Thread Number: 14950
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Post# 158490   11/9/2011 at 12:35 (4,720 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Do you think a fair conditioned hoover 375 is worth +- $ 200.00 or so 

its got its hose and some fittings' vintage vacs are a bit harder to come by in SA due to us not likeing clutter much so every thing gets tossed but I do think its a high price  


Post# 158492 , Reply# 1   11/9/2011 at 12:46 (4,720 days old) by lunchboxsean ()        

Too much, at least to me... You said vintage stuff was harder to find in SA though, so I don't know the market...

Post# 158499 , Reply# 2   11/9/2011 at 13:50 (4,720 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I would say that's a bit of a high price, but, looking at it, that could be a pre-war one, as they stopped production for WWII, and the ones they made after the war did not have the full black stripe down the front (some do, but they might have been leftover stock or something)...

All you can do is offer a price you think is fair, and see if they accept it... :)

Post# 158514 , Reply# 3   11/9/2011 at 17:50 (4,720 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

vacbear58's profile picture

It could be pre WW2, not only for the stripe, but the wheels are narrow, post war were much wider. Bag is not original. It seems to me like a lot of money, they still crop up quite frequently here, would it cost that much to ship to SA if you wanted one?

Post# 158544 , Reply# 4   11/9/2011 at 23:43 (4,720 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I also think the bag is not origional , I am sure it was supposed to be black, It would cost about £100.00 to ship it from the uk to sa with parcel to go. I have a mate who runs a store called manchester vacs we get allot of second hand dyson parts from him for older non SA model dysons so I could always just include it in the shipping I suppose , I have offered him £50 for the machine , will see what he says.


Thank you for the offer , will stay in-contact 

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