Thread Number: 15054
Regina Electrikbroom questions
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Post# 159655   11/21/2011 at 20:50 (4,709 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I have two questions about Regina Electrikbrooms:

-Were they prone to burning up? Both of my grandmothers had one and I know one of them said theirs burned up and was smoking so they put it in the yard. The other grandmother said hers burned up as well, but I don't recall if it caught fire or just stopped working. These were the models with a cloth pump bag, one was from about 1986, in a salmon color, 3 speed.

-When was the last Electrikbroom made? I know I posted a Montgomery Ward Dreambook from 1994 that shows a black and gray Electrikbroom without the pump bag, it just has a dust cup. I believe I read the last pump bag ones were in 1992, but not sure about the year of the last bagless ones.

Thank you.

Post# 159667 , Reply# 1   11/21/2011 at 22:55 (4,709 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

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They ended some time in the early 90's and were replaced by a bagged model then Oreck bought the rights to that and made the bagged model until at least the early 2000's. They started the REgina broom in 1947ish. As for the burning up, sure if you used the hell out of it without service those little motors would sometimes poop out but they would just stop working, not actually "BRUN" up.

Post# 159678 , Reply# 2   11/22/2011 at 00:41 (4,709 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

burned out Reginas-the ones I encountered were those that someone picked up a hard object and it jammed the fan-the small motors on these machines won't pass large objects.And on occasion-one I have-a screw picked up broke the fan-it shattered and the peices jammed the motor-was burned out when I got it.The machine with the plastic fans were especially prone to this-metal fanned ones the motor could burn out if the user didn't shut it off quickly.The discharge opening from their fancases is quite small-sometimes large objects stay in the fancase jamming the fan.The screws holding the fancase to the intake nozzle allowed you to at least take the machine apart to removed jammed objects.

Post# 159835 , Reply# 3   11/23/2011 at 10:08 (4,708 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
Thanks for the info. I know they didn't take the nozzles off their brooms and clean the fans and motors so that's probably what the problem was. I liked using the salmon colored one, it was a bit loud to me, but fun to use and did a good job. I remember the smell it made.

Here's a link to the Montgomery Ward ad I posted showing the later style Electrikbroom from 1994. I don't recall seeing any of this style in person.

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