Thread Number: 15284
Found a Late Electrolux L!
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Post# 162339   12/16/2011 at 18:59 (4,651 days old) by danemodsandy ()        

In my local St. Vincent de Paul thrift, where Luxes never lurk, I had an amazing find - a Model L, complete with a decent pigtail hose and a PN-4!

She's never going to be a shelf queen - she seems to have suffered a fall down some stairs, gathering a couple of dents along the way. But she's sound of wind and stout of heart, and she will serve me well for the purpose I have in mind for her, which is a machine to leave in the basement for vacuuming down there.

She does need a couple of things - I need a new Fog Gray wire cover for the hose. This is the part that has the suction control knob in it. And the little rubber tab is missing from the latch for the PN-4's wand. I do have a set of Fog Gray tools and wands for her. Not absolutely correct (the cream color would be the right one), but perfectly serviceable.

This late L is the Golden Jubilee gold color, from '74. She has the halo instead of the optional cordwinder. No more schlepping my 1205 down to the basement - YAY!

So, I'm now a two-Lux family again! At least until the rest of my vacuum holdings (a turquoise L and a Diamond Jubilee, plus a TriStar CXL) come up from Atlanta.

Post# 162343 , Reply# 1   12/16/2011 at 19:21 (4,651 days old) by tyson ()        

Great find!That's an awesome vac too.I love the excitement I get when I find them put to the wayside because they think they are useless machines.Awesome story by the way.

Post# 162405 , Reply# 2   12/17/2011 at 10:00 (4,650 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Elux parts

I should both have the gray wire cover and tab and know where they are.No Email so you might want to PUTPACM(pick up the phone and call me-423-543-7900)

Post# 162420 , Reply# 3   12/17/2011 at 11:55 (4,650 days old) by danemodsandy ()        
Got 'Er Clean!

Well, after about three hours of intensive labor, I now have a clean machine.

This was the FILTHIEST vacuum cleaner I have ever tackled, my Diamond Jubilee not excepted. Oy and vey and double FEH.

All better now. She seems to have been in a basement or garage for some time; there was some light rust on the chrome that responded to CLR. And the paint on the canister body has some scratches through to the metal. A bit of touching up will be needed to prevent rust there, but I'm not going to even worry about painting her - she'll be used for all the jobs I don't want to use my 1205 for.

For $20, I have absolutely zero complaints. Jimmy, I'll try to call you in a day or two - this is a really crazy weekend for me.

Post# 162421 , Reply# 4   12/17/2011 at 11:59 (4,650 days old) by danemodsandy ()        

In case anyone wonders why I'm not going to do a repaint, it's because this machine will be used primarily to clean the basement and car. And, there are two good-sized dents in one side - this puppy has taken a hard tumble at some point, though it did no harm to the machine's operability.

Yes, I COULD take the dents out and put her back into shelf-queen condition.

But then I'd be Crevicetool. ;-)

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