Thread Number: 15047
**Estate Sale Find** Regina Powerteam Electrikbroom
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Post# 159555   11/20/2011 at 23:20 (4,770 days old) by briguy (Wichita, Kansas)        

briguy's profile picture
Found this at an estate sale, gave her a spa treatment & new belt & she looks pretty good for her age. Always wanted one of these as a kid. It even came with the attachments which look as if they were only ever used a couple of times. I grabbed it & took it to the checkout table, the lady running it said "I think there is a box of attachments that go with it". So back down to the basement I went & found them in another room, almost passed them by, I was just excited to find the electrikbroom on the first trip thru. But the attachments too, that made my day. And for half price which was a whopping $2.00!!! The serial # is 334M so from what I read in other posts, it was manufactured April 3 1983. The date stamp inside on the power nozzle motor is June 30 1983

Post# 159562 , Reply# 1   11/21/2011 at 03:45 (4,770 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
I love these cleaners!!! I have the same model dated june 1985

Post# 159592 , Reply# 2   11/21/2011 at 11:31 (4,769 days old) by briguy (Wichita, Kansas)        
It's Fun!

briguy's profile picture
I love it! picks up a surprising amount of dirt too considering the size of the motor. Seems the power nozzle is overly noisy & rattles though. I have cleaned it up & greased the bearings. Maybe just the way they were & the fact its very old brittle plastic??

Post# 159596 , Reply# 3   11/21/2011 at 12:45 (4,769 days old) by kenmore81 (Warwick, RI)        

kenmore81's profile picture
Very nice find, I've always wanted one also. Infact a few weeks ago I was at an indoor flea market and there was one behind acounter, the woman wouldnt sell it to me, she said she uses it to vaccum her booth =(
Good luck with it. I recall they were quite rattly even when newer.

Post# 159631 , Reply# 4   11/21/2011 at 17:32 (4,769 days old) by RainbowD4C (Saint Joseph, Michigan )        

rainbowd4c's profile picture
I have always wanted one of those. How well does this work with the attachments? Does this have good suction?

Post# 159651 , Reply# 5   11/21/2011 at 20:22 (4,769 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
I have a power nozzle model as well and I love it! Mine is not as big as that though. It was my grandparents friend's and it always sat in his garage. I loved to look at it and was always fascinated by the round bag. He finally gave it to me when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. After a new power nozzle was put in it a few years ago, it has become a daily vacuum for the kitchen! They are very agressive.

Post# 159672 , Reply# 6   11/21/2011 at 23:38 (4,769 days old) by briguy (Wichita, Kansas)        

briguy's profile picture
Thanks for the compliments guys.

Andy, the suction I would say is so so, not real great but enough. I might compare it to the suction of an Dirt Devil handvac which I had back in the day that had attachments.

Chase, do you have any pics of your model? Would like to see them if you do.

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