Thread Number: 14845
Any Pictures of Rebuilt (Color-Keyed) Kirbys from 1962-1981?
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Post# 157503   10/30/2011 at 10:09 (4,653 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture

I wonder if any of you actually have any pictures of any rebuilt Kirbys, those that were rebuilt in the years 1962-1981 and those that actually got out with the trim color corresponding to the then-current Kirby that was being sold at the time of the rebuild of the older model???

For example: any older Kirby from the 505 to the Classic III 2-CB rebuilt between 1979-1981 (approximately between August 1979 and September 1981) would be painted blue.

(I would think that in the case of the Classic III, the 1979-1980 season rebuilds at first involved painting the Classic III's original belt lifter blue, due to the fact the original Tradition rug nozzle was mounted on a different safety switch (the one designed for the locking headlight cap). After modifying the motor design to accommodate the older-style safety switch last used on the Classic III, the 1980-1981 season rebuilds then used the Tradition's complete original rug nozzle in place of the original Classic III version.)

Example 2: any older Kirby up to the Dual Sanitronic 80 rebuilt between 1970-1973 (Classic 1-CR) and 1973-1976 (Classic Omega 1-CB) would be colored brown.

Example 3: any older Kirby up to the Classic Omega 1-CB rebuilt between 1976-1979 would be colored the Classic III's red.

Thank you in advance,

Ben (KirbyClassicIII)

Post# 157507 , Reply# 1   10/30/2011 at 11:00 (4,653 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

Any kirbys I have seen that have been factory rebuilt were restored to the original trim color package for that model. The only machines I have seen done in other trim color packages are machines rebuilt/serviced at non Kirby service centers or home garages.

Post# 157510 , Reply# 2   10/30/2011 at 11:11 (4,653 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        
i think

super-sweeper's profile picture
i have a 511 kirby done in light brown, factory rebuilt.don't remeber the date.

Post# 157518 , Reply# 3   10/30/2011 at 12:30 (4,653 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        
I have a

Kirby 510 that was rebuilt in 2006 that was done in Sanitronic tan

Post# 157519 , Reply# 4   10/30/2011 at 12:31 (4,653 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        
I have a

Kirby 510 that was rebuilt in 2006 that was done in Sanitronic tan

Post# 157522 , Reply# 5   10/30/2011 at 13:10 (4,653 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Steve (@Kirby519),

Would you call Bill Graessle's (sp?) (SaniEmptor511) Kirby 511 (click the link), that he says was rebuilt late in 1967, a fine example of color-keyed rebuilding, or rather a crude example of color-keyed rebuilding? I would think that nowhere is this crudeness more acute than on the belt lifter. Being a 4th-quarter 1967 rebuild, this example came back in the same shade of green as the Dual Sanitronic 80.

Again, I did see many Kirby Classic Omegas, as well as some Dual Sanitronic 80s, rebuilt that got the Tradition's blue trim.



Post# 157528 , Reply# 6   10/30/2011 at 13:38 (4,653 days old) by lunchboxsean ()        

I have a 510ish series (not sure what model exactly because the tag is gone) rebuilt with classic III red.

Post# 157534 , Reply# 7   10/30/2011 at 16:16 (4,653 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

After I posted I did think back that I have seen the 500 series done in the tan color even from the factory. I have sent in two 1 CR's in the past 12 yrs and both came back trimmed out as they were originally. I do know that Kirby is now rebuilding the older machines using black trim packages.

Post# 157535 , Reply# 8   10/30/2011 at 16:24 (4,653 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

It isn't stated where the machine was rebuilt. If it was at the factory or at a local shop. Any local shop can replace the trim package on any machine to give a customer what they want. The belt lifer on that machine is either painted or it is an after market made to fit part and not a genuine kirby part.

Post# 157555 , Reply# 9   10/30/2011 at 19:40 (4,653 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture


I would think that the Kirby Factory Authorized service centers would perhaps follow the main Factory practice and rebuild the machine using whatever remaining original stock they have left, correct???


Post# 157563 , Reply# 10   10/30/2011 at 20:51 (4,653 days old) by thissucks ()        

how much money to do a 505?

