Thread Number: 15166
Heritage II question
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Post# 160923   12/3/2011 at 09:12 (4,757 days old) by JHGVac ()        

Hello All,

Was the older Tradition/Classic style nozzle an option on the Heritage II?

I see Heritage II's with this nozzle, seemingly too often for it to be a personal modification.

See the attached picture for an example.



Post# 160926 , Reply# 1   12/3/2011 at 09:52 (4,757 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Nope, the early HeritageIIs came with the large nozzle, then later had the small nozzle as standard, and of course, the Sanitronic-style nozzle was an optional accessory...

Post# 160929 , Reply# 2   12/3/2011 at 09:54 (4,757 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Kirby nozzles

Don't think I have seen this.H 2 seems to always have nozzle with trimmed rear corners or very,very rarely the small nozzle shown in other Kirby thread.When H 2 was sold rebuilders would advertise to rebuild and polish older Kirby and trim nozzle.Has anyone seen this?

Post# 160941 , Reply# 3   12/3/2011 at 11:19 (4,757 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I've seen it many times, they had an over-stock of the large nozzles and decided to use them up on the HeritageII before the smaller nozzle was used...

As for the shaved nozzles, I've seen that too, doesn't look quite right to me, but I guess it made some people happy having a more "modern" looking Kirby that was still an older model... :\

Post# 161427 , Reply# 4   12/7/2011 at 15:27 (4,753 days old) by Louvac (A)        

There were three renditions of this model that I know of. Before the "cut-a-way" nozzles the first nozzle was the full version. Then came the first cut-a-way WITHOUT the BPI (brush roll performance indicator), and then the cut-a-way WITH the BPI. This machine looks particularly nice with a full polished aluminum Sani-Emptor.

Post# 161469 , Reply# 5   12/8/2011 at 08:13 (4,752 days old) by Louvac (A)        
Can anyone confirm........?

Can any of you guys who own a small nozzle for the Heritage or Heritage II tell me if yours is painted black inside? I have one that is and one that isn't. The one that is painted black inside appears to be manufactured that way since the paint is very uniform, though some of it is chipping away due to dirt naturally slamming against the surface.

Post# 161472 , Reply# 6   12/8/2011 at 09:21 (4,752 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
painted nozzle

I have never seen black paint inside the few small nozzles I have seen.A kirby salesman told me the small nozzles were sent if distribtor special ordered.I would imagine they could request paint.Also most vac shops always had spray paint,silver for fronts of canister motors and more to make repairs and rebuilts clean and shiny.

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