Thread Number: 15404
Royal Prince 501 outer bag
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Post# 163666   12/28/2011 at 20:02 (4,797 days old) by powermate1970 ()        

Does anybody know where a new outer bag can be bought for a 501 handvac? My old one has been sewn, patched, and repaired so many times, there is hardly any fabric left to repair. My kids love to vacuum the stairs with it. Id even buy a whole unit if it had a good bag. I would really like to find a 501 "classic"(burgandy trim and bag) Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Post# 163693 , Reply# 1   12/29/2011 at 01:47 (4,797 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
The one you are thinking of with the burgundy (the bag was mauve at first) trim is the model M5000, produced from 1988 to 1995.


Post# 163710 , Reply# 2   12/29/2011 at 06:58 (4,796 days old) by powermate1970 ()        

Ben, thats the model Id like to get ahold of, if I can't find a replacement bag for my old 501.

Post# 163824 , Reply# 3   12/30/2011 at 09:51 (4,795 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Royal hand vac

I think I had 2 as in above picture and sold 1.Not mint,but good.Do have hose and maybe atts.Also older ones,various conditions.Will try to look this weekend between Bissell and Dirt Devil repairs.

Post# 163853 , Reply# 4   12/30/2011 at 14:55 (4,795 days old) by powermate1970 ()        

rugsucker, If you have one to sell, I would buy. LOL

Post# 164627 , Reply# 5   1/4/2012 at 11:46 (4,790 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

Was able to find both hand vac and brush with bigger end.Also have some Sears including last 5023 model and more if needed.Best to call-423-543-7900 anytime.

Post# 164672 , Reply# 6   1/4/2012 at 19:41 (4,790 days old) by powermate1970 ()        

I will get ahold of you tomorrow 1/5. thanks a million, Bill

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