Thread Number: 14892
Hoover Senior 652
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Post# 157977   11/4/2011 at 08:17 (4,701 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi, A few weeks ago I was given this Hoover Senior 652.
I always thought they only had all pink vinyl bag but this has a fabric bag like the 652a bag but with a pink/red weave running through it. Same colour as the 1334 which as you know is the junior equivalent of the 652.

Needs restoring but not bad for free. Will try to do it once I've moved shop premises next month.

When I was given this I was also given a Hoover Junior 1334,1334a,all original which I gave to Steve another vac collector friend who is in to his "Hoovers" a U1104, Brown Hoover cylinder 402 which I got rid of as it was in poor condition and didn't want to take it to my new shop.As well as a Goblin 581 cylinder.

They all came from a husband and wife who was clearing out there dads house as he had died. They said he was one of those that never like getting rid of stuff.
House was full of old bits and pieces. There was a nice old black typewriter there but they was keeping that.


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