Thread Number: 15422
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Post# 163896   12/30/2011 at 18:12 (4,795 days old) by jmurray01 (Scotland)        

jmurray01's profile picture
How about everybody posts a picture of their Vintage collection ?

Here is mine...

Post# 163917 , Reply# 1   12/30/2011 at 19:00 (4,795 days old) by juniorsenior ()        

I forgot to say i maintain 11 Henry,s and a Charles in my work here is one of them, they are all 110v versions

Post# 163954 , Reply# 2   12/31/2011 at 05:49 (4,794 days old) by jmurray01 (Scotland)        

jmurray01's profile picture
Whoa, that is a battered Henry! I bet he still works great though ? Numatic made him well :)

What is that plug fitted ? Is it one of those heavy duty ones used outside ?

Oh, and do the work Henrys run with or without a bag ?

I'd guess without for cost savings, but I hope they run with a bag.

Post# 163955 , Reply# 3   12/31/2011 at 05:59 (4,794 days old) by juniorsenior ()        

The plugs on them are different because they are 110volt versions.
None of ours use the bags or the attachments just the hose you see in the photo.

Post# 163957 , Reply# 4   12/31/2011 at 06:01 (4,794 days old) by jmurray01 (Scotland)        

jmurray01's profile picture
So why do you have the 110V versions compared to the standard 240V ?

Post# 163958 , Reply# 5   12/31/2011 at 06:20 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        

heres one side of my vacuum room

Post# 163959 , Reply# 6   12/31/2011 at 06:21 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        

another side...

Post# 163960 , Reply# 7   12/31/2011 at 06:22 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        
some hoovers...

for good mesure....earley 28 through 62

Post# 163961 , Reply# 8   12/31/2011 at 06:23 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        

29, 61, 62, 63

Post# 163962 , Reply# 9   12/31/2011 at 06:25 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        

some DAM's

Post# 163963 , Reply# 10   12/31/2011 at 06:25 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        

power drive DAM's

Post# 163964 , Reply# 11   12/31/2011 at 06:28 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        
and some ...

misc hoover things.....including my Grammys Swingette Complete with the orginal box, the i dont think has seen the light of day out of her basement since the 70's...and the lime green thing is a Penncrest swingette...=)

Post# 163965 , Reply# 12   12/31/2011 at 06:29 (4,794 days old) by 1926700 ()        

and the corner of my cannister room....

Post# 163977 , Reply# 13   12/31/2011 at 08:45 (4,794 days old) by juniorsenior ()        

@ Jamie
The reason they are 110v is that certain places of work require for health and safety that they use a lower voltage to minimise the risk of serious electric shock.

Post# 163997 , Reply# 14   12/31/2011 at 09:19 (4,794 days old) by jmurray01 (Scotland)        

jmurray01's profile picture
I see, but does the lower voltage mean it can't have as many watts in the motor ?

Great collection Jason! I envy you!

Post# 164009 , Reply# 15   12/31/2011 at 10:01 (4,794 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey Jamie - Wattage is calculated by amperage drawn multiplied by voltage Eg a 660 Watt motor designed to run on 220 Volts draws 3 amps while the same 660 Watt motor designed to run on 110Volts draws 6 amps. Its just a matter of using the appropriate motor for the voltage supplied. Usually the models all have the same Wattage motor, just designed for the Voltage they are required to use.

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