Thread Number: 15188
Electrolux Bearing Replacement
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Post# 161253   12/5/2011 at 18:43 (4,755 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

So I ordered a dozen replacement bearings for the model L I am working on right now and I still am at a loss on how to get this old bearing off. As you can see in the picture, the one I use for the kirbys is not big enough. I have searched online and went to harbor frieght, no luck. Can anyone tell me what to use to pull this thing? My hair is just about gone :)

Post# 161265 , Reply# 1   12/5/2011 at 21:47 (4,755 days old) by scvacuumguy (SC)        

This post has been removed by the webmaster.

Post# 161269 , Reply# 2   12/5/2011 at 22:29 (4,755 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
Well sometimes you have to take a flat head screw driver put it on top of the bearing and tap it downward with a hammer but be very careful NOT to hit or scratch the armature. You might think this is silly but sometimes it's easier for me to use my feet as a second set of hands. Hold the armature with feet and so hands are free to use screw driver and hammer lol. I should take a pic of me doing that sometime lol. of coarse if you have a vice tool thats better.

Post# 161415 , Reply# 3   12/7/2011 at 11:36 (4,753 days old) by Louvac (A)        
Have you tried Sears?

I thought Sears sold two different sizes of bearing pullers the very last time I looked. They were about $40. You may want to check it out.

Post# 161428 , Reply# 4   12/7/2011 at 15:38 (4,753 days old) by vacu-finder ()        
Excuse the Bad photo

Anyway you Clamp the Armature in a vice gently so as not to crush it..!
You place it so the bearing is about flush with the jaws as shown in the photo.
Use 2 screwdrivers on each side of the vice clamps, and gently pull back in the directions of the arrows.
It is simply that easy and very quick. I have done ton's of them like this and never damaged an armature in so doing..

Post# 161462 , Reply# 5   12/8/2011 at 03:17 (4,753 days old) by kirbykid63 (Wilmington Delaware)        

I use a two jaw bearing puller that I purchased from gopher bearing here in Tucson they also stock the correct bearing for the older electrolux's.

Post# 161468 , Reply# 6   12/8/2011 at 07:29 (4,752 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        
Bearing puller

truckerx's profile picture
Take it to an Electrolux shop and have them pull it off for you with their tool. The dealers are often happy to do this for free just to generate good will.
You could also find out from them what kind and where to buy that puller for future use, since you have all those bearings.

Post# 161473 , Reply# 7   12/8/2011 at 10:03 (4,752 days old) by vacu-finder ()        

I worked in 4 different Vacuum shown in the photo this is the way all Vac repair shops pull off the bearings...:)

Post# 161481 , Reply# 8   12/8/2011 at 14:03 (4,752 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

awesome. thanks for the info all... now the million dollar question, how does one put the new bearing on????

Post# 161579 , Reply# 9   12/9/2011 at 20:06 (4,751 days old) by kirbykid63 (Wilmington Delaware)        
Installing the bearing

Use a socket that fits the edge of the bearing,to not tap on the bearing race this will damage the bearing.first put the bottom flange in place then tap on the bearing with the socket and hammer.then with the socket and hammer tap the bearing plate on to the bearing..Then install the top bearing flange install screws,and install back on to the motor,If the commutator doesn't line up with the brush holders,install the top shaft nut and gentility tap on the shaft till the commutator lines up with the carbon brush holders.Install brushes and test easy as pie!!!!
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Post# 162223 , Reply# 10   12/15/2011 at 16:49 (4,745 days old) by Real1 ()        

You'd be much better of to press the new bearing on....short of a press, you can use a good jaw vice....making sure everything is lined up perfectly and the other end of the shaft is against wood/solid rubber on the vice jaw. Find a socket or pipe that matches the metal shoulder of the bearing immediately next to the armature shaft.


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