Thread Number: 14889
North Texas MiniMeet
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Post# 157927   11/3/2011 at 19:02 (4,852 days old) by Jayelux (Dallas, TX)        

Sean Curry is hosting a MiniMeet to showcase his vintage vacuums this weekend at his home in Euless. We tried to reach everyone in the membership roster with a north Texas address but might not have been successful. If you are interested in joining us Saturday, 5 November, please contact Sean at or me at
Sean has this crazy idea that he might be willing to part with a few machines! Please join us.

Post# 157935 , Reply# 1   11/3/2011 at 19:38 (4,852 days old) by vinvac (Dubuque IA)        

vinvac's profile picture

Hey Guys!


Good luck with your mini meet...they are always so much fun....


Jay and Sean...remember to post pictures....we are all patiently waiting to see who gets to adopt some of the children....LOL




Post# 157939 , Reply# 2   11/3/2011 at 20:56 (4,852 days old) by luxg ()        

Sean and Jay, I know that you guys are going to have a great time this weekend.  Mini meets are always so much fun.  Be sure to take lots of pictures and I hope that one of you will be willing to do an article about it with some pictures for our next news letter.  Have a great time!!



Post# 157961 , Reply# 3   11/3/2011 at 23:40 (4,852 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
I sure hope you guys have a great time!! Thank you Sean for inviting me, i'm so sorry that I won't be able to join this year but hey maybe next year. It's only about 5 hrs away from me.

Post# 157979 , Reply# 4   11/4/2011 at 08:51 (4,851 days old) by CODYF ()        

I wish that I could come I have family in Euless! but I am on call this weekend and cant be that far from home...:( maybe next time tho!

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