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Post# 163673   12/28/2011 at 21:35 (4,767 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

OK everyone, so I Won this Singer Golden Powermaster off ebay, some of you may have seen it, there were other Bidders, have NO idea who, but I Bid on it in the last 3 Seconds and Won it and rather CHEAPLY as well, I was SURPRISED actually, as I thought the Bidding was going to go MUCH Higher and put in a Max Bid of nearly $110.00, just in case, but I suppose that wasn't necessary after all... ;-) The Seller, Joan and her Husband said they would not only Pack it VERY WELL, but make it look like a Christmas Gift, because my Family and Friends in my Car Club told me I'm FORBIDEN from Buying any more Vacuums, because not only do they ALL believe it is a WASTE of Good Money, but ALL feel I've become a Hoarder anyway, lol, I do not believe I am, lol, but, you know, most are Worried about my Poor Health, because I'm on Disability and SSI for Life, for having a Brain Tumor, Inoperable, plus found out this Summer that I have Diabetes as well and so on and so on and so on... I don't have Health Insurance either, am told I really don't have much of a Future anymore, so, you know, I guess maybe that's why I am Spending Money on Items I don't need, like more Vintage Vacuums, lol, but, you know, other then this Singer here, I only Bought another one this Year, also a Singer Powermaster off ebay, but an OLDER Model U42 Silver Powermaster, with an ALL Metal Base, Metal Bottom Plate, Metal Core Brush-Roll with Metal Beater Bars and Metal Fans even, so, you all know, that's nothing BAD now is it, lol...? ;-) Oh well, they are all just looking out for me and all, plus the Members of my Car Club let me Stay at their Houses when I'm in Ohio for Meets and so on, plus, this Summer, several Members Paid for my Dinner out at Meets and Shows, plus Paid for me to go to a Show or two, not to mention Camping, so, I dunno, I suppose I can understand if they were all UPSET about me Buying this Singer, especially after they threw me a Birthday Party in Ohio on Oct. 30th, so MAYBE this will be the LAST one, lol, we'll see... ;-)

Anyway, I'm getting off track here and so sorry for BORRING you all, lol, but as you can see from the Picture, this Singer is Missing it's Headlight Lens, so I'm not sure what to do about that? I'm sure trying to find an Original Lens, is gonna be next to IMPOSSIBLE, but maybe I can Make one out of some Clear-ish Plastic from Lowe's? It's a Flat Lens and I've Made Taillights for Cars out of that Clear Lexan I believe it's called, been awhile since I've Bought a Sheet, so I dunno, but do you all think I should go about Making a Lens or just look for an Original one???????? :-/

Thanks in advance!! :-D This Singer is a Model U69 BTW.

Post# 163682 , Reply# 1   12/28/2011 at 23:11 (4,767 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

I will ask a local vacuum shop. I know he has two of these vacuums there. Trying to recall if one sold... ??? I think on our last quest when some collectors were in town, we took one.

Post# 163685 , Reply# 2   12/28/2011 at 23:28 (4,767 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

THANK YOU Brandon, because even though I'm sure I can Make a Lens, it's not gonna look right I'm sure, so I really do need to have an Original Lens, even if it isn't Perfect, even if it has a Crack or two, at least I'll have the Proper Lens for this Singer you know... ;-)

Also, before anyone tells me to check my Local Vac Shops, well, we don't really have any anymore, they all seemed to have Closed down. :-(

Post# 163686 , Reply# 3   12/28/2011 at 23:32 (4,767 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

Oh and here is a Close-Up of the Hood, if that Helps at all-

Post# 163711 , Reply# 4   12/29/2011 at 07:04 (4,767 days old) by powermate1970 ()        

Brandon, try O'dowd's vacuum in south omaha, or his other location on northwest radial, if they are still in business. That guy had "tons" of old, vintage, and ancient vacuum parts.

Post# 163736 , Reply# 5   12/29/2011 at 13:45 (4,766 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Thats the store Im talking about. LOL

They are my heros for vacuums. Have found so much in those two stores.

THe one downtown still has my Kirby vacuette wireless that he is restoring. He is doing it as a side job so its taking him forever! lol.

