Thread Number: 15116
hoover 612 homemade bag
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Post# 160329   11/27/2011 at 15:09 (4,828 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        

anthony's profile picture
hi guys i am relativley new here and have never posted before but i enjoy reading through the latest posts I have always been unhappy with the grey replacement bag on my hoover 612 so i decided to try and make one thought you might like to see the results the bag is made from heavy duty calico

Post# 160331 , Reply# 1   11/27/2011 at 15:13 (4,828 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
homemade bag

anthony's profile picture
another pic

Post# 160332 , Reply# 2   11/27/2011 at 15:15 (4,828 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
homemade bag

anthony's profile picture

Post# 160333 , Reply# 3   11/27/2011 at 15:21 (4,828 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
homemade bag

anthony's profile picture
i know its not perfect but its got to be better than the grey one im not sure what an origional should look like anyone got a picture of one i will try to make my second atempt more authentic the colour is actualy dark brown but the flash on the camera makes it look lighter heres another

Post# 160334 , Reply# 4   11/27/2011 at 15:24 (4,828 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

That's fantastic, I am busy restoring  a 612 myself and am not sure what to do  about the bag, really looks great 


Post# 160335 , Reply# 5   11/27/2011 at 15:24 (4,828 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
homemade bag

anthony's profile picture

Post# 160336 , Reply# 6   11/27/2011 at 15:29 (4,828 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

vacbear58's profile picture

your 612 looks to be in lovely order, have you resprayed the hood and handle? The correct bag should be mid brwon with gold pin striping. Your "Custom" bag is a very good effort though


Post# 160341 , Reply# 7   11/27/2011 at 16:20 (4,828 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
hoover 612

anthony's profile picture
hi Al the 612 was my grandmas iv had it about 10 years it has been resprayed and the hood has also been sprayed because there is a crack in it which is a shame because i quite like the mottled bakelite . if i can get a look at an origional my next effort will be much better the folds in the cloth are stiched in so when the bag deflates it looks straight and not like a deflated baloon cheers Anthony

Post# 160342 , Reply# 8   11/27/2011 at 16:27 (4,828 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi Anthony, Your Hoover 612 looks great:o)You have done a good job on the bag:o)
What other vacuums do you have?


Post# 160362 , Reply# 9   11/27/2011 at 18:11 (4,828 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Another solution for a custom replacement bag is to use a black Kirby flap-top shakeout bag (used on the 500 series), you just need to replace the spring in the collar with the clamp ring from the Hoover bag, and the bag slide at the top should fit perfectly well and you have the benefit of having the flap to cover the top so the slide doesn't scratch anything it brushes up against... :)

Nice custom bag though, looks a lot better than my Hoover Junior "Trouser leg" bag that I made a while ago, out of sheer boredom really... :P

Post# 160368 , Reply# 10   11/27/2011 at 18:45 (4,828 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Got a hold of a pic, with permission, of a Hoover 28 with the Kirby 500 flap-top bag fitted, looks like it belongs there if you ask me... :)

Post# 160378 , Reply# 11   11/27/2011 at 19:13 (4,828 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Very Nice Jobs

pr-21's profile picture

I wish my ablilty to restore vacuums, went further than sanitizing, detailing and putting new bags, brush rolls, belts and bulbs. You all did amazing work with making the bags to fit your vintage vacs.


Thanks for sharing,


Bud Mattingly


Post# 160382 , Reply# 12   11/27/2011 at 19:32 (4,828 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

It's not that hard to modify bags (or old trouser legs in my case!!) and whatnot to fit, but actually making a bag from scratch is a pretty good feat in itself, even I can't do that... :S

Post# 160384 , Reply# 13   11/27/2011 at 20:15 (4,828 days old) by appliancelou ()        
fantastic !

bravo for you anthony great job!!!!

Post# 160393 , Reply# 14   11/27/2011 at 21:33 (4,828 days old) by LUXG ()        

Great job Anthony!!!  I love your lettering!


Post# 160409 , Reply# 15   11/28/2011 at 08:05 (4,827 days old) by watsonw (Newport, Shropshire, UK)        

Hello Anthony,

Your really have the 'knack'; that stenciling card/tape looked totally professional!

I would love to be able myself or find someone to make me a bag for my 541 when I can find the time for the full restoration.

Again, you've done a first class job on what must be one of the most difficult vintage vac projects.

Regards, Walter, Shropshire, WEST MIDS.

Post# 160420 , Reply# 16   11/28/2011 at 11:42 (4,827 days old) by rob_89 ()        
Bag stencil

Hi Anthony,

Your homemade bag looks really good! Nice restoration job. Do you mind me asking what you use for doing the stencil- it it a fabric paint applied over the template? I am hoping to do similar with a Junior bag as the replacement one it came with is well past its best.


