. Some, I'll never meet, and that IS quite alright. As far as thick skin: one needs it. Some like us, don't like us, hate us, bash us, etc. Some are those who really don't know us at all. We're disliked for liking one brand, and one brand only, OR for being very close friends with others whom they despise.(guilt by association). That doesn't bother me in the least. Often, people tend to bash us, what we do, where we go, groups to which we belong, etc. Yet, they seem obsessed with us at the same time. They hate what we do, yet, they seem fascinated at the same time.
It was great at Hoover's 100th b day to see Jack and others from 'across the pond' over here.
I enjoy seeing people's collections, hearing stories, sharing knowledge, and I get as kick out of some false info I hear.
I plan, one day, to go to Perivale and stand in front of your Hoover art deco building. I also hope to meet Jamie Murray. His posts are always great, as well as those from Italy, France, Africa, Australia, etc.

Post# 370046 , Reply# 26   4/4/2017 at 19:45 (2,670 days old) by Numatic_boy (England)        

numatic_boy's profile picture
Hi,I haven't been on here lately,I agree with the sentiment that the forum is more American centric.I also haven't had the time,I find it easier to post on the Henry face-book forums,youtube or Instagram.They are easier to use in my opinion.Ive also had issues with the aforementioned Facebook group above but last time I spoke up about it,it rustled their jimmies and started a mini hate fest about me which doesn't affect me too much as there's more to life then social media.Its just a bit silly that middle age men sit there roasting people behind there backs.Dont get me wrong,most people on there are decent,just a few are a bit elitist.

Post# 370062 , Reply# 27   4/5/2017 at 02:09 (2,669 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

Someone else here now uses the username 'vintagehoover' & is from NJ

Post# 370064 , Reply# 28   4/5/2017 at 02:37 (2,669 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture's so amusing that people who aren't on the Facebook group are bitter and bitching about it. It's a great group and worth being in just for access to the sheer volume of brochures & catalogues that are on there. The banter is about more free & easy rather than the more structured discussions that happen on here - not that that's a bad thing, it's just the nature of forums & social media.

If you were on the group and are no longer, there's usually a good reason for that. At least 2 of you were booted for being quite rude to other people for absolutely no reason. So if you find it elitist or pathetic or whatever...maybe you should look in the mirror. There's 70 odd people in that group and 1 of you. Figure it out.

Post# 370065 , Reply# 29   4/5/2017 at 02:48 (2,669 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture
"Its just a bit silly that middle age men sit there roasting people behind there backs."

Errr...isn't that what you're doing now?

Post# 370066 , Reply# 30   4/5/2017 at 03:13 (2,669 days old) by Numatic_boy (England)        

numatic_boy's profile picture
Im just stating what I thought happned.I apologized for my intial off post but I didnt do anything when I was attacked the second time.Im not roasting or naming and shaming.Infact,I was having quite a nice discussion with who I believe to be you on those Argos Aztec Goblin machines.Im not middle aged.Im not playing an age card either.

Post# 370067 , Reply# 31   4/5/2017 at 03:14 (2,669 days old) by Numatic_boy (England)        

numatic_boy's profile picture
If someone finds something elitist and some one doesnt then its subjective and leav it at that.

Post# 370068 , Reply# 32   4/5/2017 at 03:42 (2,669 days old) by AlexHoovers94 (Manchester UK)        

alexhoovers94's profile picture
I remember when I first made an account on here ot wouldn't let me use "vintagehoover" as a user name, lol.

I look back now and think I could of chosen a much better name for my account, nevermind. 🙈

Post# 370073 , Reply# 33   4/5/2017 at 06:19 (2,669 days old) by thekirbylover (Warrington, cheshire )        
facebook groups

thekirbylover's profile picture
are all well and good dont get me wrong, I fully understand why im not in this particular one as say 6 or 7 members aren't particularly fond of me. from my last conversations with these members they told me that apparently I know what I did. the funny thing is is that I actually cant and if it was something when I was like 13 then I do apologise at the young me was a complete doorknob without the door. from what Ive seen if a few dont like you your not getting in hence why I dont really bother. as a UK member I do post on here occasionally but it is very American with a lot of the machines I have no clue as to what they actually are. Im actually surprised when i see a UK member has made a thread. I am past holding a grudge and just keep myself to myself. as a lot of other members have posted my life has changed dramatically, work, college ect. so I simply dont have the same amount of time as I used to. hope everyone is well.


