Thread Number: 15044
Electrolux Floor Polisher/Rug Washer
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Post# 159498   11/20/2011 at 13:12 (4,719 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

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I started a thread a few days ago about the Electrolux Floor Pro, and it seems to be a very good product. While searching for a Floor Pro to bid on, I found a similar Electrolux product, but this time it's a turbine nozzle, and MUCH cheaper.

Has anyone used one of these rug washers to shampoo their carpets and if so how was the results? I would only be using one of these on low-pile carpets.

Any experiences would be helpful!


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Post# 159547 , Reply# 1   11/20/2011 at 22:15 (4,719 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Rug Washer TurboTool

I have one & love it; it does very good even on plush carpet. Just make sure you change the bag BEFORE using the TurboTool Rug Washer (especially on older Electrolux vacs) for the best results.

I usually use the TriStar to power the Rug Washer because of its powerful suction so the brush spins very fast.

The TurboTool equals the electric versions of these rotary shampooers/scrubbers.

Post# 159685 , Reply# 2   11/22/2011 at 03:35 (4,718 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

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Yes, i have used the Rug Washer for shampooing carpets many times and it does an excellent job!
I like to use the Kirby Carpet Shampoo, diluted the same way as for use with the Kirby,and it works perfectly.
Definatly If you are going to use an Electrolux to power the Rug Washer, be sure to have a new bag installed in the Lux, or whatever vac your going to use.
You want as much unrestricted air flow as possible.
The more air flow, the faster the brush will spin, and not bog down.

Remember to always RINSE the carpet after shampooing with this, or any such type of shampooer.
Do NOT leave the sudz residue in your carpet to dry, and then 'Vacuum clean later",,,this concept is marginal at best, and will cause re-soiling. Plus, you just dont want all that "Soap" left in your carpet.

After thoroughly shampooing with the Rug Washer, go over the carpet with an extraction type machine (such as a Hoover or Bissel avalible at Wal Mart) using nothing but plain water to rinse out the carpet pad, and extract as much of the water and shampoo as possible.
Remember that its NOT the shampooing that removes the dirt,,its the RINSING and EXTRACTING that does!
The shampooing merely attracts the dirt.
If you leave all that soap in your carpet,,,it just does what its meant to do,,attract more dirt.

Post# 161014 , Reply# 3   12/4/2011 at 00:27 (4,706 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

How good does this Turbotool (with rug washing accessory; which I'm looking for) work vs. the later, larger style for shampooing carpets? I know both work great on polishing & scrubbing floors.

Post# 161317 , Reply# 4   12/6/2011 at 14:22 (4,703 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
AAhhh Mehh,,its OK,,but the later version is better, and easier to use in my opinion.
Just make sure you have the strongest suction possible so that the turbine will spin as fast as possible without bogging down.

Post# 285168 , Reply# 5   6/17/2014 at 23:10 (3,779 days old) by kevin (Livonia)        

Has anyone ever successfully used a Polisher and Scrubber (1949-1954), Turbo Tool Rug Washer attachment (1954-1962), or Turbo Rug Washer/Floor Polisher (1962-1987) to buff a car, boat, snow mobile, or motorcycle?

How about using it/them in other ways beyond floors and furniture?

Post# 285188 , Reply# 6   6/18/2014 at 01:54 (3,779 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

How bout using the Lux turbo tool as a drill or even a circular saw?This was shown in a 1950's Popular Mechanics magazine-they also showed the Compact-TriStar air tool used in a similar manner in another issue.

Post# 287351 , Reply# 7   7/5/2014 at 16:25 (3,761 days old) by kevin (Livonia)        

Please tell me the purpose of the brush ring for the Electrolux Turbotool Rug Washer. I have the instructions for both the gold & Ivory version and the brown & ivory version but neither of them provides the information. I gather that it is only used when scrubbing and polishing.

Post# 287354 , Reply# 8   7/5/2014 at 16:30 (3,761 days old) by Gr8DaneDad ()        



The outer ring serves the same purpose as a suds shield on the Floor Pro. Keeps stuff from being flung around by the spinning brush.



Post# 287406 , Reply# 9   7/6/2014 at 01:55 (3,761 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture

The outer brush also stabilizes the spinning brush. Try operating the polisher without the outer brush attached and you'll see what I mean!

Something I've never figured out is, why the kludgy two-piece lambs-wool pad? There's the actual lambs-wool pad, then a thick gray felt that goes between it and the brush, snapped onto the brush with two snaps on a canvas strap on the back of the lambs-wool pad. I've never been able to figure out why they couldn't have come up with a simpler pad.

Post# 287414 , Reply# 10   7/6/2014 at 02:44 (3,761 days old) by Gr8DaneDad ()        

totally forgot how unstable they are without that outer brush! Learned that lesson very early on and it's such habit now that I'd forgotten.

Post# 287488 , Reply# 11   7/6/2014 at 15:00 (3,760 days old) by kevin (Livonia)        

Thanks, Tom and Charles.

I used my Rug Washer yesterday for the first time, and I think it did a pretty good job on the rugs. However, I didn't used the brush ring and it seemed fine. Is it needed for both shampooing and scrubbing/polishing?

Also, the RW made a high pitched squeak. Is that typical, or is it in need of some attention?

Post# 287492 , Reply# 12   7/6/2014 at 15:19 (3,760 days old) by Gr8DaneDad ()        

Mine don't squeak... they do whine a bit but it's not annoying. Sounds like yours could use a little lubrication and/or internal cleaning. In fact, if you've cleaned it too well already, lubrication is appropriate.

Post# 287520 , Reply# 13   7/6/2014 at 18:47 (3,760 days old) by kevin (Livonia)        

Thanks, Tom. I'll plan to do that.

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