Thread Number: 15290
Hoover senior 6525e
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Post# 162444   12/17/2011 at 15:32 (4,683 days old) by jakesvacs ()        

My hoover senior 6525e is doing something very wierd. From the moment you turn it on the brushroll seams to make the cleaner shake up and down. The belt is very stretched could it be that?
Also from the sun it has gone yellow so i was wondering what i could use or do to make it white again. I have heard of the retrobrite idea but buying hydrogen peroxide is a bit difficult.
Would soaking the body in bleach and water turn the plastic white again?
The cord hooks are also broken so where can i get them? How do you change them because i cant see how :S

Post# 162453 , Reply# 1   12/17/2011 at 16:14 (4,683 days old) by tyson ()        

Hi,I anted to say something over your Hoover turning yellow.I also restore Antique Televisions and radios.I've had this happen where the sun in fact tints the color of certain Bakelites.I am a pretty picky person and I understand where your coming from.Peroxide really isn't going to do a whole lot but do a light bleaching of the plastic any ways.I always use either Tire Brite it comes in a white spray bottle or toothpaste.Tire brite has a certain type of bleaching agent that seems to work well for this.Toothpaste is extremely non toxic and mildly abrasive so mildly as it wont take off the baked finish.The toothpaste dries and rubs in as it's applied by rubbing it on.You can use water or windex on a cotton cloth to rinse the excess off or dilute and moisten it again if it becomes too hard to remove by wiping by hand.These steps will not harm or hurt the finish either I've done it myself many many times.Good luck it should end up just the way it was suppose to look in the beginning.

Post# 162454 , Reply# 2   12/17/2011 at 16:24 (4,683 days old) by James (Ware, Hertfordshire, UK)        

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Hydrogen peroxide isn't too hard to get for retrObright,
Search locally for a hair and beauty whole saler, or go in a local hair dresser etc and ask if there is a local whole saler, not sure if a chemist would sell it in the quantity required.
1 litre should be enough for you, I get it in 5 litre bottles!
Of course, you will just have to wait for the sunlight then...

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