Post# 370075 , Reply# 34   4/5/2017 at 06:39 (2,669 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture
Michael, I've been on the FB group since it started (infact, I think I added you). I'm not admin on it, but don't remember anything that happened to make you leave, I assumed you'd removed yourself? Of all the people who got themselves a bad rep, you don't stick out in my mind at all!

Post# 370087 , Reply# 35   4/5/2017 at 10:58 (2,669 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
We've all improved, hopefully, with age.

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
(like wine or cheese). Everyone has rubbed someone the wrong way at one point or another. It's great when we can move on like this.
As far as being very "American", well, it started here. But, I'm personally very happy to see others jump in. I love seeing machines, manuals (leaflets) from other places. I'm personally trying to obtain a Hoover floor tool that 'flips'. I've seen them in her., We never had them 'over here'.
Well, some of us have matured. (I'm not referring to anyone outside of the U.S.A. Some will never mature. That's the way it it, i suppose.
Keep up the great posts, including photos, please.

Post# 370108 , Reply# 36   4/5/2017 at 16:11 (2,669 days old) by thekirbylover (Warrington, cheshire )        

thekirbylover's profile picture
please dont think that was some kind of dig at Americans. your machines are great, especially your Hoovers. Ours were always so bland where as you had a huge array of vibrant colours and patterns. its sometimes there are an awful amount of threads of machines that dont particularly interest me and I have absolutely no clue about them. I do enjoy finding out about machines Ive never heard of and discovering new models.

Post# 370110 , Reply# 37   4/5/2017 at 17:17 (2,669 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
It wasn't taken

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
in a bad way at all. I am amazed, too, that we've had so many more wild colors(colours).

Post# 370391 , Reply# 38   4/9/2017 at 19:31 (2,665 days old) by electromatik (Taylorsville, North Carolina, U.S.A.)        

Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear about that member's passing. I had no idea. I have not been on the site much in the past few months due to illness in my family. My father has been hospitalized 3 times since December and was gravely ill for a while. I simply didn't have the time or energy to come here much. I have not lost my interest in vacuums. I still like learning and seeing others with the same interest.

As far as the lessening of the UK/European posters goes, I'm sorry to hear that too... It's fascinating that interest in these machines transcends national boundaries. I like seeing the European machines. I tried to engage those posters to my best ability. I hope they don't all leave us.

I'll try to do my part!

Post# 465407 , Reply# 39   8/20/2023 at 17:52 (341 days old) by richardc1983 (Leeds, UK)        

richardc1983's profile picture
Is anyone still here from the UK?

Post# 465410 , Reply# 40   8/20/2023 at 21:17 (341 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Most UK members have migrated to the Manchester Vacs forum. It's Dyson/Miele/Sebo-centric but they have side-forums for vintage vacs and vacuum rebuilds/restorations. Cheers all.

Post# 465437 , Reply# 41   8/21/2023 at 23:27 (340 days old) by Mixman (Central NJ)        
My old thread.

Never thought this would be resurrected. cool

Post# 465449 , Reply# 42   8/22/2023 at 20:50 (339 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

What ever happened to Simon? He had a nice collection of various Hoover Juniors and Seniors. His Vacuumland username was 74simon and his Youtube channel is Lswrsi.

Post# 465481 , Reply# 43   8/23/2023 at 19:05 (338 days old) by Rolls_rapide (-)        
"Is anyone still here from the UK?"

I'm still kicking about here, on occasion. Not very often mind you. For some reason several months ago now, this site repeatedly threw up 'Forbidden Access' errors. I never did get to the bottom of that. The Automaticwasher site always worked fine.

Post# 465712 , Reply# 44   9/1/2023 at 04:48 (329 days old) by blakaeg (NW London, UK)        
UK Members

The reason why I stopped posting and visiting is because I cannot stand the attitude of some on here and the opinionated nature of some.

This should be a place where people get together to talk about our wonderful interest in amazing vacuum cleaners across the board.

I've seen people argue with each other on here. Be opinionated and even once saw a comment about someone having a jab at someone who works at Bissell who they do not know, who assisted a member of this forum with their Bissell vacuum cleaner!! Just because the person works on a customer service phone line, someone on here had the audacity to make a comment that this person works on the phone and this means the person hasn't got an education or is somewhat thick!! I personally found this very insulting as noone should judge someone based on their job as we do not know what they have been through in their life! At least they are working! I am not sure what that has to do with a vacuum cleaner forum and it was from then on I decided I didn't want to keep visiting this site anymore.

