Thread Number: 15096
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Post# 160126   11/25/2011 at 16:57 (4,760 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

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Last weekend, I picked up a Hoover Runabout (Elite) model U4283-970. The serial number indicates an April 1992 production date. The cord hooks are both broken off, and motor housing is cracked. What I was wondering is if the motor housing could be replaced without having to replace the whole motor? I'd like to keep it drawing the same 5.5 amps if possible. The motor seems to work just fine. Thanks.

- Hershel

Post# 160136 , Reply# 1   11/25/2011 at 17:39 (4,760 days old) by lunchboxsean ()        


This is one of the easiest vacuums out there to totally break down and put back together. You can replace the motor housing without replacing the motor and you can simply replace the entire back strap piece with the cord hooks on it. I just rebuilt a nice little runabout with the big 12 amp motor in it and it's spectacular. It cleans really well and is practically indestructible.

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