Post# 157570 , Reply# 11   10/30/2011 at 21:37 (4,653 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Kirby Rebuild

pr-21's profile picture

If you are not the origianl owner, the price, unless changed recently, should be $350.00 plus shipping to and from.





Post# 157601 , Reply# 12   10/31/2011 at 11:55 (4,652 days old) by Sablekid ()        

I have a 518 all blue with a red bag

Post# 157623 , Reply# 13   10/31/2011 at 15:20 (4,652 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Bo Jackers !

I have to tell you from being in the Vac Sales and Repair store front business in the 1980's. There were a lot of what we called Bo Jackers out there. So we long time Kirby salesman, as well as Distributors, who knew how to rebuilt and repair
Kirby's. As the tide Changed (meaning the number of Kirby sales being made) and Kirby Sales began to drop away. At least in Mid Ohio due to economic changes.
Former successful Kirby peoeple, came around to Vac shops, retail stores in the county (like southern Ohio around Ohio University in Athens) Selling these Kirbys.
That they had rebuilt or there was one central operation here in Mid Ohio that rebult them. Even made tags for the bottom of them so they would look like factory rebuilts. Which they were not. Great dealers prices, sold them to anyone and everyone. Trying to get Kirby's goat, because their Franchise was closed down or lost their sales job. That was their claim, Like Lux had done for years. They were warrantied, entirely rebuilt in the color matching the current Factory New machine. It was interesting but fadded, as they did not have the money to keep it going. I'm sure there were others acroos the U S, that tried the same thing. There were also Vac parts supply companies that did this too. Which I believe one was "The Tacony Company". For a local guy like my self in the 1980's to buy a blue trimed, polished out late 500 series Kirby. Set it in my vac shop, knowing that Kirby was selling/demoing a Tradition with a paper bag in it at 600 or plus dollars. Then I had a complete rebuilt 516, in the blue trim, and Bo Jack
zipper bag (F&G) on my floor for 189.99, I could always get a buy out of a customer who had seen a demo or knew of someone in the family or neighbor that had a brand new shiney Kirby. GONE ! at one third the price of a new one. Plus I might get a good machine of any kind in on trade too !

Post# 157638 , Reply# 14   10/31/2011 at 17:09 (4,652 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
In other words, the following parts would not be termed genuine Kirby parts, correct?

The hot sheet:
*Wide front wheels (#1319xx, if for models in the Classic trilogy) in colors other than chocolate brown (Classic 1-CR), rosewood brown (Classic Omega 1-CB) and apple red (Classic III 2-CB).
*Narrow rear wheels (#1320xx, if for models in the Classic trilogy) in colors other than the same three mentioned above for the wide front wheels.
*Narrow rear wheels (#1320xx, if for models Dual Sanitronic 80 and back) in colors other than grey (models 515-561), sirocco (562, Sanitronic VII and Dual Sanitronic 50) and green (Dual Sanitronic 80).
*Handle grips (#1727xx, Dual Sanitronic 50 and back) in colors other than black (model 505), grey (models 508-513), red (models 513-561) and sirocco (562, Sanitronic VII and Dual Sanitronic 50).


Post# 157662 , Reply# 15   10/31/2011 at 19:30 (4,652 days old) by rickenbacker ()        

Surely somebody has some pictures though, right? I'd love to see some. I've always loved colour keyed Kirbys for some reason. I suppose they just look nice :P


Post# 157671 , Reply# 16   10/31/2011 at 21:07 (4,652 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        

Sorry, no pictures but last year I was in a St. Vincent dePaul store that sometimes has used vacs in stock. On this occasion, they had a 500-series done up in blue trim, which I guessed must've been done around the time of the Tradition. Wide blue wheels, blue patterned bag, bumpers, etc, all in Tradition blue.

Post# 157767 , Reply# 17   11/1/2011 at 20:24 (4,651 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

I remember seening the rebuilt kirbys for sale from Hesco. I even remember the name of the company that was doing the rebuilds.

Post# 158176 , Reply# 18   11/6/2011 at 00:13 (4,647 days old) by thissucks ()        
to pr 21

$350! all she needs is buffing and a piece of trim.

i guess it wouldnt be a bad deal if someone shot it with a 12 guage shotgun then ran it over with a elephant :)

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