Thread Number: 15416
Black & Decker Dustbuster (The Original Version)
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Post# 163805   12/30/2011 at 05:44 (4,730 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
What fond memories do you have regarding the original version of Black & Decker's Dustbuster hand vacuum, originally introduced in 1979 (model 9330, cream unit and dark brown charger base) and joined by the Dustbuster Plus (model 9333, coffee brown unit and charger base) three years later? The success of this model led B&D to introduce other household products such as the Stowaway stool, the SpotLiter flashlight and the Scrub Brusher polisher.

In mid-1980, the Dustbuster was also released as part of B&D's car care line, in a 12-volt version known as the CarVac. Its original color was blue until mid-1983, then it was changed to black (although with everything else in B&D's car care line).

In 1987, the Dustbuster Plus Power Brush model 9338 showed up, with a removable front beater brush attachment which itself is driven by a turbine.

Around 1990, a spinoff model known as the Spillbuster was released for wet (as well as dry) pickup. Also at that time came the Power Pro Dustbuster Plus which, design-wise, was the first radical departure from the 1979 original, and which also handled both wet and dry pickup.

So, what you do all think about the first-generation Dustbuster series?



Post# 163823 , Reply# 1   12/30/2011 at 09:43 (4,730 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
BD Dustbusters

Another early TV commercial was set in a ghost town with no electricity saying "until the power comes back on I can keep things clean".--Was also seen in a Back to the Future movie with M Fox and Delorean in a future antique shop window.Some of the front nozzles were electric.The later white ones had very nice storage racks for standard and optional atts.I have a few models including car vac if anyone is collecting.

Post# 163826 , Reply# 2   12/30/2011 at 09:56 (4,730 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture

Yes I do remember my grandparents having the coffee brown colored Dustbuster Plus and playing with it as a kid when I visited. Of course the batteries eventually went bad and it was thrown away.

Then about 1996 I believe my uncle bought two 12 volt CarVacs in black for my grandparents and I. They came in a sturdy cardboard box with a plastic handle and included attachments. There was a wide flat brush that fit into the vacuum nozzle, as well as a converter that allowed you to attach 1-1/4 attachments and it also came with a dusting brush and crevice tool to fit the converter and an extra filter. I never used mine much because as with most 12 volt car vacs, it just didn't seem to have the power to do much deep cleaning. And it seemed messy to clean out.

The Sears catalog I have linked had several Dustbusters including the powered nozzle model pictured if anyone wants to see them.

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Post# 163838 , Reply# 3   12/30/2011 at 11:27 (4,730 days old) by jmurray01 (Scotland)        

jmurray01's profile picture
I think - I want one!

Post# 163932 , Reply# 4   12/30/2011 at 21:51 (4,730 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
My neighbors had the 79 version with the ribbed slidder switch and we had the next one with the smooth push down switch. I loved both and they lasted over 10 years with heavy use. I had the new designed model of the early 90s and it didnt last at all.

Post# 163933 , Reply# 5   12/30/2011 at 22:04 (4,730 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

I had one of the original one's when I was a kid. I think mine was a Sears branded model but it was the same thing as the Dustbuster. I remember using it alot and I liked it. I remember it had the crevice tool attachment and a smaller one with a brush strip across the front.


Post# 163936 , Reply# 6   12/30/2011 at 22:35 (4,730 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

I have the VERY FIRST B & D DustBuster (1979?) in coffee brown & it's still working like a champ today :)

Is the Power Brush still available individually?

Post# 163937 , Reply# 7   12/30/2011 at 22:54 (4,730 days old) by tyson ()        
Dust Buster

I have to say that "I love the old handy dandy Dust buster".A number of years ago back when I was a kid my Grandmother bought my Grandfather one for the shop and believe it or not that rechargeable Dust Buster picked up everything from loose screws to ball bearings not just all of the sawdust that we would accumulate on woodworking projects.It never failed.It hung in My Grandfathers shop for two Decades and was used all the time.I thought it was the next best thing to Chocolate Chip cookies since I cleaned the shop for him a lot of times.It sure beat dragging out the hoses and all the attachments to the big shop vac.It was "Click" off the wall it came and cleaned the sawdust and just about any little objects that got in it's path.It cleaned that shop up in no time.Well My grandfather's long passed away and that very same Dustbuster still is around but now at my fathers taking on tasks yet still for Him today.So I have to say "There's no dust that a Dustbuster can't bust!" Black and Decker made one great long lasting and reliable Vac if you ask me.Great Post Ben.

Post# 163948 , Reply# 8   12/31/2011 at 03:13 (4,730 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
@floor-a-matic, @tyson
I wonder if you have any pictures of this Dustbuster Plus.

Also @floor-a-matic:
The Dustbuster Plus was introduced in 1982. It had a 4.8-volt battery for more run time. The original 1979 Dustbuster was cream colored with a dark brown charger base, and had a 3-cell (3.6-volt) battery.

I do remember they did some refining to the original design in 1985, shortly after the company changed its corporate logo. That was when the ribbed on/off switch changed to the smooth on/off switch. The Dustbuster Plus also had a darker shade of its coffee brown color, as did the Dustbuster Plus Power Brush version introduced for 1987.

The Power Pro Dustbuster Plus ... is that black-colored model the one you're talking about that didn't run for quite as long on a single charge as the original Dustbuster Plus?


Post# 163950 , Reply# 9   12/31/2011 at 03:18 (4,730 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Sears also sold both of the two original Dustbuster versions, also in their respective trim colors (the regular 3.6-volt unit is cream-colored and the 4.8-volt Plus unit is coffee brown-colored).

In Sears terminology, the original 3.6-volt Dustbuster was tagged as the rather generic "Cordless Vac" whereas the Dustbuster Plus 4.8-volt version was known as the "Cordless Vac Plus."


Post# 163951 , Reply# 10   12/31/2011 at 03:31 (4,730 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        
PowerPro Dustbuster Plus Heavy Duty

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Skipping to 13m 22s in this block of commercials, there is a commercial for the PowerPro Dustbuster Plus Heavy Duty. "With twice the power of the original Dustbuster, it can pick up almost anything!" (note those last words are emphasized when you see the unit swallow a '60s-vintage canister vac; once you hear the vacuum's second and higher speed).



Post# 163989 , Reply# 11   12/31/2011 at 09:03 (4,729 days old) by danemodsandy ()        
I Have....

....The Car Vac version, in black, WITH the power brush and the optional accessory kit. The accessory kit gave you an adaptor that fit into the pickup slot and allowed you to use a dusting brush or a crevice tool; there was also a dashboard brush.

Very faithful little vacuum; it has outlasted a number of cars.

Post# 164019 , Reply# 12   12/31/2011 at 10:37 (4,729 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
danemodsandy, it sounds like the powerbrush CarVac would be useful. The main complaint with mine is it couldn't clean the carpet and floormats well. Mint too had the converter with dusting brush and crevice tool and the flat brush. I wish now that I had kept it, but I seem to have sold it.

Post# 164111 , Reply# 13   12/31/2011 at 19:16 (4,729 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
The Power Pro Dustbuster Plus (model DB2000 or DB4000) ... is that black-colored model the one you're talking about that didn't run for quite as long on a single charge as the original Dustbuster Plus?


Post# 336073 , Reply# 14   10/23/2015 at 12:34 (3,337 days old) by Heather ()        
1988 Dustbuster

I have a Black & Decker Dustbuster Plus cordless hand vac. # 9334 Found it at a garage sale this year. directions and packets of bolts n nuts still in bags. I think i paid 5 bucks for it.

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