Post# 163749 , Reply# 6   12/29/2011 at 16:20 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
IT ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

And she Runs and Sounds PERFECT, actually, this is one of the BEST Sounding Singer's I've heard, so it will require NO Motor Work!! :-D

Post# 163750 , Reply# 7   12/29/2011 at 16:20 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
IT ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

And she Runs and Sounds PERFECT, actually, this is one of the BEST Sounding Singer's I've heard, so it will require NO Motor Work!! :-D

Post# 163751 , Reply# 8   12/29/2011 at 16:21 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
IT ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

And she Runs and Sounds PERFECT, actually, this is one of the BEST Sounding Singer's I've heard, so it will require NO Motor Work!! :-D

Post# 163752 , Reply# 9   12/29/2011 at 16:30 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

OMG, this Site made me Post this 3 Times here and whats worse, is it won't let me Delete them, oh well, it's nothing I did wrong, but someone needs to Fix these Issues here.

I'm an Admin and Moderator of a few Auto Websites and NEVER run into Problems like this here.

Post# 163755 , Reply# 10   12/29/2011 at 16:40 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

Here is another in the Box Photo and I must say, I do 100% NEED an ORIGINAL Headlight Lens for the Singer, otherwise, it just won't look right you know, so Brandon and anyone else Reading this, PLEASE FIND ME ONE, lol, but you know, it's no Surprise really why the Lens and Bulb are missing, because whoever Owned this Singer Originally, must have been SMASHING it into their Furniture and whatnot, judging by the Damage to the Hood as well.

Post# 163756 , Reply# 11   12/29/2011 at 16:53 (4,766 days old) by powermate1970 ()        

Brandon, I havent been home in a few years, (council bluffs) but I need to get back and hit O'dowds. He may have the tool caddys I'm missing for my kenmore canisters.

Post# 163759 , Reply# 12   12/29/2011 at 17:27 (4,766 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
Yes Brandod one of us did take one, it was me. Mine has a black plaid bag. I think you have a pic of it Brandon

Post# 163761 , Reply# 13   12/29/2011 at 17:42 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

Well, I'm running into some Problems now, because the Seller's Husband I think, took the Handle Grip off for Shipping and not only LOST the Hook for the Bag Spring, but I guess he worked at it with a Flat-Head or something and really SCREWED UP the Handle Grip, so aside from needing a Headlight Lens, I've got MISSING and DAMAGED Parts here. :-(

Post# 163767 , Reply# 14   12/29/2011 at 18:06 (4,766 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Yep I am not crazy.

The only picture I can find of it is this. Somewhere I have to have more...

Its not really even visible. Its on the far left side of the picture.

Post# 163781 , Reply# 15   12/29/2011 at 19:42 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

OK, so I just got off the Bluetooth, lol with Joan and her and her Husband looked where they Packed my Singer and found my Missing Parts, so all is well again and I am back to just needing someone to find me a Headlight Lens for this Singer... ;-)

Post# 163782 , Reply# 16   12/29/2011 at 20:22 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
Almost ready to Vacuum-

Yup, I used some Wire Ties and Screws from a Singer I have in the Basement to put this together, so I'm gonna go put a Bag in it and see how she Vacuums, there is already a NEW Belt on, so I only need a Bag for right now!! :-D

Post# 163796 , Reply# 17   12/29/2011 at 23:13 (4,766 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
Nice to see you again. I enjoy revisiting the videos of our minimeet. Happy New Year,

Post# 163800 , Reply# 18   12/30/2011 at 00:00 (4,766 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
JOHN!!!!!!!! :-D

