Thread Number: 14993
hoover freedom
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Post# 158945   11/14/2011 at 07:08 (4,717 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        

hoover freedom electronic 1000 forsale £ 250 very good clean condition recentley service as well got orignal plastic tools

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

Post# 158973 , Reply# 1   11/14/2011 at 14:06 (4,716 days old) by turbo500 (West Yorkshire, UK)        

turbo500's profile picture

Post# 158983 , Reply# 2   11/14/2011 at 14:47 (4,716 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        
hoover freedom

yep its just be serviced the bloke in the shop said you dont see many of them around he said best british vac ever made . also one went on e bay about a month ago for 175 in orange i drop as far as 200 i will not go any lower

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

Post# 158986 , Reply# 3   11/14/2011 at 15:03 (4,716 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Thats a lot of money for that machine.

Just my opinion,

Post# 158987 , Reply# 4   11/14/2011 at 15:08 (4,716 days old) by lunchboxsean ()        

You wouldn't spend that on an Electrolux... I'm sorry but that's around a 75 to 100 pound machine at most I think, and I'm not even British...

Post# 158993 , Reply# 5   11/14/2011 at 16:35 (4,716 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        


CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

Post# 158996 , Reply# 6   11/14/2011 at 17:41 (4,716 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

vacbear58's profile picture
In all fairness this IS a rare machine, despite having quite a long production run (it actually went on until at least 1986) although the tools and wands are not originals - as can be seen in the instruction manual they should be the later plastic type - these are hoover of course, just not the correct ones for this machine. Although the 750 models come up reasonably often the more upmarket models are very rare - if I remember right there was one similar to this on ebay recently (I am not saying it is the same one, just the same model) which went for a lot of money and actually £200 is not a bad price for this model in apparently good condition.

Post# 158999 , Reply# 7   11/14/2011 at 17:51 (4,716 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
don't get distracted

a very fine machine, I remember them being sold as "Sauglöwe" over here (""suction lion" that is actually).
If you want it, if you can get it, it is just ok.
Just overhear those comments. You just have it.
How many times have I listened to those "yieeeks-shreeeks" comments and have not slammed down the hammer at an auction, I could bite my own ass off....
There was this wonderful kitchen mixer, this vintage vac, this other accessory.... (you can get what I am talking about).

Anyway: Congrats, this is a fine vacuum, I know how strong it is, had a similar one here. And I love its sound, this low-hummed and likewise hissing streaming air rushing, unless all other Hoover vacs, this one IS and SOUNDS strong.

Post# 159000 , Reply# 8   11/14/2011 at 18:15 (4,716 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
unless = unlike

forgive this mistake. I meant "unlike".

PS.: Would you be in for swapping some 3005 series U.F.O. Hoover parts? Got this yellow mustard coloured one here, it needs some new parts.

Post# 159031 , Reply# 9   11/15/2011 at 02:39 (4,716 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        

thanks to vacbear58 and whilpolf for the comments yep there are a fine machine i also hav the freedom s4174 n the box and s4002 as well it does hav the plastic orignal tools as well i be sorry to see her go

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

Post# 159034 , Reply# 10   11/15/2011 at 03:20 (4,716 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        

hi this his the model that recently whent for 175 pound 0n ebay same as mine but orange

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

Post# 160338 , Reply# 11   11/27/2011 at 15:35 (4,703 days old) by cocoaboo48 (ny 11418)        
hoover freedom

Where can I get the flip-over floor tool. It is a imitation of ge flip-over tool. Jeff.

Post# 160533 , Reply# 12   11/29/2011 at 08:18 (4,702 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        

hi i hav a spear one is it you thats got the orange hoover freedom s4090

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

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