Couldnt sleep last night and stayed up late watching the Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy mini series. There is a scene when she is re-doing The White House where a Hoover model 28 is being used (bag inflated too) and in the middle of the room is a turquoise Airway not in use.
Post# 158698 , Reply# 1   11/11/2011 at 22:11 (4,814 days old) by normvac(COLUMBUS, OHIO)  
I remember touring the white house back in 1959 and so wanted to ask the tour guide what kind of vacuums they used. NO way in those days.
I often visioned a Hoover 28 or 62 being used. Would have never thought about an Air Way of that era being there.
Wish I had seen that segment for my self. May be one day !
Thanks again