Thread Number: 15272
The Very First Kirby Classic III Package Design
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Post# 162192   12/15/2011 at 07:37 (4,784 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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I sort of recall that the first version of the Kirby Classic III package design was just a rehashing of the Kirby Classic Omega package art, but with a different color scheme to reflect the fact the Kirby was the Classic III (red logo/lettering/drawings on tan background, as opposed to the Omega package design being with a dark brown background with silver-white lettering/logo/drawings). Can any other Kirby fanatics elaborate on this aspect?

I know this package design was short-lived (roughly July to September or December 1976), since it then switched to a different background color (greyish white) and the lettering was updated to the version most of us remember of the Kirby Classic III boxes.

Around 1978, the attachments box changed its description (seen on the box top with the hole for the long straight wand) from "Accessories" to "Attachments."


Post# 162272 , Reply# 1   12/15/2011 at 21:49 (4,783 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

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Sure could very well be. I know that Kirby believes in "waste not, want not",,,and will "use up" any former items from the previous model, whenever a new model comes out. (whenever the new model is just a re-color of the previous and nothing much is different)
So, it sure could be that there was an overload of the older Kirby boxes and cartons from the Classic Omega to the Classic 3 change over, and they used up what they had before ordering more.

You may notice that a Kirby Classic Omega is more like a Classic 3 than it is a Classic 1CR.
Infact, its one of the easiest ways to tell a Classic 1CR from a Classic Omega.
The Headlight Hood, and the back sheath.
The back side of the Headlight Hood of a Classic 1CR has an arm on each side.
(The ONLY Kirby to have this.)
The back side of the Headlight Hood of a Classic Omega 1CB AND the Classic 3 2CB, DONT have the arms,and one is Rosewood brown, and the other Candy Apple Red but otherwise are completly identical.
Infact, most everything about a Classic Omega and a Classic 3 are completly identical except for the color. Yes, there are a few other differences, but NOT that many!
Oh and the back sheath,,the Classic Omega, Classic 3, and tradition all have one.
The Classic 1CR does not.
Also the ICR has the vertical plug in,,,another very good way to tell a Classic 1CR from an Omega.
I believe the Classic 1CR body is cut a little differently(maybe wider and/or deeper) in the back than the others too.

If you notice a Classic Omega and Classic 3 body are totally identical.
Another thing that is different between the Classic 1CR and Classic Omega is the Speed Selector Switch, underneath the fan intake.
The Classic 1CR has the same switch as a DS50 and DS80.
The Classic Omega has the same switch as a Classic 3,,, and Tradition.

So really a Classic 3 is more like a Classic Omega than anything else.

Practically ANY part that fits a Classic Omega will fit a Classic 3.

,,,but NOT a Classic 1CR!,,even tho they look more alike!

Post# 162354 , Reply# 2   12/16/2011 at 20:45 (4,782 days old) by tyson ()        

I just looked at the two that I have and can see the major differences between the two.Though to me the Omega looks more bulkier than the 1CR.In your opinion witch one is a better Vac?Some say they don't care for the Omega because it's bigger and harder to direct then again I seen where someone commented that the 1-CR wasn't anywhere near what the Omega was.Is that all Hype and mostly personal preference or did Kirby change the Nozzle drastically with the Omega and that impaired it's performance?

Post# 162356 , Reply# 3   12/16/2011 at 21:55 (4,782 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

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When you dig into the 1-CR, you'll discover that its motor set-up is just like the DS50/80. It also uses the same power switch and safety switch, although the power switch is placed and engaged differently. Another major difference between the 1-CR and the 1-CB is the nozzle and fan case. The 1-CR nozzle has a flange that fits inside the fan case. That feature was eliminated on the 1-CB. So I would say the 1-CR is actually a transitional model. Its bones have more in common with the DS50/80, yet with a more powerful motor and an all new look that was carried over to the 1-CB.

Post# 162406 , Reply# 4   12/17/2011 at 10:13 (4,782 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Brians right.


The 1CR Does look somewhat like a classic Ω or Classic III, but theres a lot differences:


Classic 1CR Diff.:


Bumper on hood different

Still has Sanitronic and 500 style Toe-touch control

No plastic plate over switch

Still has D80 style handle, with the screws showing, with no plastic back

Nozzle cut slightly different

Still has Sanitronic safety switch.


And basically, the only differences betweeen the Ω and the III are the designs. (Colors)



Post# 162411 , Reply# 5   12/17/2011 at 11:03 (4,782 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
The very first (approximate production dates between July-September 1973) Classic Omegas also used the Dual Sanitronic 50's 2-speed switch (#134365).


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