Thread Number: 15277
Dating Hoover 28s
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Post# 162234   12/15/2011 at 20:13 (4,780 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

Hi all, here are two Hoover 28s and I am noticing some differences between them, most notably that fancy trim on the I think newer one. I know these had a long run, just curious if anyone has done a history on them or knows some more about them.

The far one is serial number 2746077 while the closer one is 3960051. Can anyone deciper that to a date? Thanks so much.

Seems like some of the Vintage ads have a little different color to them too. These are slightly different colors though age can change the oil paint a bit. I have restored the farther away one and had an exact match done to the color of that original machine. (though there were some variations there too.)

Post# 162269 , Reply# 1   12/15/2011 at 21:30 (4,780 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        

truckerx's profile picture
I have never seen a 28 without the applied gold trim. I suspect it has been removed, the result of someone's handy-work. Also, the bumper trim on the same machine is suspiciously after-market. The machine in the forefront would be more correct.

Post# 162271 , Reply# 2   12/15/2011 at 21:41 (4,780 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        

truckerx's profile picture
Second thought: perhaps the machine without the customary gold trim is a Canadian model? As with many other machines, Canadian models can differ slightly from US models. I do however believe the trim has been removed. The gold trim is just a plastic decal and can be easily scraped off.

Post# 162273 , Reply# 3   12/15/2011 at 21:51 (4,780 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        

truckerx's profile picture
Your paint job looks good! The original base colors did vary a bit from year to year. I match paint from the underside of the machine where it's free of contamination, sunlight fade, and is truer to form.

Post# 162460 , Reply# 4   12/17/2011 at 17:13 (4,778 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        

Are your machine's motor shrouds bakelite? Many 28 models' shrouds are steel, possibly indicating being built during WWII. The restrictions on use of polymers for the war's material needs required their being some all steel Hoovers (whoo Hoo! I got one!)and would date them accordingly. I agree with the comment concerning the aftermarket trim. They are pretty far apart serially. Mine is 2447053. I hope this helps.

Post# 162520 , Reply# 5   12/17/2011 at 22:15 (4,778 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        

truckerx's profile picture
The bumper trim on the far machine is definitely an after-market replacement, not of Hoover origin. The machine in the forefront has the original Hoover bumper strip to compare. Hope this helps.

Post# 163149 , Reply# 6   12/22/2011 at 21:29 (4,773 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        
Hoover 28 restoration

say, thanks so much for the information. Just thought I would bump this up in case anyone else has any information regarding the serial numbers, etc. I just finished working on it so why not bump it up that way

Anyway, this sat at the local re-store for quite some time, so I finally broke down and picked it up on a sale day. It had its original cord, and I didn't even plug it in I just figured it worked and it does.

Post# 163150 , Reply# 7   12/22/2011 at 21:35 (4,773 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

So it really is just in need of some cosmetic restoration. After disassembly I sand it down with 220 grit and mask off the parts I don't want painted. This one was plagued with snafus so it ended up getting 4 coats

BTW the bag had been put on backwards, how many years ago I couldn't guess. It was serviced in 1950 as marked inside.

Post# 163151 , Reply# 8   12/22/2011 at 21:39 (4,773 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        
Handle needed painting too

Lots of wear on this handle so it got the treatment

Post# 163152 , Reply# 9   12/22/2011 at 21:40 (4,773 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        
Familiar 28

These are pretty easy to work on in their own way

Post# 163153 , Reply# 10   12/22/2011 at 21:41 (4,773 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        
Almost done

This is the fun part

Post# 163155 , Reply# 11   12/22/2011 at 21:46 (4,773 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        
Hero shot

I am really a fan of this Dreyfuss design. I know this is a relatively common machine but I will be sorely tested if another one shows up in not picking it up. Hopefully this one will survive another 60 years.

Thanks for looking, and again, if anyone has a specific year to the serial numbers I would be most greatful. Thanks again and happy holidays.

Post# 163156 , Reply# 12   12/22/2011 at 21:55 (4,773 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Looks Great!!

Daniel :)

Post# 163157 , Reply# 13   12/22/2011 at 22:22 (4,773 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        

truckerx's profile picture
It looks beautiful, and you've done a remarkable job. It looks so proper with gold stripe decals and plastic headlamp lens in place. Is the subject machine the one that's in the forefront in your first photo? Good match on the paint colors on base and handle.
Question: How was the paint applied, i.e.,with spray device, etc?

Post# 163160 , Reply# 14   12/23/2011 at 00:23 (4,773 days old) by Northwesty (Renton, WA)        

Thank you, yes, that is the same machine. First thing I did was shine up the bakelite top. I have an HVLP paint sprayer, though I shoot it (th air) at 100 psi so it isn't very "low pressure" but I find it just works better that way. I too had the paint color matched to a piece on the bottom, but there was quite a variation down there.

Post# 163212 , Reply# 15   12/23/2011 at 21:48 (4,772 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        

truckerx's profile picture
Sorry...but may I ask what an HVLP paint sprayer is? Did you have your paint formulated at an automotive paint store or elsewhere? I had some paint matched and mixed for a Hoover 150 paint job project by an automotive paint store technician. The gal who matched it perfectly took three days to get it to her satisfaction. She then filled, and somehow pressurized, three spray paint cans for me, which made it easy for painting.

Post# 163219 , Reply# 16   12/24/2011 at 00:59 (4,772 days old) by hoover28 (Oneida N.Y.)        
good job

I just got done rebuilding a hoover model 28 my self, for a friend for x mas.


Post# 163256 , Reply# 17   12/24/2011 at 12:30 (4,771 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        
An Enduring Gift...

truckerx's profile picture
I recently was given a rusty old Electrolux model 'G' by a long-time friend. I was simply told that it wouldn't pick up anymore. My friend didn't know that its leaking 50 year old original saran hose might be the problem. So, it was gifted to me. The funny part is that he couldn't remember that I had given him that same old Electrolux 27 years ago when it was a mere 23 years old. He had used it all those years. Glad to have it back, I went to work cleaning, sanding, painting, polishing, replacing a couple of missing attachments and Voila!
He may well get it back this year for Christmas.
My thinking is that he might appreciate having it back when his cheap new plastic replacement bites the dust.


Post# 163344 , Reply# 18   12/26/2011 at 03:04 (4,770 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Link doesn't work.

Post# 163374 , Reply# 19   12/26/2011 at 13:39 (4,769 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        

truckerx's profile picture
the link was an error..sorry.

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