Having looked at the comments on this post, it looks like things have not changed and there is still a b*tchy attitude on here of which I rather not be associated with.

With regards to the Facbook group. I did try to join and for some strange reason my application was not accepted. Again I see attitude by the moderator AlexHoovers94 (I will not post his full name here, but you all know who he is) who refused it. I did not say or do anything, so I am still confused why it was not approved as the groups or forums should not be 'clicky' and should be accepting of whoever wants to join them.

The world is full of hate and nasty people, its a shame that this forum and groups online cannot be a place of love and acceptance and generally a place where we can go to enjoy talking about our favourite pastime.

I really used to enjoy the forums back in 2000 - 2001. This is my experience.

Post# 465769 , Reply# 45   9/2/2023 at 12:18 (328 days old) by Turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture
@blakaeg there is much better Facebook group, with 222 members. It’s a hoot. Some above have slagged it off (because they’re not in it) but it’s great.

Post# 465770 , Reply# 46   9/2/2023 at 14:11 (328 days old) by ilovehoovers (England)        
I'm still here!

ilovehoovers's profile picture
I've always liked this site, but unfortunately it feels more and more obsolete as time goes on. I use other sites just for their convenience; VacuumLand is more of an archive to me at this point.

Post# 465773 , Reply# 47   9/2/2023 at 16:26 (328 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Instant gratification doesn’t live here…

I think that the some of the ones who become most dissatisfied are expecting shorter response times to their posts. We all post with anticipation of a response. It feels nice and it’s usually meaningful. This forum has begun to have a more delayed communication process between users. Sometimes it takes a lot patience to gain useful, meaningful information especially if it’s not a popular topic or not one in which others possess a large body of information. I love VacuumLand and think it’s still very useful. There is still information here that I won’t find anywhere else. As for the rudeness of others, it happens. I think there will always be some element of drama among members. Some of these conflicts are over 20 years old now and have their origins from individuals who are no longer members here, yet they still manage to have enough influence on irrelevant 3rd party individuals who willingly and devotedly keep certain grudges alive. Take the drama or leave it because it will outlive all of us. For me personally, it’s a small price to pay for the times that I’ve managed to obtain and share useful information while engaging with others.

This post was last edited 09/02/2023 at 18:30
Post# 465812 , Reply# 48   9/4/2023 at 00:43 (326 days old) by Gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Yes, sadly there is drama

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
So much is unnecessary, but, it happens. I, too, like to engage here and learn so much.

Post# 466121 , Reply# 49   9/12/2023 at 20:23 (318 days old) by AlexHoovers94 (Manchester UK)        

alexhoovers94's profile picture
I think the main reason is because this platform is so dated. I do check in now and again but not nearly as much as I used to.

Post# 466318 , Reply# 50   9/19/2023 at 05:01 (311 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Nothing wrong with the website, I find it perfect. Too many people are used to the toxic septic feed of social media just shoving stuff in your face, that they don't know what actual forums and websites are like.

The vacuumcleaners sub on reddit is just a toxic waste dump, all they do is have an echo chamber of "sebo good. shark bad. you need a $3,000 vacuum to clean a throw rug" and there's nobody that has vintage vacuums, they are all your mom or some college kid wanting a vacuum without knowing about vacuums, and people are so toxic there to anyone that has an affinity for any brand it makes it pointless to be on there. i tried posting a bissell vac i had to there before and got dogpiled and chased out by the most vile people you could ever see and i never went back.

There's YouTube too but the conversations and discourse are so disjointed and separated and you can only ever talk with the creator of the video or any random person that happens to find it months or years later.

there's truely no other place to gather vacuum collectors up besides here.

Post# 466341 , Reply# 51   9/20/2023 at 07:49 (310 days old) by ilovehoovers (England)        

ilovehoovers's profile picture
The vacuum cleaner sub doesn't look like it's supposed to be for collectors, so that's not a fair comparison. I agree with a lot of their recommendations, but it's not a place for enthusiasts.

Post# 466343 , Reply# 52   9/20/2023 at 14:18 (310 days old) by DaveTranter (Central England, U.K.)        
Another one pokes his head out of the woodwork ;-)

Dave T is still 'alive, and well', and still living in the UK...Not posted on Vacuumland for a year or more, though have looked in occasionally.

Since I am not a collector of domestic appliances, I have not the slightest interest in any competing groups. I actually like it here, and at AW. there is such a wealth of knowledge on these sites.

Long may they continue!!

All best

Dave T

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