Thread Number: 15190
Pre-1980 Royal All-Metal Upright Listing (UPDATE 12/5/2011)
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Post# 161277   12/5/2011 at 23:09 (4,669 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Here is a listing of all the pre-1980 Royal all-metal uprights:
(UPDATE December 5, 2011)



1945-1949 models have red bags with gold ROYAL letters/crown with red/black (diagonal sections) metal belt cover (or Adjust-O-Rite) with R-O-Y-A-L letters on black portion and gold crown on red portion.

1950-1957 models have red/black bags with red R-O-Y-A-L letters/crown on black portion of bag; metal belt cover (or Adjust-O-Rite) is red/black (half divided) with red R-O-Y-A-L lettering on black half and gold crown on red half.

1958-1965 models have red/gray (standard) or red/beige (deluxe) bags with dark red R-O-Y-A-L lettering on red portion of bag; metal belt cover is brushed aluminum with a futuristic-looking "Royal" logo running diagonally up; while those models with the Adjust-O-Rite have white R-O-Y-A-L letters on red (left portion) with the crown logo and "ADJUST-O-RITE" (silver text) on the right portion of plug.

1966-1985 models have red crown and R-O-Y-A-L letters on beige (model 801) or light blue (880, 888) bag. The Adjust-O-Rite is the 1958-style design carried over (red plug), but on the 602, 880, 888 and commercial models it is colored light blue with red R-O-Y-A-L letters and crown (ADJUST-O-RITE silver text). From 1970-1976, the crown and lettering on the bags were outlined (models 801 and 880 only; since the 888 used a light blue bag with dark blue text reading "ROYAL PRESTIGE").

Starting around January 1975, the Adjust-O-Rite plug was redesigned, with the words "Adjust" (on top half of plug above stub) and "Rite" (bottom half of plug below stub) in the same font as the then-current Royal logo.

From 1977-1985, the bags were redesigned: the crown was the then-current print logo, with big red, futuristic-looking R-O-Y-A-L letters below (even model 888 used this; but models 153 and 602 did not; opting for the light-blue cotton twill bag).



1966-84 models are identified by a dark blue bag (shake-out types have no zipper; zippered bag models, for disposable bags, have a "Z" attached to their model numbers, e.g. 608Z, 611Z) with red ROYAL letters and crown, gray stripes and C-O-M-M-E-R-C-I-A-L letters (red text amid gray border). The very early models had a very small crown, with the stripes running all the way up. Around 1975, the crown was larger, and by 1977 the stripes no longer protruded past the large crown.


Model 153 (1930s-1987)
No headlight. Standard belt cover plug. In various colors:
1945-1949: Black/red bag with gold crown and Royal name on red portion.
1950-1957: Black/red bag; standard belt cover with black/red graphics with red R-O-Y-A-L letters on black portion and the crown logo on the red portion.
1958-1965: Red/gray bag with bag top.
1966-1976: Dark blue cotton-twill bag with black bag top.
1977-1984: Light blue cotton-twill bag with black bag top.
1985-1987: Light blue cotton-twill bag with 1977 R-O-Y-A-L lettering.

Model 189/215/292/299 (1945-1953)
All have standard headlight. #299 has Adjust-O-Rite.

Model 285 (1955-1983)
Basically the Electro-Hygiene-branded equivalent of #801.

Model 601 (1953-1965)
Shake-out bag. Standard headlight. Standard metal belt cover. In various colors:
1953-1957: Black/red bag; black/red standard belt cover.
1958-1965: Red/gray bag; polished belt cover with "Royal" script logo running semi-diagonally.

Model 602 (1966-1985)
Dark blue zippered bag and gray trim with red R-O-Y-A-L lettering and crown (to 1976), or light blue cotton twill zippered bag with red R-O-Y-A-L lettering and crown (after 1977). Standard headlight. Light blue Adjust-O-Rite plug (red after 1976).

Model 603 (1966-1976)
Same as 602 except with standard belt cover plug. Some models were also branded for Electro-Hygiene.

Model 606 (1966-1976)
Standard headlight. Light blue Adjust-O-Rite plug (to 1975, red after 1976).

Model 606A (1966-1976)
Square headlight; other features same as 606.

Model 608 (1977-1987)
Deluxe headlight. Red Adjust-O-Rite plug.

Model 611 (1977-1987)
Blanked-out headlight. Red Adjust-O-Rite plug.

Model 801 (1953-1987)
Toss-out bag. Standard headlight. In various colors:
1953-1957: Black/red bag and Adjust-O-Rite plug.
1958-1965: Red/tan bag, red Adjust-O-Rite plug.
1966-1987: Tan bag, red Adjust-O-Rite plug (some later models also had pigtail cords)

Model 880 (1966-1987) / 888 (1970-1984)
Light blue trim. Toss-out bag. Deluxe headlight. Adjust-O-Rite. #888 is similar, but has removable nozzle. Also branded for Electro-Hygiene through 1967.

Model 890 (1968-1973) / 903 (1973-1987) / 980 (1971-1983)
Basically the Electro-Hygiene-branded equivalents to #880 and #888 respectively. In mid-1983, the 903 was a branded as Royal. All models had tan bags from 1968-1973 and from January 1983-1987; red bags reading "Supreme Electro-Hygiene" from 1973-1982 (October 1982 version of the 903 had tan bag reading the same text set in red).

Model 990 Galaxie Prestige (1971-1976)
This is a rare version of #888 which reads "Galaxie Prestige" on the bag.

Model A880 Imperial Prestige (1971-1976)
A rare version of #880 in the unusual shade of Mustard Gold. All trim parts (bag, handle grip, bumpers, Adjust-O-Rite, cord and attachments) are in this shade.


As always, corrections and additions to this chart are always welcome! Thank you...


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