Thread Number: 15148
My Progress Mercedes SB upright
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Post# 160676   11/30/2011 at 15:16 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

I found these nice vacuums today. Cylinder is Asea Skandia DS1200 from 1987-1988. It is same than Panasonic MC-E92N. And this upright is Progress Mercedes SB. Do you have any ideas is this a professional or household vacuum. I think it is from 1970īs. I havenīt try this yet but it looks that there is two speeds. And this dustbag, it looks very difficult to change.

I hope you enjoy=)


Post# 160677 , Reply# 1   11/30/2011 at 15:17 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

handle is quite small and weak

Post# 160678 , Reply# 2   11/30/2011 at 15:19 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

this blue thing is on/off swich

Post# 160679 , Reply# 3   11/30/2011 at 15:20 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

front, there is four different settings for brush

Post# 160680 , Reply# 4   11/30/2011 at 15:22 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

type plate. I think this is made in Germany but not quite sure. 400W. model 387 mercedes SB

Post# 160682 , Reply# 5   11/30/2011 at 15:22 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

dustbag system

Post# 160683 , Reply# 6   11/30/2011 at 15:23 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

what the hell...

Post# 160684 , Reply# 7   11/30/2011 at 15:24 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        


Post# 160685 , Reply# 8   11/30/2011 at 15:26 (4,818 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

The last time I saw one of those progress Mercedes sb vacuums was right at the back of the samples room at Electrolux SA. I wonder what ever happened to it . Looks heavy dusty but I think it was aimed at the Kirby vorwerk end of the domestic market 


Post# 160743 , Reply# 9   11/30/2011 at 22:51 (4,818 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
OMG it's a Mercedes!!! That's enough to make me want it. To bad it's made by the car company lol

Post# 160751 , Reply# 10   12/1/2011 at 00:19 (4,818 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

vacbear58's profile picture

You always find such great cleaners! Apparently it was sold as a domestic cleaner here - never seen one in life but it does feature in Which in 1977


Post# 160757 , Reply# 11   12/1/2011 at 01:51 (4,818 days old) by markus79 (Finland)        

Thank you Al! I will make a youtube video soon if it works=)


Post# 160924 , Reply# 12   12/3/2011 at 09:26 (4,816 days old) by VacuumBoy1993 ()        
Nice finds!

They look really cool, the Progress Mercedes seems to be very dificult to find, the same one was sold over here by Braun about 1975. Love the Asea Skandia too, I have the Panasonic version of it in light grey :)


Post# 160927 , Reply# 13   12/3/2011 at 09:52 (4,816 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

When I worked at Electrolux SA we also had two very large cylinder vacuum cleaners in the samples vault called Mercedes. they were massive things , has any one else seen them, 

Post# 160938 , Reply# 14   12/3/2011 at 10:51 (4,816 days old) by VacuumBoy1993 ()        

Are you refering to a commercial canister progress mercedes from the 70's?? If so I've seem pictures of them.

Post# 160943 , Reply# 15   12/3/2011 at 11:25 (4,815 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

was it round shopvac shaped or a proper canister model , the ones I am refering to were the canister models, like a massive 350e electrolux/volta

Post# 160945 , Reply# 16   12/3/2011 at 11:39 (4,815 days old) by VacuumBoy1993 ()        

Yes hehe...I'm wrong, I was thinking on an old round shaped Progress commercial/industrial vacuum that was called also Mercedes.

Post# 160947 , Reply# 17   12/3/2011 at 11:51 (4,815 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

post some pics if you have any way , would be interesting to see

Post# 161248 , Reply# 18   12/5/2011 at 17:11 (4,813 days old) by VacuumBoy1993 ()        

There you have Garteh! That's the one I was talking about, the Progress Mercedes KS.

Post# 324044 , Reply# 19   5/4/2015 at 04:25 (3,568 days old) by columbus (South-Africa)        

columbus's profile picture
Mazeltov on your find of the Progress Mercedes. In South-Africa they were commonly used in households from the early 70's.

WOW that was something I have thought about quite resently, and thought that I would never see one again. Over the years I owned 2 of them, hence the availability of spares and the progress brand that went off the market in the 60's-in South-Africa, bags etc were a pain to find and too expensive to import.

Enjoy and Congrats again.
Adrian Smith

Post# 324425 , Reply# 20   5/9/2015 at 04:32 (3,563 days old) by vaclover (Freestate, Virginia, South Africa)        
cutout from south african catalogue...

Heres an advert in a south african catalogue for the progress....

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