Thread Number: 14862
Hybrid Electrolux Model F
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Post# 157696   11/1/2011 at 05:50 (4,729 days old) by dr_sunflare ()        

I have been happily using my "refurbished by Electrolux" vacuum since its purchase from an authorized Electrolux store in 1976. I notice that although the ID plate states that it is an Automatic F model there is no cord winder. Instead, the rear of the machine has just a simple flared steel end. Can someone explain this apparent hybridization?

Post# 157702 , Reply# 1   11/1/2011 at 07:36 (4,729 days old) by papasvacs (Lauderdale Lakes, FL)        

papasvacs's profile picture
The cord winder was an added purchase to Electrolux from Model XXX to the G when they became part of the machine. They do look kinda "bare" without the cord winder though, don't they?

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