Thread Number: 15237
Electrolux Model E Combo Tool
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Post# 161768   12/11/2011 at 16:44 (4,749 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        

Good Evening and Happy Sunday to Everyone in Vacuumland,


I recently acquired a mint condition Electrolux Model E with cordwinder.  However, I purchased the vacuum without tools or a hose.  They could not be located and therefore were not included in the sale.  The main unit however, is like the day it came out of the box.  The Hammertone Blue is unmarred, has a brilliant shine, no dents, scratches, or any imperfections.


As this vacuum is included in my display, it would be nice to display the Model E with the correct dusting brush attached to the clip on the front of the vacuum.  My other Electrolux vacuums are displayed with their combo tools attached.  The Model XXX and LX vacuums are displayed with the companion and all their attachments.  Alot of metal.


Does anyone out there have a combo tool to match my Model E that is not needed, or one that I can purchase?


A good evening to all,



Post# 161797 , Reply# 1   12/12/2011 at 06:03 (4,748 days old) by jmurray01 (Scotland)        

jmurray01's profile picture
Is this the kind of Combo tool you're talking about ?

I'm sure you'll get one eventually. I know how annoying it is to have a missing tool.

Post# 161812 , Reply# 2   12/12/2011 at 10:15 (4,748 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
E above floor tool

The answer to your question is maybe.I do have very few original 50's Lux tools.Will look for 2 tone blue for E/AE and check condition.If there is a duplicate it is for sale.Best way to reach me is PUTPACM (pick up the phone and call me-got this from Lux manager years ago)423-543-7900.Will also look for your number.

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