Thread Number: 15223
List of Electroluxes sold in Canada
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Post# 161629   12/10/2011 at 10:51 (4,745 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hi Everyone:

This is a copy of a posting I just did in Contemporary in answer to a question there. I thought it should also be posted here as it pertains more to the vintage machines and might be of use to some members for their collections. These dates are taken from Electrolux Records while I was working for them and are way more accurate than the sheets which Electrolux and later Aeris put out.

List of Electroluxes sold in Canada

model XII - 1932-1939 (made in Canada after 1934)
model XII (Grey) - 1939 (matches model 30)
model 24 (imported from england as drop down machine) 1934-1935
model ZB30 - 1939-1949 (none produced during war 40-45)
model ZB55 (alligator skin - skids into separate holders) - 1949-1951
model ZB55 (alligator skin - skids go into name plate) - 1951-1953
model ZB55 (blue covering - standard model) 1953-1957
model Z54 (cheap model)- 1953-1957
model Z57 (delux model) - 1953-1957
model 48 (imported from england while factory was on strike in mid 50's)
model 83 (cheap model) - 1957-1963
model 86 (standard model - no bumpers) - 1957-1963
model 88 (delux model - no bumpers) - 1957-1963
model 86 (available with or without cord winder - has bumpers) - 1963-1968
model 88 (delux model - has bumpers) - 1963-1968
model 87 (standard model) - 1968-1973
model 89 (delux model)- 1968-1973
model AP (standard model) - 1973- 1976
Model AP100 (delux model) - 1973-1976
Model AP200 - 1976-1978
Models 1205,1205J,1401 (all imported from US while factory was on strike)
Model SAP (standard model) - 1978-1982
Model AP280 (delux model) - 1978-1982
Model ESpecial (standard model) - 1982-1985
Model E2000 (delux model) - 1982-1985
Model LE (Jadestone - standard model) - 1985-1987
Model 2100 (Jadestone - delux model) - 1985-1987
Model LE (Taupe - standard model) - 1987-1989
Model 2100 / System 90 (Taupe - delux model) - 1987-1989
Model LE Special Edition - 1987-1989
Model 2100 Special Edition - 1987-1989

That pretty much sums up the houshold cannister machines sold in Canada by Electrolux The only thing I could add is that the LX and E were also sold here briefly to test the market for the bag controll feature. The only difference being that the E was sold with the Canadian parts as the dual parts were considered to be "cheap" and only sold with the drop down model 54.

Post# 161630 , Reply# 1   12/10/2011 at 10:54 (4,745 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Thanks Doug, this is great information to know!


Post# 161635 , Reply# 2   12/10/2011 at 12:53 (4,745 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Does anyone happen to have a picture of the Electrolux Z54?

Daniel :)

Post# 161671 , Reply# 3   12/10/2011 at 18:44 (4,745 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey Guys - just realized I made a slight mistake - I should have said model AE on the bottom not model E

Hi Daniel - Here's my Z54. Its shown with the optional halo on the back and the tool kit, vaporizer and sprayer which were also optional accessories. Early models had a silver /grey name plate while later ones were red. I have an extra (unfortunately all I have with it is a hose) that I was going to put up for sale.

Post# 161692 , Reply# 4   12/10/2011 at 23:17 (4,745 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Thanks for the picture! I wasn't sure what this model looked like.

Daniel :)

Post# 161766 , Reply# 5   12/11/2011 at 16:03 (4,744 days old) by Vintage71 ()        

Hi Doug, just have a quick question regarding the model AP, what was the difference between this and the AP100? (My mom used her AP100 for 15 years, coverted her to Electrolux for life!).

Post# 161890 , Reply# 6   12/12/2011 at 21:26 (4,743 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey Rob:

The AP was the lower line model. It didnt have a cord reel or the bag controll and, if you bought the optional power nozzle, you had to run a cord down the hose as it wasnt set up for a power hose. The AP100 was the delux machine. You dont see many AP's around as they were sold mainly for hotels and stores. Places that didnt need all the other features and wanted cheaper machines.


Post# 161891 , Reply# 7   12/12/2011 at 21:41 (4,743 days old) by Vintage71 ()        

Thanks Doug, I had no idea the AP existed. The AP100 was a durable and fairly quiet machine, from what I remember, though not nearly as quiet as the previous models (86/87/89)....these were one of my favorite Lux's. BTW, thanks for the list of Canadian models - lots of good info there.


Post# 162463 , Reply# 8   12/17/2011 at 17:54 (4,738 days old) by elux-o-matic ()        
Electrolux 89

Hey Doug,
on some literature i have at home, i can read ELECTROLUX ZB89.
But on my own model in my collection, it says ELECTROLUX 89 (as well as on your list). Is there any reason ?



Post# 162654 , Reply# 9   12/19/2011 at 00:14 (4,737 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hi Andre:

Generally it was just refered to as a model 89 or 87 but there were actually two different designations (and two slightly different greens) The first machines were ZB89's and ZB87's they were green with silver trim. When the power hose was added to the machine the designation changed to 89E and 87E and the silver trim was changed to green too. (fist just the trim under the handle was changed to green then later all of the trim was changed). I've always assumed the E stood for Electric - referring to the hose.

Most people just refer to the machines by number as the ZB or E designations dont actually appear on any of the 80 series machines (Only the number). The ZB or E only shows up in the instruction manual.


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