Thread Number: 15160
Kirby Model 562 and White Cord Pics
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Post# 160830   12/1/2011 at 21:35 (4,698 days old) by functionalart ()        

There are so few pics of this model around, thought I'd share. I listed this machine for sale tonight (you know where...)! If any of you decide to go and look for it there, just be kind about the comments. I really don't know what these are technically "worth"...which is why there's an offer option. THE LINK IS TO MY VACUUMLAND PHOTO ALBUM. Thanks to a lousy choice in digital cameras, my photos are not stellar...!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO functionalart's LINK

Post# 160886 , Reply# 1   12/2/2011 at 19:16 (4,697 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

Congrats on your find, and don't feel bad about what you spent. I don't even want to say how much I paid for 2 Sanitronic VIIs which are a pile of junk compared to yours.

Check out this link, there is some useful info:

I can't find much info on the 652, I do believe it is one of the more rare Kirbys to find. Your 652 i don't think is all original however (but it appears to be in nice condition!). According to that link, the bags with the Kirby ovals spaced apart are replacements (original the ovals are close together). And I'm wondering if the bag topper and the nozzle (or belt lifter) are from a Sanitronic VII, because it looks identical to the ones I have... Hopefully someone with more knowledge can give you more info, I'm curious!

Post# 160891 , Reply# 2   12/2/2011 at 20:13 (4,697 days old) by functionalart ()        

Oh, I don't feel horrible about any amount I've ever spent on a Kirby...I love them. I bought this one in '98 or '99 from people who knew exactly what they had so I couldn't really haggle! It's all original excepting for the bag. In my ebay sale listing, I've put all the important info about the machine. But I could kick myself for not buying an original 562 bag up on ebay last year. Just couldn't justify the $80 cost for it at the time...and I wasn't thinking of selling the machine then either.

The floor nozzle is correct, though...and if I'm remembering properly, is identical to a Sanitronic VII. They're basically the same machine except for the white cord and the bag pattern. The handlegrip and bag topper of a 562 are almost a metalflake rootbeer brown colour vs. tan used on Sanitronic VII. Funny thing with Kirbys and trim types...A Sanitronic VII owner's manual shows that machine with both types of cord, and I think they've not got the "proper" bag type in a couple of shots...but no matter. I guess if someone REALLY wants a decent 562, I'll see activity on this one!

Post# 160915 , Reply# 3   12/3/2011 at 02:48 (4,697 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
" I can't find much info on the 652"

That's cos the 652 is a Hoover Senior... :\

Post# 160917 , Reply# 4   12/3/2011 at 04:11 (4,697 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        
Meaning, for the Kirby, That's 562...

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
The Kirby is a 562, of course (the original poster had the model # correct).

Anyways, the bag currently on it is a replacement from around 1980. The original version was slightly different in that there were closely-spaced Kirby circles (not ovals), also used on the Sanitronic VII.

The Dual Sanitronic 50's original bag had closely-spaced Kirby ovals.


Post# 160935 , Reply# 5   12/3/2011 at 10:21 (4,696 days old) by thevacuumguy96 (Pocatello, ID)        

I just got one of these yesterday with a white cord for $2! It has all original parts and original bag, but doesn't look as nice as yours! Good find though.

Post# 160955 , Reply# 6   12/3/2011 at 13:40 (4,696 days old) by functionalart ()        

$2??????? THAT is brilliant luck. For ANY Kirby, really. I've heard of people paying upwards of $100 just for the white cord for a 562.
Always so jealous of people who score great stuff for practically no money....

Post# 161083 , Reply# 7   12/4/2011 at 16:12 (4,695 days old) by thevacuumguy96 (Pocatello, ID)        

Yeah there was other Kirby's there and some other vacs too and the guy said I could have any vacuum for $2.

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