Thread Number: 14882
Kirby D-80 Funny Story.
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Post# 157876   11/3/2011 at 04:08 (4,728 days old) by vacmaster0000 ()        

Ok, So I had busted a picture frame.. I used my Oreck Pilot but it was spitting pieces around (Note: I did not sweep up large pieces-See my thread about it in the modern section) Anyways My Kirby D-80 needed put back together, and I was bored! So I did just that, started vacuuming, accidently put the emptor on not so great.. Causing it to blow off and scare me to death! I hit the switch real quick to shut it off, I dont know if anyone has used a Kirby without a emptor before, but its loud, hahaha. The noise scared me, most times I would just shut off the vacuum and think nothing of it-and just check it out to make sure it was ok, then continue sweeping. I guess my Kirby just caught me off guard, hahaha. Oh-And by the way, at first I thought that I had blown the bag up like a piece of glass had busted my poor Kirby bad.. Luckily it didn't. Phew! (': So, tell me a story like this because I would love to hear it! Thanks(':

Post# 157877 , Reply# 1   11/3/2011 at 04:20 (4,728 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I've messed about with the odd Kirby with the emtor removed, on a smooth floor they can end up across the room before you know it... :P

Post# 157880 , Reply# 2   11/3/2011 at 06:30 (4,728 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

I was testing out a G5 the other day with the bag/emtor removed (using a screw driver to poke the safety switch.) Yeah it's pretty loud but I guess i was expecting it. ;)

Post# 157946 , Reply# 3   11/3/2011 at 21:24 (4,727 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        
A fun thing to do

broomvac's profile picture
with a Kirby is to take the emptor off, attach a hose to the exhaust, and another hose to the intake hole, introduce pieces of paper or something to the airstream, and hold the ends of the hoses together, creating a recirculating system. It sure shreds the paper into virtually powder very quickly!

Post# 157969 , Reply# 4   11/4/2011 at 03:49 (4,727 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Use the Kirby "Shredder" only with ones that have metal fans-the paper can erode a plastic fan.Paper has clay sizers and stabilizers in it-this can erode the plastic fans.Might be an interesting test for a Royal or other vacuum with a metal fan-you might want to try it on a vac you don't care much about.

Post# 157970 , Reply# 5   11/4/2011 at 03:58 (4,727 days old) by vacmaster0000 ()        
Kinda sounda fun (':

Sound's sorta fun to me, I have a Classic 1-CR that has bad brushes, bags a replacement, and has some rust.. Atleast it still has a metal fan, luckily. So I just may try that, Thanks Everybody. Keep telling me ideas, and funny stories (':

Post# 157971 , Reply# 6   11/4/2011 at 05:16 (4,727 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Now--the Kirby salesperson has another demo for a Kirby-the Kirby "Shredder" for those classified documents you can't throw into the trash!Another use for a Kirby-sorta interesting one-will have to try it.Have some metal fanned ones lurking about.Wonder if this would work with my NSS?

Post# 158047 , Reply# 7   11/4/2011 at 21:22 (4,726 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        

broomvac's profile picture
I have done my experiment I described on a couple of my Kirbys, including both metal, plastic, and lexan fan machines, with absolutely NO damage to any fans. Lets face it, its just paper, something that is a common thing to vacuum up from time to time. I mean, the massive amounts of grit that Kirbys deep-clean out of the rugs erodes the fan faster than paper.

This trick is still incredibly fun to do! It works for other things too, like cotton balls or bird seed or virtually anything else you feel comfortable running through the Kirby.

I also imagine it would work for virtually any direct-air vacuum that could have hoses connected to both the inlet and exhaust, including the NSS Pig.

Post# 158071 , Reply# 8   11/5/2011 at 01:32 (4,726 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

In one of my "Farmshow" magazines-they mention metal fan Kirbys are good for cracking wheat kernals.And they show a small needs grain grinder made from a discarded waste disposer.

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