OMG, last Year on my Birthday, you sent me a Birthday email and I DID Reply back, but the emails I sent you kept getting sent back to me with an ERROR, so I'm guessing you never got any of them and thought I was Angry with you or something, but I never was and am SO VERY HAPPY you saw my Post and found me here, honestly, I've been wanting to email you, but I didn't know if you changed your email or not and had no idea if you still Posted here, but I'm HAPPY to hear from you!!!!!!!! :-D I also haven't Talked to Chris in a LONG while as well, WOW, it's been SO LONG, I can't remember the last time I Talked to Chris, maybe YEARS, but when we last Talked, he had a Green Kenmore at his Shop for me, plus other Parts, so I dunno if he's around here either, or Sam, or Denis and Matt? I haven't Talked to ANY of you in a LONG time, but although I still have ALL my Hoover's and Vacuum's you remember, up until recently, I did sorta stop Collecting, mainly because I've been SOOO BUSY with Car Shows and my Car Club in Ohio and all, so I just haven't had time for Vacuum's, not to mention, even though I did get a Raise in my Disability and SSI, my Mom was only able to get a Job at Wal-Mart, so we are having a REALLY HARD TIME here now at Home, Heck, we didn't even put up a Tree or Celebrate Christmas in my House this Year, couldn't Afford to, plus, my Mom had to give up her Beloved Chevy SUV you remember, the one I Drove to your House for the Meet and now, just this Summer got one of those LITTLE Chevy Aveo5's, which she HATES, so, you know, she's not the Mom you may remember from your Meet, Heck, the ONLY thing we do together, is go Camping, which is HARD now that we don't have her Chevy Equinox. :-( Anyway, I'm THRILLED to hear from you and will see if I can Call sometime and I'll be sticking around for a while again... ;-)

Post# 163883 , Reply# 19   12/30/2011 at 17:25 (4,765 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
I got NONE of those emails. But, glad we're back on track!

Post# 163904 , Reply# 20   12/30/2011 at 18:22 (4,765 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

I'm really sorta not Surprised you didn't get any of those emails, like I said, I was emailing Chris as well about the Kenmore he had for me and the MANY Parts I needed and those never went through either, I mean, I know I could have just Called you both, we ALWAYS Talked on the Phone and all, but I dunno, I just never did and like I said, for a while, I stopped Collecting. Even now, when I email Club Members, Members of my Car Club, some get Upset with me, because they don't get the emails and Pictures from the Shows, that they asked me to email, so I dunno, I think it's Comcast? MOST of the Members of my Car Club are on Facebook, Heck, ALL of my Friends on Facebook have the same Make and Model Car, plus there are MANY Groups for our Cars on Facebook as well, BUT, I can't even get on Facebook right now, because someone HACKED my Account there. :-( Not to mention, my Friend Marv, my Ohio Dad sorta, lol, has my Laptop and is TRYING to Fix it, but he discovered that the Motherboard is BAD, so I dunno what he's gonna do with it now and other then my Mom's Computer, I do not have one right now. :-( I did just this Month get a NEW Phone from AT&T, a Samsung Infuse 4G, so I have that, but no Computer. :-(

Anyway, yeah, I'm GLAD I'm back here and THRILLED we can get back on Track as you said and start Talking and all again, oh and BTW, I still have ALL my Hoover's, haven't Sold any, plus, now I have 5 Kitties!!!!! :-D

Post# 163919 , Reply# 21   12/30/2011 at 19:30 (4,765 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
Some Photos-

Well, here she is with my other Powermaster!! :-D

Post# 163920 , Reply# 22   12/30/2011 at 19:38 (4,765 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
One more-

Running!! :-D

Post# 164091 , Reply# 23   12/31/2011 at 17:30 (4,764 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

So I couldn't Sleep last Night, don't actually Sleep much at all due to the Pain, so I decided to Make a Headlight Lens for my Golden Powermaster, I found an old Clear Container in my Basement and used it for the Lens and although it isn't Perfect, I think it looks better with this Homemade Lens here, then without...

Here's a Photo-

Post# 164092 , Reply# 24   12/31/2011 at 17:35 (4,764 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        
Lights On-

I think maybe this Lens is a little too Clear, so maybe I should Tint it somehow?

Post# 164109 , Reply# 25   12/31/2011 at 19:12 (4,764 days old) by MoparHemiPower ()        

I do still NEED an ORIGINAL Lens for my Golden Powermaster, so to Brandon and anyone else who is Reading this and already Looking for a Lens for me, Please continue the Search, as I do want an Original Lens ASAP, even if it's Cracked a little, because this Lens I Made here, is just Temporary and honestly, I do not believe it will hold up to the Heat of the Bulb well, as an Original Lens would, so yeah, keep Searching and I myself have already Called a few Vacuum Stores I found Online, but none of them have anything for a Singer this old. :-(

Oh and here is a Picture of a Singer Golden Powermaster like mine, so you all can see what an Original Lens looks like... ;-)

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