Post# 160464 , Reply# 17   11/28/2011 at 17:44 (4,827 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
homemade bag

anthony's profile picture
the bag wasnt to dificult to make i used the old one to make a template because the old bag had been washed it had shrunk so i made the new one an inch bigger the trick is to get the creases in the right place then run the sewing machine along them so they stay in place then i fitted the strips in the top they are made from an old tuperware box then i dyed the bag the lettering is nothing special i used extra wide masking tape the letters were made with one of those plastic strips with the alphabet punched out and the paint is the same laquer i used to spray the machines body my next project is to try and make agrey bag for my 652a .What you cant see is the fabric six inch long funnel stiched to the inlet this colapses in on itself when the machine is swiched off stopping the dirt falling back into the fan chamber i love this hoover it runs rings round a modern vac my other vacuums are a senior 652a that my mums had from new a hoover 700 two kirbys a heritage and a g5 an old 50s goblin cylider that has a much later electrolux motor in it vastly improving the suction i use it regularly to clean the car but getting back to the 612 as i said earlier it was my grandmas and as a small boy i remember being terified of it probably because i had seen imposible things being sucked up similar machine on tom and gerry ok guys thanks for your interest Anthony

Post# 160482 , Reply# 18   11/28/2011 at 20:02 (4,827 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Very good job on the bag! I know they ain't easy.

Post# 278232 , Reply# 19   4/25/2014 at 21:02 (3,948 days old) by markanthony5 (England Isle of Wight)        
That's a brilliant amazing job on the bag and the hoover

markanthony5's profile picture
That really looks like a first class job to me, looks wonderful what a great appearance the hoover has.

Tell me what shade of paint is the gold and the brown you have restored it in.
Also what shade of brown for the cotton bag.

You have convinced me i now need to get a 612, don't suppose i could commission you to make me a bag if i can find a 612 that is. Of course all paid for.

I really hate those grey bags they flatter not!

Im defo having a 612 now

Post# 278548 , Reply# 20   4/28/2014 at 14:09 (3,945 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
hi markanthony5

anthony's profile picture
the bag is made from heavy duty calico the fabric was dyed in the washer with a dark brown dye the i used the old bag as a template making the new one an inch bigger once stiched together all the creases are stiched into place then i stenciled the letters onto the wide masking tape i then spent quite some time carefully cutting out the letters with a razor blade once the tape is stuck to the bag [and the rest of it masked ]its just a matter of spraying coat after coat until you get the desired effectthe gold spray was just a run of the mill can from Wilkinsons costs about 3 pounds [i have kept the tape with the lettering in case i need to use it again.Just done this one for my 119

Post# 278599 , Reply# 21   4/28/2014 at 20:27 (3,945 days old) by markanthony5 (England Isle of Wight)        
hi anthony

markanthony5's profile picture
Wow yet another impressive bag, im really impressed you could not ask for a better job than that really cant.Looks amazing really does.You have become a master bag maker here.

Please would you consider making me a bag if i get a 612 at some point, i could not live with a grey bag on a 612 id rather it did not have a bag than those grey things yikes but no.

Just thought id show you my little trio of hoovers from the thirty's here is the link.

Post# 278600 , Reply# 22   4/28/2014 at 20:31 (3,945 days old) by markanthony5 (England Isle of Wight)        

markanthony5's profile picture
Looking at your 119 i have to say that really does look great,im guessing here you have graced it with a paint job too looks spotless in the pics.

You even have a color matching cable that cant of been easy to find as the bog standard cables are boring white or black usually.

You have a a very fine eye for detail i like that

Post# 278655 , Reply# 23   4/29/2014 at 15:10 (3,944 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
hi markanthony5

anthony's profile picture
those hoovers are really my shed i have another 612 its working very well but it has a grey bag and white flex its also been badly resprayed [not by me ]if you would like it its yours heres a couple of photos

Post# 278656 , Reply# 24   4/29/2014 at 15:11 (3,944 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        
the bad paint

anthony's profile picture
could be removed and the hood polished up

Post# 278658 , Reply# 25   4/29/2014 at 15:17 (3,944 days old) by anthony (leeds uk)        

anthony's profile picture
i have always thought the 612 as a heavy strong built like a tank Hoover but when you see one next to its comercial sibling it looks quite fragile dont you think.As i said its yours if you want it and if you want to set about restoring it i would be happy to make you a new bag for it let me know what you think regards Anthony

Post# 326884 , Reply# 26   6/14/2015 at 11:13 (3,533 days old) by nazard (Paris, France)        

nazard's profile picture
Ho Anthony
On my 612, I do not see very well how to remove the brushroll to change the belt.
Could you help ?


Post# 327050 , Reply# 27   6/16/2015 at 15:30 (3,531 days old) by vacuumlover (UK)        

remove the sole plate,then lift the little belt guard/holder on the bottom, remove the belt from the motor shaft(spindle,pulley whatever you want to call it) then simply pull the brushroll out.

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